Chapter 3: An Explanation

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"How did you find me," Shadow said.

"We didn't. You found us," Jeff replied.

"Your not going to be able to get me to come back with you."

"We aren't going back. We are on longer Northern Wolves."

"Oh really?"


"Look," Jackie interrupted. "This is a nice family reunion, but I'm tired. Could we sleep in your den for the time being, Shadow."

"Sure, since you asked nicely,"Shadow replied. "Besides, you brought a beautiful she-wolf. Don't tell her I said that."

"She's not the one you have to worry about," replied Jeff, fur bristling.

"And who would I need to be afraid of? You?"

"You don't want to know how much pain I can inflict."

"How did you, Jeff, the most cowardly wolf in the Polar Valley get the most beautiful she-wolf in the Northern Pack."

"Because she is the only wolf in the pack besides Jackie that knows what I did and believes it," Jeff replied, rage building bt the second.

"Okay you two, I don't want my two brothers killing each other," Jackie intervened. "Let's get some rest."

Together the three of them jumped into the den. The litter mates slept together in one corner while Jeff curled up beside Stella in another.

Stella licked Jeff's fur and whispered "Your my hero, don't let anyone tell you different." Jeff turned to look at her to find she wasn't asleep.

"Get some rest, Stella." Jeff said, barely biting back a triumphant howl. "I'll take first watch."

"Wake me up when you get tired."

"Very well, my beautiful snowball."

"Good night, my Tiny hero."

"Hey, I'm bigger than you!"

"You weren't when you became my Tiny hero."

"True, now get some rest. We still need to travel far."

When the sun rose that morning Jeff was still on watch...

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