Chapter Six

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I didn't answer him because I was just thinking of how I was gone fuck Johnny up.

"ZARA! You have 30 seconds to answer me."

"What do you want CALVIN shit?!

"Don't yell in my house Zara. Answer my fucking question now."

By now we were in each others faces and he was yelling at me I'm not having that shit. So I yelled back the fuck you thought this was nigga.

"Calm the fuck down Calvin yelling in my fucking ear! Nigga get yo shit together and out of my damn face!"

All he had to do was come in and TALK to me like a normal ass mothafuckin person. BUT NOOOOO he had to bring his mad ass in here yelling and shit. Now he done got a bitch mad.

"Zara watch ya mothafuckin mouth, I don't like that disrespectful shit that you spiting"

AND he really thinks I give 1/3 of a fuck.

"Right now I really don't give a fuck what you like nigga. You came in here yelling and shit"

He grabbed my hands as I was trying to go to the kitchen to get me something to drink, as far as I'm concerned this conversation is over.

"Where the fuck you going Zara. You still haven't answered my damn question."

"Why you so worried about it MYOB. I don't get into yo business dude you shouldn't get into mine."

"You are my business Zara."

"Last time I checked I was MY OWN business." He was pissing me off because him and Johnny have this fucked idea that I'm his.

"Look just answer my question."

"He was my ex Jerold he showed up and I kissed him." I saw him clench his fist and jaw so hard that I thought he would break his teeth.

"Why is you kissing other niggas Zara?"

"Well I dunno...... Because I can." I gave him a 'duh' look

"NO YOU CAN'T!" He was getting beside himself telling me, NO nigga I tell myself.

"What you mean I can't. I can do what I want to, by nigga." I was about to leave he must have lost his marbles if he think he gone TELL me I cant do what I WANT to do the fuck.

"Zara you gone stop walking away from me woman!" he followed behind me while I was going to the kitchen. I felt him try to grab my hand but I just moved my hand, because if we touched I wouldn't be mad anymore.

As fast as lightning he grabbed my waist and gently slammed me against the wall. My breathing hitched when I realized how close he was to me. I felt flutters in my belly. Did I really have fucking butterflies that shit means I'm nervous. But he is SO close to me and he smells so good and looks so damn sexy. He moved his mouth over to my ear and began to speak.

"Look Zara this disrespectful shit you got going on you need to stop that. I don't like it. I don't know who you been fucking with in the past but in this future you gone know when to shut the fuck up."

I was so surprised that he said that to me. My stomached dropped like a weight. I wanted to curse him the hell out but I just let him finish what he had to say because I was kinda scared.

"Zara I am only gone say this shit to you once as a warning. YOU BELONG TO ME NOW, and if I see you touching another nigga or a nigga is touching you I'm gone kill him. Do you understand?

What the fuck my heart was beating so fast. Did he really think that I would tell him I understood this fucked up shit? I belong to him now and if he see me with another dude he gone KILL the dude.


"Zara do you understand me?" his voice was hard as rocks.

"Y-Yes Calvin." I whisper, my breath left me I could hardly breathe.

"What will happen if I see you with another nigga Zara?"

"U-Umm you're going to kill him." I can not believe this shit.

"That's right Z, and why will I kill him?" Now I wasn't answering this shit. He just said the shit and now he got memory loss and shit asking me questions.

"Zara! Why will I kill him!." I guess he was getting impatient. I waited a few seconds and he hit hand on the wall. When I heard that loud smack I got scared.

"Answer me Zara." He said really low and pronunciating his words.

"B-b-because I-I b-belong t-to you."

"That's right Zara you belong to me."

He touched my ass. "This is mine."

He touched my breast. "These are mine."

I gasped when he ran his thumb across my nipple. He kissed my lips. "These are mine."

He licked my lip and then he touched my lower lips and said," Especially this, this is all mine. Right Zara?" I let out a loud moan saying yes.

