Chapter Thirty Five

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Karlie's P.O.V

The image of opening the door to find the love of my life standing there seemed like a dream, one that would never come true. But opening the door to a tiny finger pointed at me saying "Kar," my heart almost melts. With tears in my eyes I look up to find my favourite pair of blue eyes with tears inside them. "Taylor," I breathe out as I fall to my knees and begin to sob. I couldn't remember the last time I'd ever cried so hard but to see a physical representation of what I've been missing for the last six months. "Kar, Kar, mama..." I look up at the slight touch on my head and come face to face with one smile that I don't know how I have lasted so long without. "Aubree..." I mutter pulling her to me as she cuddles into me and as I look up into those blue eyes I notice the tears that were in them before have begun to make their way down those high cheek bones that I have traced many times. Opening my arms to Taylor I watch the confusion etch its way into her eyes as she shakes her head but I'm not prepared to let her get out of a hug so I stand and with Aubree in my arms I move towards Taylor and without waiting to see if it's something that she wants. I engulf her in the biggest hug that I've ever given anybody before and for the first time I know exactly what people mean when they talk about hugging someone and using your whole heart to convey the thoughts inside.

Smelling the familiar perfume and feeling how perfect she feels against me it all feels like a dream. That dream seems to last a lifetime until a certain small monkey begins to move against me and wiggling like a small worm. "Kar," I pull away from Taylor and glance down into the little girl that was once a crying baby and I notice how much she has changed since the last time I saw her. She's no longer the small child that she once was, now instead a proper little girl. "Aubree." I state pulling her in for what must seem like a life ending hug. I pull back as she wiggles and tries to fall out of my arms. "What the? Where are you off too?" I question pulling her back up but she begins to thrash in my arms and I have no idea what to do now. "Just let her down, she won't go far." I turn to Taylor who has stepped back onto the threshold of the house, just outside it. "Can she walk alone?" I question as Taylor nods so I look at Aubree and then set her down to walk around and explore. The first thing she goes for is the coat rack that is solo standing in the foyer. I watch with anticipation as she holds onto it and then turns to face me before smiling and shoving her fist into her mouth, similar to what she used to do when she was a baby and it was her comfort. I watch her wobble and then sit down in what looked like a fall but she instead begins to play with her sandal on her foot. "Oh Aubree baby, leave it." I listen to Taylor talk at Aubree but I watch in shock as Aubree turns and looks at Taylor before saying, "mama." My heart just breaks with love as I turn to see the look on Taylor's face that is full of amusement as she continues to look at Aubree trying to pull her shoe off. "No Aubree." Taylor states again and this time I watch Taylor move and crouch in front of Aubree and take off her shoes. Aubree looks much happier afterwards and claps her hands as Taylor scoops her up and rests her on her hip. I watch as Taylor surveys the foyer and I move to shut the door. "No wait, we can't stay Karlie. I can't be here."
"Why not?" I question in amazement as I look around. I know that it's my parents place and that Taylor and my mom don't actually get on but Taylor hasn't met my mom since Josh and I were supposed to be married. "This is your parents place," she states as I nod and look around,
"Of course it is, this is where I've been staying since I've been having treatment." I say looking around the house that I grew up in. I see Taylor looking at me and for a split second I forgot what I just said but the look on her face says it all and now I realise that I'm about to give the biggest recount of the past six months that I've ever given anyone. Hardly anyone knows about the things that I've been dealing with because I've chosen to keep it quiet but I know that there is no way that I can't not tell Taylor how I discovered I had cancer and the things that I've been dealing with since that time.

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