Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Kimberley’s been acting strange…. Real strange, she won’t pick up our baby who we named Jasmine, whenever she cries Kimba goes out of the room and I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

I walk into the kitchen with the baby and warm up a bottle when Kimba walks in dressed up

“Where you going?” I ask her and she looks at me

“Work” she replies

“What? Babes don’t you think it’s a bit soon to go back to work I mean you have just had a baby” I say and Jasmine starts to cry

“Can you hold her for a minute” I say and she shakes her head

“I … I have to go” she says and then leaves the room I hear the front door open and then close and I sigh

“Its okay baby” I coo to Jasmine and she starts to calm down and I give her, her bottle

“Where’s mum?” Logan asks walking into the kitchen wearing his school uniform

“Work” I say and he turns to look at me

“Abit soon isn’t it?” he says and I nod my head

“I know” I say and burp the baby

“Ok, I’m off have a good day” he says and I hug him

“Have a good day at school” I say and then walk into the living room and put Jasmine in her mosses basket.

“Just you and me now kid” I smile down at the baby and she looks up at me, I lean back into the sofa and then my phone rings

“Hello?” I ask not seeing the name on the screen

“Hey babes” Nadine says down the phone

“Hiya, you okay, you not at work?” I ask and I hear her laugh

“Got the week off, open your door im outside” she says and I tut I get up putting my phone down and answer the door to her

“Hey” she says and hugs us

“Come through” I say and we sit in the living to room and I pass her the baby so she can have a cuddle with her

“Hello beautiful baby” she coos to her with a smile on her face

“How have you and kim been?” she asks not looking up from looking at Jasmine

“I’ve been alright… but Kimba…. She’s been acting weird” I say with a frown

“weird how?” she asks looking up at me

“Well its like she wont acknowledge the baby, whenever I ask her to hold Jasmine she walks away and when she cries she walks out of the room, its like she doesn’t want her” I say tears filling my eyes,

“Aww babes, maybe she’s just nervous, I mean it is her first baby and you know more about babies” she says

“No its not that, I don’t know whats wrong with her” I say and shake me head

“Maybe….” She says and I look at her

“What?” I say and she looks concerned

“Maybe she has post natal depression” she says and I’m confused

“Surely not” I say

“It happens to 1 out of 9 women, it does add up babes”

“But she cant she was so happy during the pregnancy she couldn’t wait to have her here” I say looking at Jasmine putting a dummy in her mouth

“Why don’t you talk to her, maybe it is just nerves” she shrugs her shoulders

“Hmm…” I mumbles my mind wrapped up in thought that Kimba may have post natal depression

“Don’t think about it too much babes” she says

“I cant help it” I say wiping the tears falling down my face

“Aww babes” she says and quickly puts Jasmine in her mosses basket and hugs me

“it’ll be alright, just talk to her and if needs be, go to the doctor with her they will be able to help if does have it” she says I nod me head buried in her shoulder as the tears continue to spill from my eyes

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