Chapter 1:Popping the question

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Jeff looked around his cave and realized that the battle was a dream. It was 6 seasons after The Battle of the Bears. Six seasons after he became a hero. Six seasons after the death of his sister.
Jeff was now an adult and could decide what he wanted to do. In fact, he had already decided what to do. He would leave the Northern Pack soon. He was going to be a loner traveling farther east than any other wolf before him. He was looking for 3 or 4 wolves that wanted to come besides his younger sister Jackie. Jackie looks just like Julie did, with bright green eyes and silver fur with streaks of darker gray. Jackie also acts the same as Julie did sometimes. Jackie was born during the battle that Julie died in. Jeff didn't know why but he had the feeling that Julie wasn't really dead. But that was impossible, Jeff saw her head get crushed in the first few seconds of the battle.

As Jeff got up to go out he had an idea. He could ask Stella, a pure white she-wolf that Jeff has had a crush on for the last four seasons. He saw her beautiful fur from his cave entrance. In the clearing he saw his brothers, Shadow and Carl, sparring to see who is stonger, he saw his father cleaning Jill's, Jeff's mother, fur. Jeff also saw the other wolves of the Northern Wolf Pack. He walked over to Stella.

"Good morning," Jeff said shyly

"Good morning Jeff," the she-wolf replied.

"Would you like to come hunt with me."

"Sure, I could do with a stretch," and, with that, they ran off into the woods.


"Stella," Jeff said, dropping the deer leg he was using to help Stella drag her deer back to the camp.

"Yes, Jeff," Stella stopped dragging the deer carcass and dropped it.

"I brought you out here for two reasons, the first is because I like you and want to spend time with you. The other is to ask you an important question," Jeff said.

" Go on," Stella said curiously.

"I want you to come with me on a journey away from the Pack," Jeff said. "I don't want to go away from you and I don't want to stay here. Will you please come with me?"

"Jeff, of course I'll come with you," Stella said. " You wouldn't let me go off alone, would you? So I won't let you go alone. Besides, I have liked you for 6 seasons now."

"Really!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Yes Jeff," Stella said. "Everyone thought you ran off in the middle of the Battle of the Bears. But I saw you, Jeff. You killed the bear leader. You are brave, though you don't show it because you're shy. You are funny yet serious. I like you Jeff. I will go on this journey at your side. Who else is coming with us."

"My sister, Jackie" Jeff replied, speechless to the rest.

"Let's get this deer dragged back," Stella said. She touched her nose to his. She smiled, picked up a leg and started dragging.

Jeff smiled,shook his head, asked himself how this happened, and picked up the other leg. The journey had begun...

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