Chapter 9: Over the River

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It could feel the ground beneath his paws. He could actually feel. It tried to search for prey to bring back to the Group before they woke up. Because It was the main trunk of the shared dream, he could choose an approximate time for every one in the dream to wake up. So he had everyone in the group sleep till dawn, but Julie woke up at around moonhigh. To see how much Julie knew about possession, he decided to search her memories. But when he tried, he hit what seemed to be a stone wall.

Why are you trying to search my thoughts?

Just to see how much you know about possession. Which if you're able to detect a thought intrusion on the outside of your barrier also means you can keep impulse thoughts from acting, correct?

It's easier when I'm not in control.

It always is.

I know that. We are technically in a dead body right now.


I am a possesive spirit as well. Four seasons ago I possesed my newborn sister's body to help her survive.

What happened to her spirit.

It was frail and she decided to move on.

I'm sorry to hear that.

It's alright.

The hunt went better than expected. Turns out the muscle memory that is hunting followed It to the after life.

Lets get these dragged back to camp.

In total they caught a younger deer and two rabbits

When they got back to the tree, everyone else was awake. It gave the rabbits to Jeff and Stella, as well as deciding to eat the deer with Shadow and Sunset.

We should tell them Julie suggested

Not yet

Then let me do the talking, they'll be able to tell if you say the wrong thing. Jeff was always overprotective of Jackie, and he, unfortunately, isn't an idiot

"Sunset?" Julie asked


"What were you doing when you hurt yourself before Shadow found you?"

"Arafa wanted to expand our borders and I was to scout farther up the river, then I fell out of a tree and landed back first on a log."

"Ow. That hurts."

"Ok everybody, before we head into the forest we need to learn each others strengths and weaknesses in order to protect each other in battle," Jeff announced. "We will learn this by sparring with each other. Julie can sit this one out because she just hunted for us. Shadow will spar with me and Stella will spar with Sunset."

They split into their separate groups and Julie decided to watch Jeff and Shadow. They both started circling and Julie noticed that Jeff was slightly crouching. Shadow made the first move and rushed at Jeff. Jeff was expecting this and jumped to the right and tapped Shadow on his side. Shadow was enraged by this but Jeff leapt to the other side of the circle before Shadow had a chance to hit him. Jeff crouched waiting for Shadows next move. Shadow rushed again and this time he was ready for Jeff's dodge. He landed heavily on his left side to jump to Jeff's right. But Jeff read Shadow like a book and jumped in the air, landing on Shadow's back, winding him. Jeff then jumped off of Shadow, landed behind him, leaping foward before his back paws landed. He twisted to expose his under belly and dove between Shadow's legs, raking his paws down Shadow's belly.

Shadow is strong, but Jeff is quick and clever. Jeff will lose when he's fighting in a small space, but when he's in the open, he's a force to be reckoned with...

Who do you think he practiced with before I "died"? I know his fighting style like the back of my hand. Plus I have the same style.

But do you know Shadow's?

Yeah, all brawn, no brains, relies solely on power. Agility will win every time in a fair fight.

Not very fair then, is it?

Nah, but they don't need to know that.

Shall we watch the she-wolves?


Both she-wolves were panting from trying to get an advantage over the other. They both had balanced fighting styles, being able to adapt to their opponents.

But how can you adapt to your opponent, if your opponent is constantly adapting to you?

That's the problem the she wolves were having trouble with. Until Sunset had an idea. The orange she-wolf charged at Stella, and, when Stella crouched to get ready to pounce, Sunset quickly changed directions to hit her on her right flank, knocking Stella over. With a bark, Sunset jumped at the downed wolf and grabbed her neck.

Jeff and Julie ran to congratulate both of them.

"Great job, both of you!" Jeff said.

"But I lost," Stella pouted.

"But you know each others strengths, no?" Julie asked.

"Yeah, we can both adapt to fit our opponent or situation," Sunset said. "Plus you didn't lose by much," she told Stella. "If I didn't think of the fake, we would have needed to see who would tire first."

"Glad we didn't have to wait that long," Julie said.

"Ok, we don't know what dangers await us in the woods, especially for Julie, so be alert." Jeff then gave the command to move out.

The 4 wolves and the 2 spirits turned towards the woods and started through

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