Chapter Fifty Two

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Karlie's P.O.V

"So let's talk about the last few months Karlie," I nod but shuffle awkwardly on the small leather couch in a small office. "Sure, what do you want to know?" I question.
"Let's start with when you two got married, July wedding right?" I nod and she continues, "so what happened following that then?" I take a deep breath and say,
"I found out that Taylor had gone ahead and gotten implanted with a donor sperm that we picked before our wedding. I found out two weeks later when it came back that Taylor was pregnant." The therapist looks at me. "Were you two both excited to be expecting?" I nod really quickly, "Yeah I was. We already had two children together. One was adopted by Taylor, Aubree and then we met Noah while in St. Louis and we took him in and later adopted him." She nods at me. "Does he cause issues within the house?" I reel back and I look at her,
"What? Did you seriously just ask that?" the therapist whose name I don't actually remember. She looks at me and opens her mouth to say something but before she can even say anything I quickly stand up. "No, don't even answer that." I state grabbing my purse from the floor next to the ugly leather sofa. "Miss Kloss..." I stop at the door and look at her.
"No I'm sorry, but the minute that you insinuated that my teenage son was the reason behind the issues in the house and that is not the case and I will not allow a woman who does not know my family to pin the issues between my wife and I on my sixteen year old son. So don't even stop me. I will be paying for this session but I will be getting another therapist." I state making her breath hitch as I turn around and keep walking.

"I don't actually care!" I state down the phone at Zoe as she tries to convince me to go back to the same therapist. Wendy McMahon. "Karlie she is the agency's L.A therapist that all active models must go to."
"I know that but at the same time I will not go back to that woman and if that's the only possible person that I can go to then you can go to hell." I state walking around the kitchen at home. The cats are hovering around my feet with Joe outside rushing around. "Karlie, this is the only option. You either go to Wendy or you don't go to therapy." I remove the phone from my ear and look down at it before hitting the illusive 'end call' button and putting my phone on the bench. I breathe in and out as I sit down at the table and relax. Meredith comes over and sits at my feet and naturally I bend down and pat her like I usually do. I have no idea what to do because I need to be in therapy to talk about the issues that I've been struggling with personally and professionally. As Meredith scampers off and Olivia settles down on the couch to nap I take a good look at the house. Letting Joe in he rushes over to his doggy bed where he tucks up attempting to go to sleep. I take my phone and start in the living room, looking at all of Aubree's toys that are in her toy corner in the room. I move across the room and tidy the toys up setting her toys that she uses all the time like her blocks in the box that she always puts them in and then setting the soft plush toys on top. Moving upstairs I look at Aubree's nursery and run my hand over the wood of the crib, "damn it Karlie." I state out loud as I move to Noah's room and sit on the edge of the bed. Looking around the room I can't help but see the similarities of Taylor's interior designing skills but I can also see Noah's personality coming through in certain choices throughout his room with his striped duvet on the bed relating to his love of the sea now that he surfs and we spend time at Rhode Island and the small hints of college related sports which indicate that he would love to go to college eventually and Taylor and I have been trying our best to make sure that he has the best shot of getting into college. I move further into the house moving towards the room that Taylor and I share, looking around the room as I step into it I can't help but smile at the pictures on the wall and the photo albums on the bedside table. My side in particular has the photo albums of the past two years ever since Taylor adopted Aubree. It always makes me smile to think about how Aubree looked as a baby, so cute and cuddly. She was like a baby kitten always wanting to snuggle and not caring who you were when she would throw up on you when you burp her after a bottle.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I look through the most recent album of which most of the recent pictures were of us as a family at the wedding. It was the last time that we all had a happy time together and as I look at the dresser and see the urn of Alannah's ashes I feel a sense of dread come over me because it's the first time that I've ever had to deal with Alannah's ashes alone in the house. I've dealt with it earlier in the week the night that Taylor came back home after meeting with Tree. I sigh as I lie back on the bed and look up at the roof. I know that it's been a good week since Taylor and the kids left for Nashville where Taylor wants to see a therapist and genuinely have a break. It makes me think and as I realise that I still need the therapy it hits me that the reason that I am unable to seek outside therapy is because I'm part of IMG Modelling and like Zoe has said I can only see Wendy if I want therapy and I don't want to do that. I pick up my phone that I had put beside me on the bed and I scroll through until I find Taylor's contact. Clicking on it I select call and as I lift the phone to my ear I wait for it to ring through to her. The moment that I hear Taylor's voice I feel a lot calmer than I did five minutes ago. "Karlie?"
"Hi Taylor, how's Nashville?" I hear her breathe out in a hurry like she sat down.
"It's good. Both the kids are asleep and my parents have just disappeared to bed so I'm just chilling out downstairs." I nod as I lie back and listen to Taylor talk. "How was your first session today?" she questions as I sigh, "bad one?"
"You could say that. She tried to put it onto Noah, make it out that it was because of Noah that we don't get on or have a good relationship." I state as Taylor sighs indicating that she is listening and thinking at the same time. "Well she sounds like she's..." Taylor trails off lost for words. "She was a bitch babe. You can say it, I'll agree with you. She was a bitch and now IMG specifically Zoe is saying that due to my contract I can't seek outside therapy I have to go to the IMG company's therapist and she's it. But I don't want to go and have this woman blame our son."
"I understand Karlie. But how are you supposed to go to therapy if you can only go to one person that you don't like."
"I know, there is another way though..." I state making Taylor shuffle.
"Oh and what's that?" She questions and I take a deep breath.
"I could quit." I state making her gasp in shock.

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