With that he turned too walked up the stairs.

I was so turned on I didn't realize that he left until I started to calm down. Anger bubble in me like boiling water. I was so pissed. Did he really leave me like this AGAIN?

That's ok what ever I gave myself a pep talk about how I was gone ignore his ass tomorrow.


The morning.....

I feel bad about how the argument went down with Zara and I, I MIGHT just apologize she is so slick at the mouth. I overreacted and I know it, it's just that I have feeling for her and thinking about her with another nigga just turns me into the hulk and shit. I usually don't sweat women and if I see she taken I just let her leave, but Zara I can't just let her go. Its like we have this weird ass pull or some shit. But enough of this mushy shit.

My phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID and I immediately click the silencer. It's my Grandmother. Yall like really your grandma, Yes nigga she always asking me if I got rid of Tasha and when I'm gone give her a grandbaby.

The phone rings again and it's my moms I answer it because my moms don't be on that.

"Hey ma, how are you." I ask her out of respect.

"I'm fine son but you should be asking your grandmother that shouldn't you?" Damn she must know I ignored her call.

"Mama what you talking about." I hope she is buying this.

"Boy you tried it! I know you ignored your grandmothers call now she over here acting all dramatical and stuff." Damn!

"I'm sorry ma tell her I apologize. But what are yall doing today." I didn't have any plans so I probably could stop by there.

"Umm boy don't tell me you forgot, we having that going away party for Trent and Trinity." Shit! I did forget. Trent and Trinity were my niece and nephew but more like a brother and sister to me because of us only being six years apart me being 24 and them 18, and they were going off to college in two weeks so my moms and grandma were throwing them a party.

"Dang ma I did forget but I already got their gifts tho what time you want me to be there." I got them some laptops and some mini TVs.

"We starting at like 2pm but you know the family they not all gone come till like 4pm so you got a lot of time don't be here later than 3pm OK?" I left her house and she still be bossing me around.

"Ok moms see you later tell grandma I'm sorry and that no I'm not bringing Tasha." She aid ok then hung up the phone

I look at the time and its 9am. I get in the shower and when the hot water hits my skin all I could think about was Zara. Her smile. Her hair. Her smell. Her voice when she was yelling. Her body. Shit this girl got me open like a damn book.

I get out the shower and do my stuff then walk out the bathroom to get dressed and I smell breakfast, but not just any breakfast Zara's breakfast. Now I can't wait to get downstairs. I got dressed fast as fuck.

As I'm walking down the stair I hear my nigga Johnny laughing and joking around in the kitchen with Zara. I walk in the kitchen and see Zara and John eating but aint no more food.

"Nigga what you doing here." I ask irritated because Zara ass gave this light skinned nigga my breakfast.

"Nothing nigga I called Zara and asked her if she could hookup some of this good ass breakfast for me and she said yea, nigga I'm telling you she wifey type. This shit better than my moms breakfast."

"Zara you didn't make me no breakfast?" right now I'm upset because she not even looking at me.

"Nope." She really gave me a one word answer.

"But Zara go get ready so I can take you to yo job and to the store so you can get what you need." Nope Johnny not taking her ass nowhere, they just getting too close.

"Naw its ok John I'll take her."

"Iight nigga I'm out bye." He dapped me and gave Zara a quick hug.

Zara was about to walk out the kitchen but I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.

"I don't get a kiss or a hello." She just walked away and said nope.

Shit I think she mad at me. And if she gone be ignoring me I gotta do something. Because imma need this breakfast err day it's that good. Now I gotta eat some fucking cereal.

When I get done with my cereal I go get dressed in some khaki pants, a black and grey striped polo hoodie, and some black, white, and grey Jordan True Flights. I spray my Acqua Di Giorgo by Armani cologne (A/N My dad wears this cologne and it smells Soooo good I want my husband to wear it. Yes that serious)

I go to down stair and see Zara in a pair of TIGHT jeans, a black and white Nike jacket, a blue shirt underneath, and some blue flat shoes shit I think they was toms but I don't know. But she was looking good and we kinda matched. I like how she dressed down when was with Tasha she used to dress up where ever we were going.

