Chapter Forty

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Karlie's P.O.V

Taylor and I were busy drying the dishes for my mom and dad when Noah wandered in and hovered nervously by the door of the kitchen. Taylor turns around straight away and says, "What's wrong Noah?" He shrugs and looks around at the house,
"Do you live near here?" she tries again. Noah looks up and into her eyes before saying,
"Well I used to..." he starts but then trails off. Taylor immediately drops her tea towel that she had been using to dry the dishes and moves towards him, taking Noah by the hand she pulls him to her as if sensing his emotional change. Within ten seconds Noah has his arms wrapped around Taylor and is sobbing into her arms. It takes us a good fifteen minutes for him to become fully cried out and then we sit down with him and we discover that he is all alone. His mother remarried after his father was killed in action over in Afghanistan. But the guy that she got married to was only after her for the money that he believed she had, so he got her hooked on heroin but after it became clear that there was no more money left he was gone as quick as he could be and his mother was left with a major obsession with heroin and no money for treatment she quickly slipped and it took less than six months to die from an overdose. This left Noah on the streets where he's been ever since. He doesn't go to school and he has no friends, they all deserted him when he lost all his money. "So why were you fighting earlier today?" I question sitting down next to Noah and Taylor as they continue to talk. Noah takes a large breath and then says, "that group in particular sell drugs and they've often tried to get me to sell in exchange for me staying wherever I want at night."
"But..." I state hoping that he doesn't.
"But, I don't I'm always evading them and today they have just grown tired of it." He explains and I can feel his pain and I can see that he's conflicted about life and about where he's going. "Have you considered the fostering agencies? Or something like that?" Taylor questions as she watches Noah intently. I can hear Aubree giggling with my dad next door. "To be honest I don't want that, because I'll be placed somewhere I don't want to be and I don't know if I'd like that or not."
"Oh, so before your mom passed what did you do for fun? Or a hobby or sports or something." Taylor questioned as we both watched as Noah's eyes lit up and then sank a little as he obviously thought of something. "Yes, I was a swimmer. I was almost at racing level too." My mouth opens. "Wow that sounds cool, how long did you swim for before you stopped?" I questioned. I usually only swam for fun and I'd never had lessons in my life. "I started when I was five and I stopped when my mom could no longer afford it because she was fuelling her hobby." I nod understandingly and we talk for another few minutes before Taylor and I return and put all the dishes away and Noah goes back out to where my parents and Aubree are sitting. The twins are still out and aren't expected back for an hour or so.

By the time the dishes are all put away and Taylor and I return to the lounge I smile at the sight before me. Aubree is sitting at Noah's feet handing him toys as she goes. Taylor smiles at Noah, "you've got a friend there Noah. She loves to give her toys out to people, it's how she ropes you into playing with her." Noah looks up and smiles at us before he slowly puts all the toys back on the ground next to Aubree. Standing he brushes off his pants with his hands and says, "well I should get going then." I find myself nodding, he stands and moves towards my parents offering his hand but only my dad accepts it. My mom hugs him and then Taylor takes her hug too. Noah hugs her tight and I can see the love in her eyes and as I look at Noah I notice how similar he is to Taylor. His blonde hair that is probably blonder when washed thoroughly. When Noah and Taylor let go of each other he moves towards the door and I follow him. He turns to look at me and says, "thank-you for helping me out today Karlie. You have a wonderful family." I look behind me and see Taylor scooping Aubree up off the ground and blowing raspberries on her exposed belly. "I know." I state turning to face Noah but he's already halfway down the pathway and for some reason without even thinking about it I yell out. "Wanna stay with us?" He turns and looks at me, "Stay?" he questions. I nod and take a few steps towards him.
"Yes stay, but this isn't like a hotel service. If you stay you become one of the family." His eyes brighten up. "Family, like a real family?" he questions again.
"Yes, like a real one." I confirm as he looks behind me and I turn too to see Taylor standing in the doorway, probably wondering what is taking so long. "All this can be yours too, if you want." His eyes open wide again and he looks at me and I figure that he's searching my face to see if I'm telling the truth or not. "You want a hot chocolate?" Taylor questions from the doorway, I turn and look at her but she's looking past me at Noah. "With marshmallows?" he questions making me laugh and turn and head back to Taylor. "Of course." She states passing Aubree to me and I continue into the house on my way to preform my nightly bath time duties but before I even get to the top of the stairs I hear the front door shut and I hear Noah and Taylor chatting as they enter the kitchen.

