Chapter 28

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Well Calvin still has Zaria and for me to get missing her and him off my mind I'm going to go on a DATE!!!! Whoaaa twerk team!!

I'm getting dressed. It's this nurse that I work with now. He been flirting with me at the clinic and I decided to finally give him a try. He was the same age as me and he looked like a damn model. Straight out of a catalog. Chiseled face Chiseled body. He kept a clean shaved face and he always smelled good.

We talked a lot at work like on breaks and stuff. I told him about Zaria and he was cool with me having a baby.

Yes he seem perfect. But I know something's got to be wrong with him. It might be a crazy baby mama because he has a 2 year old son. Anger issues, nasty feet, mamas boy something!!

Well for now I'm giving it a try.

I got out the shower and dryed off with a towel. After getting mostly dry I threw on my robe so I could do my hair and makeup.

I put in some leave in conditioner in my hair and worked it in, then I added some coconut oil, then some creme moisturizer.

When I finished that I moved to my dresser to do my makeup. I did a neutral eye with a kinda bold crease. Added some blush and a MAC lipglass. Then I was done.

I put on some lotion and then went to diffuse my curls.

I would have straightened or but I feel my hair needs a break from heat because I just got the top half of it bleached blonde.

To be honest I really liked it. It suited me well. After my hair was big but tame and dry I went off to get dressed.

I had laid out a cream colored peplum top that was a little longer in the back, a tropical looking midi skirt with peach, coral, and some blues in there as well as a little tan.

I went and pulled out my peach necklace and then put on some nice tan strappy heels. I looked in the mirror and didn't feel like I used to.

I felt like I looked too big. I felt like a piggy or something. I felt like if I wanted to keep a man I would need to shed a few pounds. I promised myself I would start working out tomorrow.

While staring and critiquing myself my eyes glanced to the clock beside my bed on the nightstand.

"Oh shit," I muttered to myself. I was gonna be late.

I quickly checked myself then sprayed my body with some perfume.

I grabbed my tan MK bag and headed out the door to my car.

We agreed to meet in the parking lot of the clinic because I ain't want him to know where I stayed because like I said I didn't know if he was crazy or not.

He didn't tell me where we were going but I just dressed up because that's what I do when I go on dates with Calvin so.....

When I arrived to the clinic I parked my car after I spotted him. When I parked he got out his car and I did the same.

He had on some tan cargo shorts and a dark peach button down paired with his Infared 6's. Damn those shoes sexy. Wish I woulda got them.

Why I gotta match with every nigga I go on a date with?

He looked at me and bit his lip. Then he started laughing.

I know why too. I was clearly over dressed.

"Don't laugh at me. You should of told me to dress casual. It's your fault." I snapped.

"Calm down shorty. We a get you right before we go to the spot I chose." He chuckled.

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