We walked to my white 2013 Lexus GS and got in. while I was driving to her job she didn't even talk to me she just kept looking out the window.

"What you need to go to your job for?"

She looked at me then turned back to the window and said," To ask for Vacation time." Yea that does make sense so she doesn't get fired. But her voice was so dry.

"What store do you need to go to?"

"Walgreens" you know how people say the name of the store then what they plan on getting but once again she was really dry with me.

"Are you good ma?"

"Yes Sir," she is being weird I have know her for about two das and I know that the only time she is quite is when she is sleep.

"What's wrong Zara?" she let out a cold laugh and said," Nothing."

I just let it go because I was gone find out later.


We pulled up at my job and I got out the car. I turned around and saw that Calvin was following me. I rolled my eyes and just kept walking.

When I got into the office my boss was in his office. I knocked on the door and he waved me in. Calvin was right by me standing outside the door but when I went in he didn't he just stayed.

When I got in my boss Mr. Johnson he wasn't the one who started the business but his father was the one who did. Mr. Johnson looked just like Michael Ealy but just a little lighter. He was one of my friends and I used to have a crush on him until I found out he had a serious girlfriend.

"Hey baby girl where were you yesterday," he said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I saw Calvin watching us with his antennas up and his jaw clenched.

"You know I cant be around all that sexiness for a week straight Robin." We joke like this all the time its just our relationship, a lot of my boyfriends used to think we were sleeping together but nope.

"Yea I know last time I was around you for week I almost had a heart attack." He was licking his lips and I just started to laugh. " Anyways baby boy I came to ask for a vacation week you don't have to pay me and I can send china in here fill in for me." Yall know China ass aint got no job yet but I trained her when I was in school just in case I need her to fill in for me.

He gasped loud and clutched his chest, "What my sexiness wants to leave me? What has this world come to baby we need each other." I heard Calvin clear his throat to make it apparent that he was there, I looked back and rolled my eyes. Robin was so funny and dramatic.

"Is he the reason my sexy baby is leaving me all alone?" I laughed and said," Babe I could never leave you you're my sexy I always will need you."

"Ok baby girl as long as I'm not being replaced you can take your vacation but I'm still gonna pay you." His clinic was in the perfect spot we were in the hood and all we got was ghetto baby mamas getting abortions or getting tested for STD's. He made BANK off this place and he continuously gave me bonus's. I blame him for my shoe collection.

"Nope I'm not taking it you can give it to China."

"Ok now get out of here before I put all your sexiness to work."

"Bye Baby boy see you next week." I gave him a tight hug and a kiss on both his cheeks.

I walked out of Robins office and into the waiting room with Calvin following on my heels. When we got to the car he walked over to my side to open my door at least I thought so. He moved me into the side of the car and said, "Don't be disrespectful because you so called mad at me Zara, you keep playing games with me an somebody gone get hurt do you understand."

I said yes because he was getting on my nerves and I want him to get the hell out my face with the bullshit. He opened my door and walked to his side and got in, "When we get out this Walgreens we going back home to get dressed for this family thing I got at my moms house for my niece and nephew, iight?" I just said ok but I was mad nervous. What if his family don't like me, then I thought about it why should I even care he aint my man. But I do want to make a good impression.

When we got to Walgreens I got a bunch of crap I didn't need but I still got it. Makeup but not any foundation, lotions, body washes, face crap, and you know I got some CANDY!!!!! Yes and some Arizona's. My total came out to like $90 so I just got like $10 worth of GUM!! (A/N Yes!!!! I love gum. Lol). I went to get my card out of my purse and when I got it out when lady was giving Calvin back his card.