Taylor's P.O.V

As Karlie bathes Aubree and puts her to bed I sit down with Noah, Tracy and Kurt and we all have hot chocolate. The moment Karlie brings Aubree back down we switch positions and I take Aubree up to bed. Before I leave I say, "we need to organize a bed for Noah for the night." Karlie nods and sits in my place. I hear the door open as I leave the room and I see the twins come in. They scoop Aubree out of my hands and kiss her goodnight and she returns the kisses before I mention Noah and they nod their heads and go in to meet him. Within an hour I'm back downstairs with everyone and Noah is joining in which is great to see. "I'm off to bed good night everyone." Kurt states as Tracy stands too and heads they head to bed. The twins soon also leave for bed and then it's just Karlie, Noah and I, Karlie and I quickly show Noah where everything is like the bathroom and stuff and then Karlie rushes off to get blankets for Noah and make him up a little bed. "Hopefully you'll be comfortable here." He nods and after we say goodnight we leave him to get comfortable. Ten minutes later Karlie and I are in bed and I turn to her, "we need to go shopping for him tomorrow, he doesn't have anything." Karlie nods,
"Yeah, we also need to leave St. Louis. I don't know where you want to live but we should probably move into a house or something." I nod with her,
"Yeah that sounds good. Where do you want to raise our family?" I question hoping she wants somewhere decent. "Uhm, well I love you and before I tell you where I'd like us to live I want to ask you something." Karlie states looking at me, I nod for her to continue. "I would like to adopt Noah, both of us together and if you'd allow me I'd like to also adopt Aubree. Have my name on her birth certificate right next to yours." I smile at her and lean over kiss her lips feverishly.
"God yes." I say as she kisses back. We kiss for a while before falling asleep together.

The next afternoon we're out and about buying things for Noah, we decide because of how old he is that we will buy him a phone, laptop, iPad and an iPod for good measure. Walking along with Noah, he's watching in fascination and the moment we step into the apple store he tries to back out. "No way guys, I'm not into expensive things." He protests but I step forward.
"Hey relax Noah. If you're going to be going back to school then you'll need a laptop and you'll need a phone so we can contact you." I state as Noah stops resisting and allows us to drag him into the store. "Okay, why the iPad though and the iPod though?" he questions.
"The iPod so you can listen to music and if you don't want the iPad you don't need to have one. We just thought you might want one." He nods and we move to look at phones first. Noah first decides on an iPhone 6S and he goes for the silver 64gb with a red case and a silver iPod touch and we manage to persuade him to get a 128gb one even though he claims he will never use that much space. We decide on a 15inch Macbook Pro laptop. It takes us a little longer to convince Noah to get some wireless headphones and some normal ear buds. The clothes shopping goes well too, we even stop off and get shoes and swim gear for him, because our hope is that when we move into our house in Nashville where Karlie wants us to all live he will be able to start training once more. Our shopping takes us all day and when we return to Tracy and Kurt's the house is chaotic from Aubree's crying but the moment she sees us she stops. We all sit down later for dinner and in less than an hour later we are on our way to Nashville where we will be staying at the apartment until we find our dream home.


So this is the last update for the next two weeks, I'm off on holiday to Australia. Hopefully the next time I update, my cast will be removed and i'll be back at University too. Fingers crossed. Keep sending in requests for one-shots. I've still got like two days before I leave so i'll try to get another one-shot out before then. If not, see you all in two weeks.

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