Chapter 26

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Tasha had the baby that was supposedly mine. Which is stressing me out, she keep popping up at my house trying to “Talk” about shit. And to add on top of that, Zara been acting crazy. Last time I saw her she was giving birth to our daughter, Zaria Chrissy Roberts, last month and before that I hadn’t talked to her. I had been calling her texting her and all, to see her and Zaria. I had been wanting to watch my baby because I got her room all set up, and I saw Quint with his little boy and it made me want to be with my little girl. She moved out the apartment and I don’t know where she staying now. Because If I did yall know I would have been popping up on er ass. I get up to go use the bathroom and go get a bowl of cereal, when I come back with my Captain Crunch I sit on the bed and look down at my phone and see that Zara texted me. I put that cereal down and  open my phone so fast that….. I don’t know but I opened that shit fast tho.

The message read:


If you want to watch your daughter you can. She will be ready to go in 1 hour. I really want her to meet her father. I’ll meet you at the Wal-Mart on 30 if you say ok so you can get her some stuff to go to your house like diapers and wipes and a car seat or whatever. Hope you come through.


Damn! I get to see my baby girl. As much as I dreamed about this I hadn’t held her since she was born, and then I only held her for 5 minutes. I was nervous and ion like that feeling. I started to pick up my phone and tell her no thank you but I had a thought. How could I do that to somebody I love. Just abandon them and look away without a second thought. It’s finally time for me to get my shit together and be the man my pops raised me to be.

I replied:

Of course I had been wanting to have some time with Zaria. How long can I have her for?


I was thinking because it is Monday you could keep her until Friday. Until we can agree and work out what exactly do about the schedule. Is that fine with you?



Yes that is good with me. I’ll be at the Wal-Mart in 45 minutes see you there BabyZ( like babyD from Friday)


 Lmao goofy see ya there.

I hopped in the shower, got dressed, got in the car and drove to Wal-Mart.




I got out the shower lotioned up and put on a random romper and some black sandals. I put my curly hair in a sloppy bun at the top of my head with a pinkish-red flower headband and grabbed some sunglasses. I got my Zaria out of her crib and placed her in her car seat and buckled her up. I picked up my purse and her diaper bag and headed out the door. This is really heavy I was about to pass the freak out. I finally got to the car and put the seat belt on Zaria and walked to the driver’s side to drive to the Wal-Mart to meet Calvin.

I was nervous when I texted Calvin and asked him if he wanted to see our daughter. I thought he was mad at me or just done with me because he had stopped texting and calling me about a week ago. I thought he would say no and cuss me out, but surprisingly he said yes. I m going to miss my Zaria but she needs time with her father, to get used to being around him and get used to his voice. I was thinking after I had gotten off the phone with China, Samaya and Tiffany. They had all talked me up to text or in some way get in contact with Calvin to talk to him about Zaria.

Samaya and Tiffany had their babies and told me it was important for the baby to interact with the father, and it was cute to see. Samaya had and boy 6 month Quentin S. Thomson and Tiffany had a boy too 4 month old Trey C. Roberts. They were some adorable ass babies.

 I pulled up to Wal-Mart and I saw Calvin’s white BMW I parked right next to him. Not knowing he was in his car I got out and looked in the car. Damn he must have gotten these windows tinted. While I was focused looking in the car I heard a door open but I didn’t think much of it because I was in a parking lot.

“What are you doing Ms.?”

I look up and see this white man. He looked really confused,” Is this your car? He nodded his head and my cheeks blushed fire red.

“Oh my- I’m so sorry sir. I didn’t mean to- I’m so sorry” I walked away from him and went to the backseat to get Zaria and her diaper bag, which contained formula. I breast fed for the first 3 ½ weeks so she could have strong immunity that comes with the breast milk.

As I’m headed to the entrance of the store I see Calvin walking to me with two buggies. The only thing I saw that was out of the bags was a car seat. It was pink, dark grey, and black. I still felt a little twinge in my heart when I saw him but then I started to think about my baby.

“Hey Zara, hey moo pie. How have you been daddy’s baby,” he said leaning down to give her a kiss on her forehead. Awww this was so cute.

“My car is over here. He points to a dark grey Kia Optima. “When did you get this car?” I said looking at the car.

“I got it after Zaria was born. All my other cars aren’t safe enough for her to ride in a car seat with.” Wow now that something I never thought he would do. It was the most responsible thing I’ve ever seen him do.

He walked to me and took Zaria to the back seat and sat her there and strapped her. Then he put all the stuff that he bought in the trunk and some in the back seat. I went to Zaria and kissed her,” Mommy will see you on Friday, I love you bugga” I was about to walk back to my car but I heard Calvin call my name.

“Zara! Can you drive back to my house so you can watch Zaria while I put this stuff away? I don’t want to leave Zaria by herself in her room while I run around the house putting stuff away.”

I got happy because I would be able be with my baby for a little more time. “Ok that’s fine with me.”

We headed back to Calvin’s house. I love Calvin’s house. When I left the hardest part was separating from the house. He lived in a gorgeous home and he had a nice kitchen. Now I’m about to go back and be stormed with old memories. That kitchen is love though.

We pull up to the house and Calvin hops out and opens my car door. He hands me the keys  to his house that I used to have. “Keep them Zara. You might want to pop up on us,” he says then goes to his car to get Zaria. I went to the front door and opened it. The house smelled the same as when I first came. Like clean and Calvin.

I hear heels clacking and they are at a steady pace. “Calvin why you make a girls room for our SON. You want him to be gay or something?” I immediately tense at that voice. Shit its Tasha. I know she about to start some bull. I just stand there and wait for her to come with the keys on my ring finger.


Just then he walks through the front door carrying Zaria in her carseat.

“Was you calling my BabyZ?”

“No that was Tasha.”

“Girl stop lying. What you need?”

“That wasn’t me calling you it was…..”

“Calvin!!!!!” she yells again.


“Told you,” I said laughing and getting ready to kiss my baby and leave.

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