Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 13-14

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Chapter 13

“Wow this place is huge!” Nadine says staring out the window and looking at Kimberley’s house

“Wait till you see inside” I laugh and get out of the car Nadine follows me to the front door where I ring the doorbell and wait for Kimberley to answer when she does a dimpled smile works it way to me face

“Hey girls, come on in” she smiles and opens the door wider for us to enter

“This place is amazing Kim” Nadine says as she hugs her

“It should be I paid a lot of money for this place” Kim laughs as she hugs me

“Come on everyones in the living room” she says and we follow her to the front room where sits the red hair girl from the first fire and the Blonde and the other woman from the fire at the studio

“You remember Nicola, and this is Sarah and my PA Lily” Kimberley introduces us to the other women in the room

“Oh god I have to thank you for saving my life, thank you!” The blonde girl Sarah crushing me in a bear hug

“No problem pet” I smile at her

“How have you been Cheryl?” Nicola asks and I nod my head

“Aye fine and you? Not been in anymore fires I hope” I laugh

“Oh no I’ve stayed away from any fires I promise” she laughs

“Drinks?” Kimberley asks and Sarah shouts out


“Like always Sarah” Kim laughs

“Cheryl? Nadine?” she adds

“Wine will be fine for me babes” I reply and Nadine says the same

“How long have yous been fire fighters?” Lily asks

“Since we were 18” Nadine says with a smile

“Wow so you’ve been friends that long” she raises her eyebrows

“Longer since we were kids” I laugh

“Aye she wont leave me alone!” Nadine jokes and I poke her in the side

“You couldn’t live without us you cheeky bugger!” I laugh and she laughs as well

“Like me and Kimbers, we’ve been friends since we were 21 when we got in the band together did she tell you about that?” Sarah says and I nod

“Aye she did”

“ She didn’t tell me” Nadine shrugs so Sarah goes on to tell her about what happened

“Here girls” Kimberley enters the room with the glasses of wine for everybody

“Thanks babes” I say as she passes me the glass she beams me a smile and my inside does flips I sip the wine hoping the flips will stop.

Its 4 hours later and its just me Kimberley and Nadine left as Sarah and Lily left an hour ago due tot hem having work in the morning

“Another Nadine?” Kimberley sober where as I have had one to much wine and vodka shots

“No I better be making a move actually I need to not be huungover in the morning” she laughs

“Okay then babes, I’ll call you a cab yeah?” Kimberley says

“Aye thanks babes” Nadine replies

“You staying babes?” Nadine asks us

“Aye I’ll stay for a little while and get a cab home and come back in the morning” I say well I hope it sounded like that I’ve had too much to drink

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