Chapter 8: The Forest of Spirits

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As Jeff crossed the stream he saw a shadow. It didn't belong to anything, and it had no recognizable shape. Just a dark blob in the moon light. For some reason, Jeff didn't feel threatened. It was just company. A way to not feel lonely. Not that Jeff needed it. His friends were just a few paces back. But the shadow needed it. And it knew it. So the shadow started following the group. If it was to find it's shape, it would need help. Along the way it helped the group with minor obstacles, such as finding a shelter for a particularly bad storm. The shadow was slowly gaining it's shape. Little bits of the blob scraped off every time it helped them. Finally the group reached what the shadow new to be the hardest part if It's travels. The Spirit Forest. The ancient forest where all souls that where stuck on earth blended together. The Forest made it a blob. He wouldn't be able to help the group because it needed to concentrate hard to keep the progress it made. Jeff sensed the Shadow's uneasiness and decided to settle down for the night. He didn't know why, he just knew he had to sleep even though he wasn't tired. Sunrise kept watch. Everyone else slept. The Shadow saw it's chance. He walked in their dreams.
"It's about time we met, Jeff," said the darkness around Jeff.

"What is your name, Shadow?"

"You already know my name, Jeff," Shadow the wolf said.

"Not you! That Shadow," Jeff replied indicating the darkness around them.

"I don't know Jeff," replied the shadow. "I lost my shape and with it my name."

"Then we shall call you It."

"Very well," It said. The shadow was thrilled to have a name, though It was trying hard to hide the feeling. "I have come to tell you that I won't be able to help you in the forest you're about to enter. Once through you can tell the she-wolf on watch she can go back. I will be able to help the ill in sleep."

"Why does my sister have to go?" asked Sunset.

"She is your old pack's only healer."


"You're pack will need her soon."

"Why? Are they in trouble?"

"With a healer, no. Without, yes. I don't know what the danger is, but I know how to stop it."

"Then tell her!"

"I can't. I can only talk to the sleeping without my shape."

"Who's talking?" said a voice that shouldn't be asleep.

"Sunrise. Why are you sleeping?" said Sunset

"I'm sleeping? I thought you guys were awake."

"You need to go back to the Rock Pack."


"You just do. Go now."

"Ok." Sunrise left.

"I'll take watch," Shadow said he walked toward the darkness. It parted to let him through.

"Be careful," It said

Shadow was gone.

"Ok, now onto business. As I told you before, I can't help you in the Spirit Forest. You will have to get through on your own. The Forest is harmless to the living, unless they trip on a root. Just your normal possible injuries for tripping on a root. It is much more dangerous for spirits. If we don't concentrate, we will lose our shape. I've already done that once. I won't lose the progress I have made since I started helping you."

"Do you know where the river ends?" Julie asked.

"I do."

"Could you tell us?"

"Not based on current landmarks. A spirit sees the landmarks that were around when he/she died. The Spirit Forest is the only unchanging thing. If you look through my eyes, you guys look like you're sleeping in a boulder." It showed the wolves an image of a boulder shimmering over the sleeping wolves.

"If I could do it, I would, but I can't," It said.

"I believe you," Julie said. Ever since Jackie left, she held herself more confidently, more like her old self. Jeff just couldn't figure out what to call her. The name wasn't hard. She was Julie, end of story. But was she his twin or was she his little sister? He herded his thoughts back to the conversation.

"-- east, then at the big tree you will see, head north. The river bends at the tree." It was giving them directions through the Forest.

"Thanks, It...?" said Sunset, still unsure of what to call the living shadow, as these spirits were called. She looked at Jeff and he nodded.

"How big is the Forest?" he asked.

"Ehh..., about 40 pine-lengths in diameter," It guesstimated. He wasn't really sure.

"We can make it through in about a day."

"Ok. I've got to come clean," It said suddenly. "The only way for me to keep my shape is for me to possess one of the Living."

They all stood in silence.

It sighed. "Alrighty then, my journey stops here." He opened the darkness where the wolves could leave. Sunset was the first to leave. Jeff and Stella left next, a little hesitant. Julie didn't move.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" Julie asked.

"Do what?" It asked.

"Possess me!" Julie said.

"You're actually volunteering?"

"YES!!" Julie yelled. "Are you not taking the hint?!?!"

"Oh my god. Thank you so much. You need to walk towards me. Any part of me."

The silver wolf did as she was told.

"Are you ready?" It asked.

"Just do it before I change my mind!"

The shadow started to rush into her through her mouth and nose. Her eyes started to turn black. The darkness faded around them.

Why were you so willing, Julie?

Because I have done it before. I have died once and took over this body so my little sister could live. She left on her own accord. I hated the way I was between the time I was me and I was Jackie. So you can stay in here with me even after we leave the Forest. Just let me be in control some.

You are a kind person Julie.


1,012 words. The most I have ever written in a single chapter. They finally told me what happened.

Jeff- We told you a long time ago.

Chaos- They don't need to know that.

Julie- He actually didn't know my part till, like, now, Jeff.

Jeff- Ok, forget I said anything.

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