Chapter 10: Through the Woods

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The Spirit Forest was dark, and that's an understatement. The only light was a few blue blobs floating in the air. The blobs turned out to be spirits, trying hard to keep their shape to get through the woods. Soon the group saw why the spirits gave off the light. It was the protection from the creatures. Thats all they could identify them as. Creatures, with all the litheness of a cougar, the brains of a wolf, and the power of a bear, and the instinct to kill. Except they didn't kill, but rather maim the spirits, because spirits cannot be killed a second time. They didn't even glance at the living wolves. They kept their red, murderous eyes on the spirits, watching, waiting for them to stop glowing. Jeff was unfortunate enough to see one stop. There was a split second between the darkness and the scream. The sound froze his blood. Nothing on this earth should sound like that. Imagine a banshee screaming along with their victim and have the scream echo around your head. Thats what it sounded like, but you couldn't hear it. It just appeared in your thoughts if you were close enough.

The only one that was worried was Julie. It was natural for her to be afraid. If she weren't possessing Jackie's body, she would suffer the same fate. Same goes for It. 2 unbound souls in a living corpse, traveling through the one place all spirits hated and tried to avoid.

One of the times that a spirit went dark Julie was caught between the darkened spirit and the creature that attacked. This time the wolves heard two screams, one real, one in their heads. Stella turned to see Julie with her fur on end and shaking like a leaf caught in a blizzard.

"Relax, Julie. They can't touch us. We're living. The souls are dead," Stella said, trying to reassure the gray she-wolf.

"Easy for you to say," Julie said, venom in her words. "You're forgetting, I AM A SPIRIT! I am just possesing the body of another wolf! In fact, that wolf isn't even here anymore! No, it's just me and a black blob who doesn't even remember his own name!" She started sobbing as she said the words.

Jeff walked over and rested his muzzle on his on his twin's head.

"It's okay, Julie. This has been stressful for all of us. Stella didn't mean to be the needle that broke the bears back. But, thats just how the hide folds."

They sat there for a while, the spirits around glowing to keep back the creatures, who sensed the unease radiating from the young wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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