Chapter Fourteen

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Karlie's P.O.V

It takes me all of ten minutes to flee the hospital. Leaving behind a shocked mother and a stunned father in my wake, but all I could think of was getting out, making it out alive which seemed like an exaggeration afterwards as I settled into a taxi that was parked along the same street as the hospital. He didn't speak to me and I only offered the address for the hotel. Telling him to wait for me I was down in under ten minutes flat only taking my bag and leaving my dress and everything related to the wedding behind. I knew that my parents wouldn't be far behind me and that even though I am upset my dad would be less than impressed with the way I just spoke to my mother but at that moment I couldn't care. I felt like my world was crashing down around me and I couldn't see through the thickness. I told the taxi to take me to L.A.X so I could go home but the minute that I paid and stepped out I realised that I didn't really have a home anymore.

Taylor's P.O.V

I watched people interact around me as I sat feeding Aubree and watching her eyes grow sleepier and sleepier by the minute but I was content to sit and observe. Some of my best songs that I've ever put out have been through me observing how people act around each other, the stories are mine but the emotions often come from watching other people because usually I'm too fired up to consider how I actually felt and then afterwards I think and reflect but the emotion is never right. The odd song I write I write down exactly how I felt and that's how some of my best songs have been written and performed as I tap into that emotion but I also like to observe people, looking at their awkward quirks which probably constitutes to me being a stalker, but millions of people do it to me so I guess it's okay even if my mom would tell me 'Taylor Alison Swift, two wrongs do not make a right' which is true. I'm so caught up in watching that I don't even notice the twins coming to sit next to me until Kimby touches me slightly causing me to jump and Aubree to start crying. I turn and see Kimby looking visibly upset but after scooping up Aubree and hugging her close I turn to comfort Kimby. "Taylor, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realise you had Aubree with you. I came from behind." I watch her look down so she is obviously upset with herself but instead of making her feel worse I say, "well at least I didn't drop her." The dead pan joke that should never be laughed at makes Kimby smile and Kariann laugh. "That was horrible." They state in unison as I laugh which causes Aubree to move backwards and watch me. "Hi miss Aubree..." I coo at her as she smiles and lets her head fly back to my shoulder, bunting it like a horse does to your hand. "Calm down..." I state caressing her head and pulling off the head band that she had been wearing that matched her dress, her shoes had long since been removed and I knew she was getting restless.

Offering her to Kariann who takes her straight away I grab my phone and call security. Tom answers the call, "Miss Swift."
"Hey Tom, I was wondering if you could have Paul run up Aubree's car seat for me. She's starting to get tired so I'm going to change her into her pyjamas and put her to sleep in it." I state while watching Aubree closely, I can tell she's not comfortable but she's not screaming or crying but is reaching for me. "No worries, I'll have Paul there in five." I thank him and hang up as Aubree's bottom lip drops like she's about to cry. "Hey, hey, hey..." I say as I pull her towards me again. "It's okay, is someone grumpy?" I question as she grumbles while rubbing her face on my neck as the twins talk to me and within five minutes Paul appears with the car seat for me. Cara who had since joined us noticed Paul and went to grab the seat for me. I nod to him and he waves before leaving again, they are stationed outside the banquet hall as I stand and meet Cara at the door, the twins are holding my purse and the baby bag. "Is there a disabled bathroom around here?" I question as Kimby shakes her head. "No, just male and female but there's a table around the corner, you could lie her on that." I nod as we walk to it and when we get there I ask for a plastic sheet from the bottom of the baby bag, watching Kimby pull practically everything out of the bag to get to it. "Is this it?" She questions holding it up as I nod and Kimby spreads it out for me on top of Aubree's thick blanket so it's a makeshift changing mat and within a few minutes Aubree is changed into a pyjama onesie that has a sheep on it. Making sure she has an underlying short onesie underneath to keep her toasty warm. I'm aware that it's usually nice and warm out in L.A but she's used to the cooler climate of New York over winter or Nashville in the Spring so I want her warm. I can always strip her off if she gets warm. Finally with her undressed I lay her in the car seat, strap her in and lay her blanket over top of her. The final thing I reach for is her stuffed giraffe and as I place it in beside her Cara laughs. "What's funny?" I question.
"That damn giraffe it's just like something Karlie would give." Kimby looks at me and I look back at Aubree who I snuggling the giraffe. "Well of course it would, she gave it to Aubree." I state before busying myself with repacking the baby bag so it's good to go when I leave which will be soon, it's nearly 6.30pm now and I want to be at my house before 8pm so Aubree is still semi on schedule. Cara's mouth is still open but I ignore it. "What? It was a gift." I state as we all head inside for coffee and just as we join Lily, Martha and Gigi, Josh's parents arrive and let us know that the wedding is not happening today but that we can stay as long as we like. I nod and turn back to my friends who agree that we will have coffee and leave. I'm carefully rocking Aubree with my foot as she gurgles away, a happy baby.

We end up staying an extra hour and so I know that I'll be late to my house but I was having fun and once Aubree fell asleep it was easier. "How long until she will crawl do you think?" Lily questioned as we drove the roads of L.A, I was dropping her at the hotel with everyone else. "Uhm I'm not sure, she will sit alone, stand with help but she hasn't shown any interest in crawling so I don't know," I state as Lily goes on to say that Dixie went straight from sitting to standing to walking, never crawled. "I think she just got the hang of it with being in her walker thingy where she could push it whilst in it." I nod not understanding what she's even talking about but pretending to all the same. Once we reach the hotel Lily thanks me and then says, "I wonder what stopped them?" I look at her. "How do you mean?" Lily looked at me, 
"Well, I know that Karlie usually does what she wants, but why not marry him. Surely an old flame isn't too much of an issue." She states making me think back on how all of my previous flames always ended up in the next relationship which is why I'm not dating anyone at the moment. I'd rather be alone or with Aubree than in an uncomfortable relationship again. "I didn't mean anything by that." Lily states in a hurried tone as I wave her off, and tell her it doesn't matter but I'm still thinking about what Lily said, 'why didn't Karlie just marry him and sort it out later?' I shrug it off and check Aubree as we cruise through L.A towards my house. "When are you going back to New York Miss Swift?" Tom questions as we drive. I roll my eyes because no matter how many times I tell them to call me Taylor, they refuse to do it. "I don't know Mr Peterson..." I state as he laughs. "Good one." We sit in silence for several minutes until we approach my house and I notice a lone figure outside the gate. We pause and the figure turns around. "Karlie," I breathe out as I see her.

Aubree's Pyjamas complete with the sheep!

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Aubree's Pyjamas complete with the sheep!

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