Chapter Nineteen

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The next day, everyone got out of their tubes and stretched. Jett complained about how uncomfortable it was and wished he just slept in the waiting room. But no one cared. They all had a rough night. They couldn't sleep because they were scared for Breili. This was the first time she'd be unsupervised by them in awhile.

Cooper had called his dad to talk get a test. He didn't quite understand, but he said he would do it, and that was all that counted. Carter went and had his test as well. He, Crystal, and Cooper were going to see Breili later. The rest of them wanted to see her desparately.

The five walked in quietly. They looked at her, lying on the bed. She was breathing from an oxygen tank and a bunch of chords were going in and out of her body. She didn't look wounded. The doctors fixed her up pretty well.

Jett commented, "Them Asians know what they're doing."

Sophia elbowed him in the rib. "Shut up, Jett!"

"Well, they're usually the ones who do the medical stuff."

She rolled her eyes.

Riley slowly walked up to his sister. He took her hand and held it tight. He sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Everyone was silent, watching.

He said in her head, I know you can hear me. Please wake up. I need you.

Then she murmured in his head, I'm trying. But...Riley...I can't.

He smiled. As least I can hear your voice.

Ry...did Eli stay?

Riley sighed. No. That son of a bitch left you. Even if you were shot.

In real life, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Then she stopped talking.

Sophia asked, "Why is she crying?"

"Eli." Riley sighed, holding his head with his hands. He looked down at the floor. "He's gone. He left her. That's why he went home. When she needed him most." He squeezed his hands on his head. "He didn't tell you guys because he didn't want to start a fight. He said he had gotten sick. But he lied. He didn't want to be with Breili. He didn't want to get hurt. He didn't want to have any stress on him. So he ran away. That damn coward!" He shed tears of furiosity.

Spence walked up to him and got on her knees to see his face. She wrapped her arms around him. "It'll be okay, Riley."

"I just want her to be okay!" He started sobbing. "She's unconscious even in her head. She's so upset that even her mind is gone. I feel sadness and then nothing."

Spence hugged him tighter.

The others just sat there, watching. Sophia started crying. She couldn't not cry when she saw Riley cry. She never realized how much he cared about her. She's never seen twins like this. She's a twin herself and she isn't that close to Anakin.

Jett took Sophia's hand. She leaned on his shoulder.

They must've been in there for hours before Cooper, Crystal, and Carter all came in. "Sorry, the doctors were having problems translating..." Cooper trailed off. "What's the matter?"

Anakin whispered, "Riley's upset that Eli left Breili alone. And he just wants her to be okay."

He nodded. "I see. I'm not too pleased with Eli either."

"No one is."

They sat in silence, watching Breili. They didn't mean to, but they were waiting. Waiting for her to wake up. Waiting for things to be normal again. They must've been there for hours more. They sat on the floor, took a nap (yeah, that part was Jett), played games, and then slowly, Breili began to wake.

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