Chapter Thirty Eight

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Taylor's P.O.V

I roll over into a stretch but as I reach my hands out I hear a "shit!" turning quickly I see Karlie rubbing her nose, that I'd just whacked. "Oh god babe, I'm so sorry." I quickly state as Karlie looks at me with sleepy eyes and nods. "It's alright." She states but I still feel bad so I quickly stand and move towards the door intent on going to find an icepack for her nose. "Where are you going?" she questions looking at me strangely. "Icepack?" I question while gesturing towards her face, but she shakes her head and points towards the clock. 4.38am 'Crap!' I think as I move back towards Karlie who reaches out for me while looking at the baby monitor beside the bed, we had set Aubree up in the Kristine's room since Kimby was home for the weekend. "Come back to bed." Karlie states and I instantly succumb to her wants. "You worried about today?" she questions and all of a sudden it all hits me, "a little, it's a big deal Kar." She nods at me and I snuggle into her until her chin is resting on me. "I know but it's the last one. This is important. I may be able to start growing my hair back." She states making me nod, knowing how important today really is. "I know, I'm just a little worried, because I just got you back." I mumble into her chest but she manages to catch what I say. "I know but I'm here and I'm fine. I promise." She states leaning down and kissing me. She's been doing that lots lately especially over the last few days as her and Aubree have been re-bonding and after the tense night when Tracy stated that Aubree was Karlie's daughter when Aubree got jealous of Kimby and I hugging. But we've gotten over those few days and today after the appointment we are going to a zoo. I'm really excited for Aubree to go and get to have a day out. Hopefully the paparazzi won't find us. I haven't really been out anywhere since we got here five days ago but I'm super excited. Hopefully Karlie's appointment goes well and then we can have some fun. One big happy family. 'Did I just say that?' I think as I look at Karlie who is practically falling asleep on me and I smile and whisper just so I can hear, "yeah one big happy family." I then cuddle into Karlie and allow her warmth, smell and breathing to lull me back to sleep.

When I wake a few hours later to Kimby and Aubree yelling at each other I groan but lift myself out of bed and head off to see what the issue is. "Aubree stop..." I state making Aubree turn and stand up from where she had been sitting near the baby gate that Kurt had installed so we could let her roam around upstairs while we were up and Kimby on the other side attempting to open it. "Need a hand?" I question as Kimby throws her hands up and groans,
"I don't know how these things work. I have no children." I laugh and quickly push the button down and the door lets me move it. Kimby watches and then tries it herself. Pumping the air when she succeeds. "What are you doing?" A voice calls from behind, I turn around and see Kariann standing at the bottom of the stairs, Kimby shrieks at seeing her twin and rushes downstairs while Aubree bursts into tears and pushes her face into my neck. "Oh shit, I mean damn it. Holy moly..." I look at Kimby who smiles and covers her mouth. "I'm so sorry princess Aubree." She states retracing her steps up to Aubree and I, "Bree look at Kimby..."I try to encourage but she doesn't want to, firmly in my neck. Karlie stumbles from the bedroom and sees Aubree upset so she walks over and without opening the gate, simply steps over it. 'Bloody long legs' I think as Aubree instantly lifts her head and reaches out for Karlie who takes her when I offer. Within thirty seconds Karlie has Aubree and Kimby back to best friends and she takes my hand to lead me off to the shower as Kimby says, "no worries I've got Aubree." I laugh but when I see the shower full of steam and a look on Karlie's face I smirk at her. "Wet shower time?" I question as Karlie laughs.
"Sure wet 'shower' time" she emphasises using her quotation fingers.

Emerging more than thirty minutes later with wild hair and Karlie having a permanent grin on her face I knew the scrutiny I would get at breakfast. "Don't worry babe. They all know how hot you are." Karlie states as I turn and whack her. "Yeah they'll know how hot the water was, but I don' know how to explain this bite like mark." I stated showing her. Karlie just shrugged and within five minutes we were all sitting at the table downstairs. Karlie was chatting to Kariann and I was feeding Aubree bits of banana. "Shower's got a bit of a bite hasn't it Taylor." Kurt states from beside me, focusing on his eggs and bacon. "Yeah, it's got a kick to it." I say, not really understanding,  "I've been meaning to fix the tap for years. I hope it wasn't too hot for you." He continues as he eats, Kariann chokes into her toast and Kimby looks like she wants to say something. "Oh dad, you should check the shower for bugs, I think Taylor got bitten." She states as Karlie whacks her on the arm.  "Karlie!" Tracy states,
"Mom," Karlie says back. "Make her stop..."
"Kimby..." Tracy looks at one of her youngest which makes Kimby focus on her breakfast once more. At this point I'm bright red and Kurt looks up, "Kimby I know that Taylor has a hickey on her neck, they were around when I was growing up. In fact I gave your mother them at your age...."
"Oh dad quit it. I'm trying to eat here..." Kimby protests and fake gags,
"Oh so apologise for bringing up your sisters sex life at the breakfast table." I see Kimby turn and Karlie smirks and I know that an apology was said. "Good now let's eat so we can leave." Kurt states and that's the final word said for breakfast.

Within two hours we are all organized and ready for the hospital. It was decided that Karlie and I would ride with Aubree and the twins in Karlie's Range Rover while Tracy and Kurt were going to drive themselves to the hospital. "Taylor, can you come here?" I look around at Karlie who stands and moves towards me and we both move towards the anxious voice of Kimby. "Where are you?" Karlie calls, as we walk downstairs. "Living room," we speed up a little but instead of finding and absolute disaster Aubree is calmly sitting on the floor playing with Griffin the giraffe and sitting in front of her is a five word sentence. My mouth drops open in shock as I read the sentence out loud, 'Will you marry me Taylor?'

Karlie's P.O.V

I watch Taylor's face drop and change to what seems like multiple expressions all at once and as she turns to me and sees me down on one knee I worry that I've made a mistake. Like the separation and distance we've been through in the last six months hasn't been enough and that I will never be enough for her or for Aubree. I look up at Taylor and I see all the emotion on her face. "Will you marry me?" I question but I don't dare look away from her face that is full of shock and confusion. I continue to kneel before her and in my hand is a diamond engagement ring that I picked out especially for her. "I uhm..." I look up as she starts to speak.
"Yes..." I urge her.
"I...Yes Karlie. I would love to marry you." I look up as Taylor answers me.
"Really?" My eyes must be as wide open as anything. "You will." I stand quickly and pull her into my arms afraid that if I don't I will find that she's disappeared. I pull her towards my face and quickly kiss her lips before sliding the ring on her finger. "There, right where it should be." I state proudly as Taylor shyly cuddles into me, Aubree sick of waiting stands up and bursts towards Taylor and I shouting "mama, mama!" I move and allow her to get to Taylor but she latches onto me and says it again, "mama, mama," I look at Taylor who stares at Aubree and then bends down and points at me. "Is that your mama?" she questions.
"Mama?" she questions pointing at me. Taylor nods and Aubree continues to pull on my leg as I bend down and she pushes her way into my arms. Tears fall down my face as I embrace Aubree and look over at Taylor. "Well mama, should we go then?" Taylor questions. I smile and look up at her, "indeed we shall future wife." She blushes as the twins roll their eyes and without waiting another minute we smile at each other and as we kiss once more Kimby groans and swings Aubree up onto her hip and sighs, "come on Aubree, before your mom...well moms get gross on us." We both laugh and follow everyone out the door, the only thing that could dampen our day would be to be told that the Cancer was still there.

Taylor's Engagement Ring:

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Taylor's Engagement Ring:

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