Chapter 6: The Rebellion

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"Arafa is a tyrant. He hoards all the food. We have lost too many wolves to starvation. The rest of us have to steal food or eat while hunting," Sunset explained. "We need help from outsiders. Only a few wolves are brave enough to be a part of the movement and the others are afraid. Arafa seems to trust you. So, will you join us? Shadow has already done so," she said, nodding to the one eyed wolf.

"I'm in," Jackie replied.

"As am I," Stella said, looking at Jeff.

"Very well. I knew we shouldn't trust that wolf," Jeff said.

"We will meet tomorrow night with the other members of the rebellion." replied Sunset. "Until then, sleep well."


The following day, Arafa told The Group (I will be referring to Jeff, Jackie, Shadow, and Stella when I say "The Group") that they were free to leave whenever they wish. Jeff told Arafa that they wanted to stay 3 more nights in order to fully rest up.

After the meeting, Jackie asked to talk to Jeff and Stella, alone.

"You know, don't you?" Jackie asked, looking at the sunset from a log that fell over the river.

"Know what?" Jeff asked.

"That I am a wolf that has been given the chance to live again," Jackie replied. "Or at least you suspected it. Now I confirm it. I am Julie, your first sister."

Jeff felt a breeze blow through the trees and saw a frail shadow break off from Jackie/Julie's shadow.

"What just happened?" Stella asked, for she had seen the shadow too.

"Jackie's spirit has left this body. I could sense, when I was between dimensions, Jackie wasn't going to make it past the second day. She would have died if I hadn't possessed the body. I have been in control since the start of this Journey. She couldn't handle the stress.

"She has left on her own choice. I have given her the chance to survive with my help. Her spirit was fragile. That is why she wouldn't leave your side, Jeff. She knew she needed protection that she couldn't supply when she was in control." When she finished she sighed.

"So Jackie's spirit is gone and your's is here?" Stella asked.


They sat in silence until the moon was well above the trees.

"Well, we better get going to meet Sunset at our camp," Julie said breaking the silence and scaring Jeff, who was half asleep at the time.

"Yes, we should," Jeff replied, tickling Stella's nose with his tail-tip to wake her up.

They ran through the forest to get to camp. When they arrived, Sunset was there with 4 other wolves, one of which was Shadow of Night.

"Outsiders, meet the Rebellion. The dark brown wolf is Bark of Tree. The tanish wolf is my sister, Sunrise of Morning. The
wolf with bright red fur is Fox Tail. You have already met Shadow of Night. And of course, me, Sunset of Evening. And you four."

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