"Umm did I miss something," I said mad confused.

"Nope lets go." I just went with him I'm gone tell him off just because you got money don't mean I cant pay. Then I thought about it, I don't have the energy to argue with him

I went In my wallet and got $100 out and put it in his back pants pocket real swift like.

"Zara why you touching my booty and shit damn I know I'm fine but not in public," he said reaching in his pocket. He pulled out the bill and glared over at me but just opened my door and went to his side and got in.

When he got in I faked sleep. "Zara I know yo ass aint sleep take this money back." I just stayed silent with my eyes closed.

He let out a loud sigh and just put the money in my bra. Shit! But what ever I tried I'll just put the money in his room somewhere.

We got to the house and it was 12pm so I took a shower, washed my hair, blow dried it, and straitened it. I put on a turquoise high waisted maxi skirt, a flowy crop top, some black gladiator sandals, and a turquoise twisted bead necklace, my neck lace was high up so I just wore black stud earrings.

I walk out to go to the front and I don't see Calvin, how do I get ready faster than him? But like 10 minutes later he comes down looking GOOD! He has on a Denim button up with some Khaki Levi's. He has on some type turquoise blue and purple Nikes ( Turquoise/Purple LeBron 9's).

"Damn Nigga why you always trynna match me." I say because we both have on turquoise.

"What ever lets go." He said laughing. "Wait I almost forgot the gifts."

He yells my name from upstairs to come up so I walked up the stairs and see four boxes. He is carrying two and says," Grab those two boxes for me." I did and they were kinda heavy.

When we got to the car I opened my door and got in. he got in on his side and then he asked me," Why don't you ever let me open the door for you Zara?"

I wanted to say because I don't want to mothafucka but I didn't I just said," I'm just not used to it."

"Aw ok then but get used to it alright." I just nodded my head.

On the way to his mothers house there was no talking only the sound of the radio. I bobbed my head to the music but then my song came on 'My Niggas by Rich Homie Quan'.

I sang along with the lyrics

I said that imma ride for my mothafuckin' nigga

Most likely Imma die with my finger on the trigger

I been grindin outside al day with my niggas

And I aint going in unless I'm with my niggas

My nigga

My nigga

My mothafuckin niggas

I was really hype in his car. I was twerking in my seat and every thing when the song came off I was tired from all the moving I was doing. When I caught my breath I turned around to see Calvin looking at me smiling.

"What you looking at that's my song."

"Well I can see that."

A few minutes later we were at his mothers house. I was so nervous that my palms were sweating. I don't even know why I was nervous but I was.

I guess Cal saw the worry on my face and he put his hands on my thigh and told me it was gone be all good. Little did he know that when he put his hand on my thigh he sent a wave of unwelcomed lust straight through me and the spot he touched tingled until I ran my hand over it.

We got out and got the gifts. When we got to the door Calvin gave me a reassuring look. When the door open I was amazed at the image before me. His mom is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. She was light skinned almost as light as me, had the most beautiful green eyes, her hair was really long and brown with a few grey hairs in the front, high cheek bones, and a BODY when I tell you if I was her age and gay or a man I'd holla. Every thing just fit so perfectly.

She looked at me and her eyes lit up and a welcoming smile was placed on her lips," Come in sweetie how are you." She opened the door letting us in.

She hugged Calvin and hugged me too. I was so surprised but I hugged her back.

"Calvin why did you have this girl carrying those heavy presents."

"Sorry ma I did really think about it."

"Hello how are you sweetheart my name is Chrissy but you can call me Ma."

"Hi, it is really nice to meet you."

"Cal I like her," I blushed a little I was so flattered because she liked me.

"So ma where is the food at," he said as he walked into the kitchen.

I followed behind him and we both stopped in our tracks when we saw who was sitting at one of the bar stools...........


Another Cliffhanger!!!!!!Who do you guys think it is?



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