Chapter Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three

Taylor's P.O.V

I've had a relaxing day without the kids as my mom and dad took Aubree out for an afternoon at the Taylor Swift Education Centre and Noah had headed out to swim a few laps at the pool in downtown Nashville and now they were both asleep. I was chilling out watching new episodes of Law and Order SVU that Noah had already watched when my phone began to call from beside me. I reached over and slid the button over to answer it, seeing that it was Karlie I quickly picked it up. "Karlie?"
"Hi Taylor, how's Nashville?"
"It's good. Both the kids are asleep and my parents have just disappeared to bed so I'm just chilling out downstairs." I hear Karlie lie back as the bed sheets crinkle
"How was your first session today?" I question as she sighs, "bad one?" I question again.
"You could say that. She tried to put it onto Noah, make it out that it was because of Noah that we don't get on or have a good relationship." She tells me making me sigh in content as I listen to her. "Well she sounds like she's..." I trail off lost for words as I try to hunt for the right word to call this woman who thinks after one session she knows us. "She was a bitch babe. You can say it, I'll agree with you. She was a bitch and now IMG specifically Zoe is saying that due to my contract I can't seek outside therapy I have to go to the IMG company's therapist and she's it. But I don't want to go and have this woman blame our son."
"I understand Karlie. But how are you supposed to go to therapy if you can only go to one person that you don't like."
"I know, there is another way though..." I shuffle in the bed as I put my iPad down and listen fully. "Oh and what's that?" I question making her take a large sigh and then say,
"I could quit." I gasp in shock not really believing her.
"What, no Karlie...Modelling is all that you've ever wanted to do." I state pulling the phone up to my ear and listening properly for the first time in what feels like ages. "No it's not that only thing I've ever wanted to do Tay, I love modelling and it's been a great experience with getting my name out and becoming well known, meeting you and all my friends. But I don't want to be doing it forever." I nod but I know that she can't actually hear me. "Well what do you want to do Karlie?" I question not really understanding what she wants me to say. "I...I really don't know babe. I'm really mad that the only way I'll be able to fully get over the last few months with Alannah is to go to a therapist that blames our son for my issues. It doesn't seem fair Tay and it makes me want to quit."
"So what would happen if you did leave? Would IMG sue you?" I question not really sure the terms of her contact, I know that it was renewed just before we got married in July. "No, my contract is open and allows me to leave when I want. But I just don't know, is it worth giving up this job because I can't go to a therapist I want to." She heaves out in a rush making me toss my head back and get comfortable. "I don't know Karlie, I guess at the end of the day you need to be happy and I think that we both need therapy to get past Alannah, she's going to be with us for the rest of our lives." I hear Karlie nod in affirmation. "I think you're right babe. I need to talk to IMG and see where I go to from there." I nod and we quickly say goodbye and I love you before we hang up and I finish watching my episode but thinking about what Karlie said about quitting. It makes me think about what I'd like to achieve. I don't want to sing onstage for the rest of my life and I realise that with having two kids now I need to decide where I'm headed.

The next day I decide to go for a walk and before long I meet a few fans, they ask for the regular pictures and signatures which I'm familiar with but when the older girl, Susan talks to me about when I'm next going to be performing it makes me think about what is going to happen next. After I say goodbye to Susan and her little sisters Zoey and Jasmine I continue to walk down music row and eventually end up in front of Big Machine Records. Stepping through the doors I notice the front desk not occupied and so I just walk down to the main office, seeing Jackie she asks if I'm here to see Scott, I nod and she lets me in. Knocking on the door I hear Scott say, "come in." Pushing the door open I walk in and he turns around and smiles at me. "Taylor? I didn't know you were in town?" I shrug at him and sit down in one of the armchairs in the room. He takes a seat opposite me, "So what brings you down here?"
"I-I-I don't really know exactly." He nods and looks at me waiting for me to say something. "I guess Karlie and I have been going to therapy and we've been thinking about a few things regarding the future." I say making Scott look at me, he crosses his left leg over his right and looks at me.  "Okay, what have you been thinking about?" He questions making me gulp and wet my lips with my tongue. "I guess I've been wondering where my life is headed, I've got all the songs written for the next album but I guess I'm having a tough time thinking about heading out on the road with two kids now, and Karlie can't always dedicate time to taking the kids especially if I have to travel to Europe."
"So what are you looking for from me Taylor?" Scott questions as I take a deep breath.
"I guess I'm not sure exactly but I guess I'm asking if it's possible for me not to have to tour the next record, at least not right now." I watch Scott as he sighs and rubs his temple before he looks at me. "That's totally possible Taylor. It may seem like it's not but as long as we can release an album and do a little promotion we can live without a tour. You have a family now." I nod and watch him close. "Thanks Scott. I really appreciate it." I state standing up and smiling at Scott as he hugs me and I leave with a smile on my face.

Walking into the house I call out that I'm back but all I hear are giggles from Aubree. "Mom what's going on..." I say trailing off as I see Karlie's lanky body spread across the couch with Aubree slung over her giggling as Karlie tickles her, Noah watches from the armchair near the fire. "Hey babe," Karlie states making me laugh. "Hi babe, when did you get in?" I question looking at her as she puts Aubree aside who runs to Noah and clambers onto him. "About an hour ago, hope you don't mind?" She questions making me shake her head. "No I don't care. I'm glad you're here. I've missed you." I state sitting next to her on the couch as Karlie looks at me. "I've missed you too Taylor. But since it's nearly lunchtime how about a lunch out?" I look at Noah who shrugs and says,  "Yeah sure, I think grandad needs more help but I can do that later." He says, as I nod and says,
"That sounds amazing." I say as Karlie nods.
"Do your parents want to come? Do you think?" I shrug and head to the kitchen where I ask my mom but she says they want to get stuff done around the house. I nod and relay that to Karlie who nods. We all get ready quickly and then leave for lunch. A few hours later we all return laughing and joking and Aubree plays with her toys and Noah heads out for a run Karlie and I sit down and talk. "So what have you been doing?" Karlie questions.
"You mean this morning," I question making Karlie nod, "Oh well I actually went to see Scott, we talked about the next album." I state making Karlie look at me. "We made a plan, I will release the new album in a few months but I'm not going to tour for it, not until the kids are older." I state, she nods, "that's good. It kind of goes with my news." She states.
"What's that?"
"I quit." Karlie states making my mouth drop and eyebrows raise.
"Wow, really?" I question as Karlie nods. "So what happens now?" I question as Karlie shuffles closer to me and leans into me. I breathe in and out as her arms latch around me. "Oooh what's this?" I question cheekily. "Are you getting fresh with me Karlie Swift-Kloss?" I question as she grins at me. "You betcha I am," I smile at her as our lips connect and we share the first real kiss we've had in weeks. We break apart smiling and holding hands as Aubree looks over at us and smiles before going back and playing with her toys as Noah comes in the door sweaty from a run. Karlie looks up at him as he passes and says, "do you want to go for a milkshake later?" Noah turns and looks at me as I look at him, "sure mama, sounds good." I smile at Karlie who smiles back as Noah passes mentioning a shower. The moment Noah is gone I lean over kissing Karlie who groans into my mouth and kisses back just as passionately. The rest of the night is spent enjoying a family dinner before Noah and Karlie head out, returning an hour later and showering before heading to bed. Snuggled together in bed Karlie and I cling to each other and exchange kisses until Karlie falls asleep and I lie my head on Karlie's chest and fall asleep to the beating of Karlie's chest.

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