Chapter Twenty Three

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25 February 2015

Taylor's P.O.V

Last night was a such a wild night at the Elle Style Awards because for the first time since I adopted Aubree I had a night without her which sounds horrible but it was so nice to be able to go out and relax without having to worry about whether she was happy and comfortable in the environment that we were in. It was also a great night because Karlie was forced to acknowledge me and we had to hang out together because of this. I tried several times to corner her so I could tell her how much I love her but she seemed to always be stuck to a group the entire night. I had hoped that we could taxi back to the hotel together and I could whisper it to her but then I discovered that she had changed hotels and was in the opposite direction. I felt disheartened but waking up this morning I knew what I had to do.

Karlie's P.O.V

Waking up this morning felt funny because I was I a crappy hotel room because I was an idiot. Planning this weekend in London had been done before I had found out about Ellie's management setting Taylor up to date someone and I had already gone out of my way to book her favourite hotel and ensure that it was at least two rooms because I had no idea whether she would bring Aubree with her for the trip or even if she would want to stay in the same room as me. But the minute that I found out about the three year boyfriend and especially after Aubree's birthday I found it too difficult to even entertain the idea of being in the same hotel as her. I loved her and the few days I spent with my family after Aubree's birthday made me realise how much I loved Taylor but the damage was done because I knew I wouldn't be anyone's second choice not anymore, not after the way Josh had treated me. But last night had almost killed me, to keep Taylor at arm's length so I couldn't be hurt by her attempts to get me alone. If we were both in the same place we had been last time we were in London, before it all went wrong then maybe I would have allowed her to drag me to a secluded corner or take me back to the hotel but it felt wrong now. Wrong to even be thinking about the possibilities because I knew it would drive me insane. Specifically if I began thinking about all the things that I could do to Taylor, to have her beneath me upon silky hotel sheets as we discovered our love for each other again and again. But closing my eyes and blinking several times upon opening them is all it takes for me to become aware that what I am thinking about is purely a dream nothing more because at the end of the day she is still Taylor Swift, THE Taylor Swift and I am a model, nothing more for me than that. Sure I have developed Kookies to help enrich the lives of children but I've never made millions of dollars or been influential in a kids life like she has. I have nothing to offer her except love, but its love that I would have to put on hold for three years which I am not prepared to do.

Standing up from the bed I decide that the only way that I will be able to clear my head is a run. So instead of stepping into the bathroom to shower I step into my running shoes and clothing and with my headphones I leave the room. Within an hour I am back, sweat drips down my back despite the cold temperature outside because of the speed that I was running. Back inside my room I unlace my neon Nikes and step into the shower that has since fogged up the bathroom with steam. Running my hands through my wet hair I rinse it before shampooing and then conditioning but all the while I am thinking, thinking about my predicament in which I love a woman who is being made to date someone because of her management company. It doesn't seem fair to me but at the same time I don't think it's my place to tell her how to live her life or what to do so I keep quiet. But when I'm finally clean and drying off it hits me that I don't want her to date anyone but me. I love her and I know that we can make it work and with a smile on my face I rush to get organized and within half an hour I am in a taxi on my way to Taylor's hotel with the small hope that she is still there.

Taylor's P.O.V

Getting out of the SUV outside a run down townhouse in central London I breathe in and out. I have no idea what I am doing turning up at Ellie's house demanding answers but after talking with my mom I agree that I deserve an apology for what Ellie told me that day when I introduced Aubree to everyone and I need an explanation as to why it's me and no one else, although I imagine it's because I've recently been labelled a 'world superstar' and people believe that through latching themselves to a rising star that it will benefit them in some way and I need to know what Ellie is getting out of this arrangement. Knocking on the door I'm shocked when a half-naked man answers the door. "Hello..." his gruff voice states and I immediately pick the accent as Scottish.  "Uhh hi, I'm Taylor. I'm looking for Ellie." He nods and gestures for me to come inside as he walks back into the house yelling out, "Ellie! Some Taylor's here for ya." I look around but nothing that I see reminds me of Ellie in any way, shape or form. I'm actually shocked to see her emerge from a door ahead of me on my right, she finds me straight away and says, "thanks Adam." I don't acknowledge the man as Ellie looks overcome with nervousness, "Taylor..." she states as she gestures towards the room she just came from I nod and follow and find myself in a little mini sitting room. In the corner is a book that Ellie was obviously either reading or writing in and as I make myself comfortable I waste no time in stating why I am there.  "Who is this man I'm supposed to date?" I question making Ellie jump back in shock,  "Calvin Harris," she meekly answers as I nod and she continues, "you actually just met him. Adam Wiles is his name but his music name is Calvin Harris, he's big in the electronic dance music." I look back at the doorway as if expecting him to appear and suddenly the reason I'm here makes perfect sense to me. "I'm here because I need to know something Ellie." I state as she nods and sit down as I waste no time in explaining that I will not be dating anyone except the one that I love and that is not a man. "Listen Ellie, we used to be good friends but the minute that you told me my daughter was a mistake and that I was ruining your plans you forgot that the thing I do best is revenge."
"Come on Taylor, that was a mistake I didn't mean it to come out like that." Ellie states but one look at her and I know she's trying to convince me. "It's too bad that I don't believe you Ellie. But it's not my problem to date someone for your management to be pleased with you. If they want it so much, you date him. But I'm done and there's nothing you can do to change that. I acknowledge that you have tried to fix this between us but the best that I can offer you and your management is a guest appearance at my show later this year. Guest appear, sing and we can start rebuilding this friendship. But, that's all I have to offer you Ellie." I state standing and letting myself out of the townhouse. I know that I will receive a call from Tree and no doubt my management will be upset but they work for me so they can just take it all from me or find other employment.

The ride back to the hotel is quiet and relaxing but I just can't shut my mind off. I keep going over how I will explain this to Karlie but I don't have a reason, I don't have a reason as to why I didn't contact her very often after Aubree's birthday because I was scared, that doesn't seem like decent reason and I know it. The only possible thing to now do is to explain what I've just done and how much I love her and just hope that she doesn't cut me out of her life. I hope she won't but she could be upset. Without realising it I've arrived back at the hotel and as I walk in the concierge smiles at me and I smile back. Without waiting for security I make the trip upstairs alone and walking along in a daydream I stop only when I see a figure slouched against my door. Walking up the figure stands and turns and I see it, Karlie. Without waiting for an explanation I launch myself at her and hug her. It's been a long time since I last hugged my giraffe and now I can't believe I let her leave me. "Miss me?" she questions into my ear as I move closer and closer.  "Like you wouldn't believe," I state pulling back from her. I stare into her familiar green eyes that I love so much and as I unlock the door to the hotel room I find myself turning back and without skipping a beat Karlie leans in and kisses me gently on the lips. Pulling back only seconds later I happily grab her arms and drag her into the hotel room before pushing the door shut with my foot and roughly grabbing her shirt to drag her closer so I can kiss her again. We fumble around with hands going everywhere until her hands end up in my hair and my arms are wrapped around her neck as we kiss with the passion we've never encountered before. Hands slip downwards as I push her to move backwards and within seconds we are pressed together and slipping onto the couch in the living room. Only the sound of lips on lips can be heard until we are forced to separate for air and I take that time to say, "I love you Karlie Elizabeth Kloss." I watch the smile cross her face as she leans up and pecks my nose. "I love you too Taylor Alison Swift, and also Aubree and your cats but that's different." I break out into large laughs and as we are about to kiss again I whisper the words. "Be mine." To which she nods as our lips stitch together once more and there we stay for the night.

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