Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 15-16

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Chapter 15

I answer the door and I see her standing there wearing light blue jeans and a tight white vest top her hair flowing down past her shoulders just she’s had it cut she looks breath taking

“Hey babes ” she smiles at me and presents me with beautiful white roses

“Wow, their beautiful thank you” I say taking them

“Come in for a bit babes” I smile at her and close the door behind her

“Kimmi!” Logan shouts and runs at her she picks him up and hugs him

“Hey little man, you been good?” she laughs and he nods

“Aye I’m mammy’s good boy” he smiles

“I have something for you” Kimberley says and Logan grins

“What is it?” he asks


“Erm. What is it ….please?” he asks and we laugh she puts him down and gets something out of her bag

“I wonder what it is?” he asks to himself shaking the wrapped up box, he rips off the wrapping paper and gasps

“A new fire truck toy!”

“Wow what do you say babes?” I say to him and he hugs kim round her waist

“Thank you, thank you thank you!” he says

“Your welcome babes” Kimberley smiles at him and he runs off to the front room where Nadine’s comes out to greet Kim

“Heya Kim you ok?” she asks and Kimberley nods

“I’m good thanks and you? happy hangover?” she laughs

“Don’t get me started I woke up and vomited everywhere it was horrible “ she says laughing

“well we best get going pet, I’m ready” I say smiling

“Have a good time” Nadine says hugging me and then Kim

“Logan, I’m going now I want a hug” I say to him he stops playing with his new toy and runs up to me hugging me

“Bye Mammy, I love you!”

“I love you too pet” I kiss him on the cheek and step outside

I stop my way going down the stairs as coughs rack my body my chest killing me and my leg throbbing in pain, I look back up the stairs and see the smoke slowly coming down from the door it wont be long until the fire makes it way to the stairs. I take a deep breath and continue my way down the stairs, when I make it to the bottom I see a door I try to open it but its jammed I band it a few times with me shoulder and it moves slightly I take a look on the other side to see a ceiling beam has fallen in front of the door  stopping it from opening

“Cheryl babes, have you made it down the stairs?” I hear Nadine’s voice through the radio

“Aye just, but the doors jammed there’s a beam on the other side blocking it” i say coughing

“OK there are men working their way to you, it may take a while so I suggest making your self as comfortable as you can babes” she says and I sigh

“Nadine it wont be long before the fire starts on the stairs and makes it way to me, is there anyway the men can work faster, or get more men in there?” I ask and I hear her shout out to a few people

“We’ve sent five more men in hopefully that’ll get the job done quicker” she says

“Ok” I say breathless

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