Chapter Eleven

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“Wait how do you know my sister and how did you get her pregnant and why is she in the hospital and how did you get this picture” I was beyond confused at this point because the picture was of her sleeping.

“Well we met at the club and had a one night stand. Then I had to leave but I got her number before I left and I text her and the next week she text me back talm bout we gotta talk. I was heated at her ass because I was feeling her and the sex was bomb and she just didn’t text me back. She was crying n shit talm bout I’m pregnant my dad is gone kill me. I’m like what, is it mine then she clocked me in my fucking jaw talm bout fuck you, you pussy ass bitch. She ran out and when she got to her car she fainted. I took her to the hospital n shit but she told me to get my bitch ass outta her face. And the way her ass clocked my ass I wasn’t going because I don’t hit females. So I left but I’m gong back later on tomar to see her. Shit I took that before I left her house” Did he really think that was normal.

I was jumping up and down because MY SISTER IS HAVING A BABY! “ Bad Bitches having babies!”

Calvin walked in and looked at me and then at the dudes. “Zara what the fuck you jumping around fo in them leggings sit cho ass down.” I stopped I forgot my dad was here Lol. I was smiling too hard.

“Zara what chu smiling so hard for?”

“We got to got to go to the hospital because my sister is pregnant.” I said in my sing song voice.

“What she in tha hospital for?”

“She fainted”

“Oh shit is she iight what hospital she at?” I really don’t know so I looked at Quint and he just gave us directions because he didn’t know the name. As we were about to leave Quint said,” Put in a good word for me ma I’m trynna wife her up.” That’s funny Samaya is gone run him ragged.

We left the house and Calvin asked me how I knew she was in tha hospital and I just told him the story and he was cracking up.

“What’s so funny?”

“You and your sister got some smart ass mouths.” I just rolled my eyes and kept quit the rest of the ride.

When we got to the hospital we went to the receptionist desk and I asked for Samaya Kyle and then she game me her room number. Number 522. Where the hell was this shit at. I love smell of hospital but i hate the largeness of them i don't all the time in the world to be looking for a damnit room.

When we got to Samaya’s room and she saw me she started crying.

“Why are you crying Simmi its ok”

“Richard is gonna kill me Zeeny.”

She was talking about our stepdad Richard he was like a father to us because our real father got caught up and had to leave the country. I still love him and I don’t resent him at all because he had to do what had to be done for his wife n kids. Last time I saw him I was 3.

“Why are worried your GROWN ass hell.”

“You don’t even know what I’m talking bout Zeeny.”

“Ummmm yes I do. Your pregnant.”

“Well damn how the fuck did you know. Am I already getting fat?” This bitch is crazy.

“No yo baby daddy told me.”

“How the hell do you know Quint?” I pointed to Calvin and he smiled,” Him. Quint and him are partners or something.”

“Oh so you met Quint. Girl aint he FINE and he can work it. BANG, BANG, BANG.” She said while moving her hands in a up and down motion.

“YESSSSSS got chu a good one is he packing?”

“Zara so you gone act like I aint in here?”

“Damn nigga I’m sorry can I talk to my pregnant ass sister”

“Ok I got chu later.”


Me and Samaya talked about her and Quint for like a hour and I did put in a good word for him because they seem to be made for each other.

When we got out of the hospital it was a group of dudes out side. One of the dudes said something bout my ass and Calvin SNAPPED. Saying he was gone kill him and have his mother in a black dress if he ever said that shit again. When we got in the car he snapped on me.

“Zara I told yo I’m Zara I don’t have to listen to you ass not to wear those fucking leggings. Them shits been causing me problems ALL fucking day. Do you know how many niggas I done caught staring at your ass today.” I shook my head,” Well shit me either it was too fucking many. If I tell your ass not to wear some shit don’t fucking wear it. Shit I’m bout to take yo ass back to school were we had dress code. I don’t have the fucking patience for niggas. And if one try something with you imma have to kill him so just don’t wear shit I think is too revealing or we gone have a fucking problem, OK?”

Yall I don’t know if you know this or not but Calvin’s ass scares me. Yea ya bitch might talk a good game but I really don’t know how to play that shit. Don’t get me wrong imma good ass arguer I’ll shut some shit down but not with Calvin’s yelling ass.

When we rode in the car it was silent. I played Rat on Run that shit is fun.

Next thing I know I’m in front of the house I was at yesterday. When I heard to engine shut off I opened the door but was stopped by a hand grabbing my elbow. “Close the door.” I quickly closed the door.

“Look Zara I don’t mean to yell at chu but when you do shit like that its gone be a problem. I don’t mind you dressing nice but I don’t want dudes to be staring at your ass or your anything else. It might just be a man thing but I’m protective of thing I like or love and I like you. I’m sorry for yelling do you forgive me?” Aww so my man was trynna be sweet and all. Wait he IS NOT my man get it to and gether Z.

“No I don’t.” HAHAHA yall should have seen the look on his face it had me laughing. “Naw I’m just fucking with you Cal I forgive you.” He smiled at me and kissed the corner of my mouth. I wanted more but we were in a car, which don’t mean shit because of what happened yesterday, but we were in front of his parents house, that’s a better excuse.

We walked to the front door and I just waited there but Calvin just walked on in. My first thought was is this a TV house were they don’t close and lock the doors? But I guess they were expecting us because Cal’s mother said, “Hey yall we in the Kitchen.”

We walked into the Kitchen and saw Calvin’s dad and someone I thought I would never see again in my life.

Who is Cal’s dad to Zara?

Calvin apologized?

Zara goofy as hell.


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<3 Mucho Amor Chico’s <3

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