Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 7-8

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Chapter 7

“Cheryl, please sit down”  my sergeant says as I walk into his office

“What’s this about boss?”  I say sitting down

“Well I’ve been in contact with the police and they think someone is trying to cause harm to Miss Walsh” he says sitting behind his desk

“do they know who?” I ask

“No but they are looking into people around her, I have a huge favour to ask” he says raising his eyebrows

“I’m not ironing your shirts again boss!”  I laugh and he chuckles a little before his face turns serious

“This is going to be big of me to ask, but do you think Miss Walsh could stay with you…. Just until they find the person responsible?” he asks and I blink at him a couple of times

“Errmmm, have you asked anyone else?” I say

“No, you’ve spoke to her twice, she knows you and I think she’ll trust you more I mean you have saved her life twice now Cheryl” he says

“…. Ok, but just until they find the prat responsible “ I say getting up

“I’m giving you a week off” he adds just as I get to the door

“What!” I turn around so fast I nearly fall over

“A week Cheryl, it’ll give you time to get some rest and for Miss Walsh to settle in, Colin just picked her up from the hospital she is using crutches because of her ankle” he smiles, I sigh and mumble a thank you to him before leaving the room and walking outside the fire house.

As I reach the exit I see Colin laughing….. he laughs like a donkey it goes straight through us ,

“Colin! Shut up!” I shout at him he turns around looking scared but I give him a smile and he looks relieved

“Ah, Chez I guess serg spoke to ya?” he asks

“Aye he did” I say and stand next to him and I see Kimberley leaning against the bonnet of Colin’s car

“Hey pet, you all packed?” I ask with my dimples on show

“Y-Yeah I am , err thank you for doing this I didn’t ask for it,  the police suggested it and then your boss overheard” she laughs nervously

“It’s fine pet I have a spare room that’s hardly used anyway” I say and pick up her bags

“Stay there” I say to her and walk over to my car putting the bags in the boot, I walk back over to her

“Put your arm over us” I say and she looks at me funny

“I’m gonna help you walk to the car” I smile

“It’s ok I ca-“ I don’t let her finish her reply as I put my arm around her waist pulling her weight against me and help her to walk

“Ok this is the third time, you’ve not let me walk” she laughs

“Well the first time you were passed out so….” I laugh

“Ok twice then” she says I open the car door and help her in and then get in the driver’s seat.

“I must warn you I have a hyper 8 year old son at home” I say as we stop at the lights

“Oh right” she laughs

“He wont cause you any bother pet, although he may ask you loads of questions he likes your songs” I throw her a quick smile before continuing to drive home

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