Chapter 7: The Rebels Attack

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The next few weeks The Group stayed on the Rock Pack's territory to "strengthen up". What they were really staying for was to help the rebels plan.  Arafa started to get suspicious. He had Shadow of Night keep an eye on them. Days pass. Night wants to attack ASAP.

"Arafa is getting really suspicious of you guys," Night said at the nightly meeting.

The rebels threw together a plan to draw Arafa away from the pack.


The next morning was scheduled to have The Group "leave" the  territory. They would ask Arafa to "escort" them to the edge of the territory. After he left The Rebels would circle around and meet them at the edge of the territory. The Group would buy as much time as possible to give the Rebels time to set up.

In Arafa's cave, the plan was going well. Because Arafa was so suspicious, he wanted to see The Group leave with his own eyes. He told Night to follow them in the trees so they didn't see him. They traveled a few tree lengths and then Julie's stomach started growling.

"Can we stop and get something to eat," she said.

"There's a clearing up ahead with much prey," Arafa said impatiently.

They all stopped to hunt.

At sunhigh they all had their fill they continued. By Jeff's calculations, the rebels should be at the edge by now. He signaled The Group for no more distractions.


They reached the edge of the territory. Jeff gave the signal, a flick of his ears. The rebels dropped down put of the trees onto Arafa, whilst The Group turned on the giant wolf. He didn't realize what was happening until he was laying in a pool of his own blood. Night told the rebels to give him scratches that were deep enough to scar, but not fatal. Sure it hurt, but it was necessary. The rebels headed around the camp to the other side of the territory where they stashed a caribou carcass. The plan was for Night to walk into camp, almost ripped to shreds, and announce that Arafa was killed by The Group. The rest of the rebels would get the caribou and drag it back to the camp. That way it would seem as if Night tried to help Arafa and the rebels were hunting the caribou. Until Night, second in command to Arafa, therefore new Pack Leader, finds out who still supports Arafa's ways, the rebels were to act casual. It was going to be hard. His mother, Fox Tail, could easily tell if a wolf was lying. He put her in as his Second. She was the only one He could trust with that position: His sisters left with The Group, Sunset, he knew she wanted to be with Shadow, and Sunrise because she could tell that one of the wolves were sick. Sunrise was training in secret to heal from the Rock Pack's current Healer, Curare, to become Healer herself. She would be back soon, but Sunset won't. Night could tell Shadow wanted to be with her. Bark would take the power to his head. So he told Fox to meet him in the Leader's cave. In the cave Night told his mother to be his Second.

"I would be honored to be your Second," Fox said in reply.

"It's only temporary, until we exile the remaining Arafa supporters." A few of the wolves who were known to worship Arafa committed suicide by jumping in the river. (Suicide is no joke, but that is what Night told me, so...)

It was going to be a long week.

Mwahaha!!! Cliff hanger!!! For most of the rest of the story!!!

No Arafa!! I will not let a dead tyrant contribute to my book. Go back to your grave.

Ugh...Fine... That wouldn't be fun any way. What if I came back as a zombie?

No Arafa!! No zombies!!

Shut up Jeff it's not even your book it's Stevie's.

Actually I'm just the one with opposable thumbs so I can type this. It's Jeff's story and once Night gets over his Father's death he'll tell me.

Who's his Father?


I can't be his Father. He gave the final blow.

Exactly!! No one should have to kill their father!! So you can either go back to your grave and let Jeff and Night finish the story or I can have Jeff kill you again and you'll burn in the eternal flames of Hell. Which will it be?

Ugh..... Back to the grave...

Thank you. Sorry about that guys. Arafa thinks he runs the show. Again. Any ways I will start writing about Jeff's story again when I have the chance. School is hard. Once Night starts talking again he'll tell you about the rest of that week. Right Night?


I'll take that as a yes.

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