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A/N: All my friends are heathens, take it slooooooooooow........

"What are you doing out of your cave?" A snide voice called out, as soon as Michael stepped through the main doors. Craig Bend was conveniently leaning against the receptionist desk slightly to the right of the front doors.

Michael scowled down at his cup of coffee, frowning indiscreetly to show Craig he definitely wasn't in the mood for the lad's shit today. Michael was feeling pretty close to a pile of garbage today of all days and Luke decided to let him know five minutes after waking up that Lannister would be dropping by to check on his progress with the new NFL game and he couldn't be bothered about how wonky the shoulder pads were turning out at this point in time.

"I thought you lived down there." Craig snorted, not taking into account that Michael hadn't replied to his original statement, and probably wouldn't reply to the rest. Michael sped up his pace, trying to lose Craig without spilling his coffee.

Craig pushed off the desk casually, making time with the extremely tired looking Michael, "Did'ya wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Grumpy?"

Michael merely rolled his eyes, Craig was probably the most unlikely workplace bully, considering he worked in a different department, he was a promo guy. He worked two floors up with the advertising team and really had no excuse for constantly pestering a character designer who worked on the main floor and didn't attend company get-togethers, or anything work related past the required hours at the office for that matter. Craig was just a dick that happened to be there in the break room when Michael had ventured in the first few days working at EA, Michael regretted trying to socialize those days, Luke doesn't let him forget it either.

Michael cut through the cubicles where the main development team was situated in hopes of losing Craig and making it to his cave faster. He was stopped by one of the mail cart workers unfortunately, having to sign for a package he apparently ordered sometime last week. Craig was right next to him as soon as he got moving again.

"I'm surprised your eyes aren't sensitive to daylight, you must be part bat or something." Craig continued, dodging an intern carrying a bunch of coffees.

"You're name should really be Craig Bent," Michael muttered, squeezing between three workers heatedly arguing over last night's baseball game.

"You changed one letter, why should my last name be Bent?" Craig asked, walking backwards so he could squint at Michael in confusion. He was practically jogging so Michael wouldn't bulldoze him in a desperate attempt to escape.

"Because you need to get Bent, Craig." Michael snapped, half wishing he could splash hot coffee on the dude without having to fill out the accident report papers, and possibly have to join group therapy or something so he could show that he can actually get along with co-workers. God, he hate his co-workers. They're all a bunch of die hard sports fan that only know the bare minimum about anything video game related, Michael needed some hardcore geeks to communicate with before his head literally explodes.

He made it to the game design wing some time later and was happy to find out that Craig had wandered off before he reached his offi-Cave.

"Luke, I feel like a dumpster today, you better not have been lying about Lannister dropping by." Michael grumbled immediately upon entering Luke's waiting room thing. A few of Luke's penguin figurines toppled over when Michael shut the door with a little more force than necessary, the tall blond let out a squeak in surprise, smacking himself in the face with the magazine he was reading before Michael stormed in.

Once Luke got over his initial heart attack Michael gave him, he wouldn't look Michael in the eye. "About that . . ."

Michael let out a snort, "Fuck's sake Luke, I'm going home."

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