Chapter 2: The Escape

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It was moonhigh the following night When Jeff woke Stella and went to get Jackie. Jackie was obviously excited but kept quite. Stella somehow blended into the shadows despite her white fur.

As soon as they were outside the camp Jeff wispered to Stella and Jackie, "We need to get outside the territory before we are safe. It should take us at least till sunrise. Then we will travel West until we get to the mouth of the river. Once outside the territory we can rest whenever we want as long as we keep a watch."

"Let's start with getting outside the territory," replied Jackie in a wisper. "I have a headache just from trying to remember what you said."

They set off heading south to the river that divides the Northern and Southern Territories.They then headed West, going the opposite direction of the flow of the river. There were no dangers in the territory as the Pack got rid of them when they marked the territory. They continued West until they were outside the territory.

"Jeff, my paw hurts. Can we rest," Jackie complained.

"I just want to get a few more tree lengths between us and the Northern territory," replied Jeff

A few minutes later they found a tree with hollowed out roots.

"This is a good place to hole up for the time being," said Jeff.

"It has a weird smell," replied Jackie.

"Who cares? I'm tired," replied Stella. She dove in between the roots and laid down.

Just then Jeff heared a low growl behind him and Jackie. He turned to see an ice blue eye staring at them through the darkness. Then the Moon came out from behind the clouds to reveal a black wolf with a scratch over his left eye.

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