~Chapter 19~

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I'm glad I shot his ass. Now I can get ALL my shit out his house. I pull up to the gate and Paulo , the new gates man, let me in. He honestly was great at this job.

I go in and park my car in a way I can just pull up out this bitch when I'm done.

I'm still pissed. But what ever I THOUGHT we were we weren't. I thought we were in a realtionship but it was never spoken so I guess it never existed.

Unlocking the door I step into the home. I'm going to miss this house, it's so beautiful. Perfect family home.

I go to my room which for the last 3 months has been a getting dressing room.

As I pull the suitcases I came here with out I think of all the stuff I told Calvin about my past. How could he do some dirty shit like this to me.

Salty warm tears involuntarily slide down my cheeks as I gather my belongings. I pack everything I came with and nothing less or more.

Two or three hours later I'm done packing. I cleaned the room and all. Reluctantly I close the door after all of my bags are in the hall.

Bags with just clothes I just slide down the stairs but my hair and hygiene products I carry down.

Popping the trunk on my car I struggle to put my bags in the back. Paulo looked like he really wanted to help but I don't know why he didn't.

I go back into the house and take Calvin's keys off my key ring also the diamond necklace, bracelet, and stud earrings Calvin bought for me at Jared's and laid them on the foyer table.

I went to the kitchen and made sure everything was clean. I knew he was gonna have a hard time getting around and Roseita is on Vacation for a week.

I Wrote a note for Calvin. I folded it up and placed it near the other stuff. Then I headed out to my car.

When I was about to open my car door to leave Paulo came jogging over to me.

"Señor Calvin said that ju' can no leave home." He said blocking my door. What the fuckity fuck fuck.

"Look Paulo I in all actuality don't have the time to chat it up with you ok so if you don't move I'm going to shoot you in your ass. Ok"

"I can no leave. Señor Calvin said if ju' leave I die." Ughh!!!!

"Look man either I kill you or he do I really don't care. Actually move and tell him that if you die I'm never going to talk to him again. Tell him that I'm going to be at the Hilton so he knows my were abouts."

"Ok ok señora I tell him he have no worry. "

I get in my car and head to the hotel.



I open my eyes and then immediately close them. Where ever I am these lights is bright as shit.

All of a sudden thoughts of what occurred today flashed through my mind.

Damn why did I fuck that girl? I know that I love Zara. Yes, I LOVE HER. But I did that grimy shit to her. I told her she could trust me not to hurt her heart. Told her that I wasn't no grimy nigga and then got caught doing grimy nigga shit.

I don't know what hurts more. When she shot my ass or when I looked into her eyes and saw sadness and hurt. On the outside she was angry but on the inside I knew she wanted to break down and cry. And that shit made and still makes my heart hurt.

Zara is literally the best thing that happened to me. She is caring, nice when needed, she can cook, her sex is bomb, she smart, got her own shit, and her toes is pretty.

I can't lose her. We meant to be man. I love everything bout her.

Letting my mind race I feel myself drifting back to sleep until I heard voices.

"This dumb nigga woke and I know it." shit that sounded like Johnny.

The last thing I remember is me yelling to James to not let Zara then I blacked out again. I was going in and out of it. I heard Zara cussing them niggas out and all.

I wanted to laugh but I felt numb and in pain. I don't know how long we waited in the emergency room but it was a while. I blacked out like 3 times.

"Nigga wake yo ass up. You knew you was wrong."Jusin said.

I open my eyes and see all these light skinned ass niggas. Shit they asses I brighter then the hospital lights. I can only look at all of them if Quint is around cause he dark and he even these niggas out.

"Man I don't need to talk to you niggas I need to talk to Zara," I said. These niggas is crazy.

"Man what happen?" Quint said walking into the hospital room.

"Zara crazy ass shot Calvin's cheating ass twice in the foot and leg."

"Man you cheated on Zara? You not supposed to cheat on the Kyle girls man they might be cool on the outside but they crazy on the inside. Samaya saw me kissing some girl and she shot at me. But I ain't get hit, when I finally got the gun from her ass she punched me in my jaw. Swole all this shit up and my shit was purple." He said shaking his head.

"Nigga is that why we ain't seen yo ass in 4 weeks because yo girl been beating yo ass?" James said.

"Haha nigga shut up I ain't say shit when Ronnie had yo ass in tha hospital cause she beat yo ass up. The only thing she beating is the dick." Quint said.

"Y'all is too crazy. I ain't gone let no bitch hit on me. To only domestic violence between me n my future girl is imma beat the pussy up up up up. Aaaaaaa!" Justin said singing Up by Love Rance

"Nigga shit cho high school pussy getting ass up." John said.

"Aye can you niggas shut the hell up? Damn!" I say irritated.

"Oh yea but Zara left the house." Johnny. What the hell I told these niggas right before I went to surgery NOT to let her out the fucking house.

"Nigga really! Did she take anything with her?"

"Yea Paulo said she had some big suite cases and some duffel and carry on bag with her and she made like 8 trips in and out of the house." Shit she fucking left me. I know I fucked up but damn. All her shit?

This just hit me hard. What I did and the fact that Zara is leaving me.

"Tell Paulo I'm gone kill him."

"Paulo said she was about to shoot him, he also said that she said if you kill him she will NEVER talk to you again." She always trynna save somebody. Like stop that shit. Caption Save a Hoe head ass!

"Damn. Did she tell him were she would be?"

"He said at the Hilton. But you can't leave until tomorrow do you staying here man." shit I forgot I got shot.

"Ok so get y'all ugly asses out my room I'm tired."

"Man fuck that!" they all yelled and got comfortable in my room. Cutting on TV's and putting they feet up an shit.

I ended up going to sleep to the Bulls V.S Heat game.

~Next day~

These people is rolling me out in a fucking wheel chair and shit like bitch I can walk. This lady is pissing me off.

"Here you are sexy. Get well soon ok." she took out a card sat it on my lap and left.

"Damn C man she was really feeling you." Johnny said laughing. He knew that lady looked like a giraffe at feeding time and shit.

"Just come the hell on man."

After I got in the car we headed to my house. On the ride was just thinking about all the times Zara and I shared and shit.

When we got to my spot I stepped out the car with my crutches and shit. When J and I got to the door I took a deep breath when he opened to door.

The house didn't feel the same it didn't look the same either. It feels dull. I don't want to come home to this shit.

I turn to the right and my eyes land on the foyer table. On the table I see the jewelry I bought Zara, the keys to our house, and a note. Picking up the note and unfolding it I start to read.

Dear Calvin

Well I guess this is goodbye. The time that we spent together was great. I wish we could have more but guess not. I wish you the best. You deserve to be happy with whoever you choose, I won't stop you. I also deserve to be happy and the only thing I ask of you is to not stop me. I hope you treat whoever she is good. Bye Sweet cakes.

Love Zara ❤️

The fuck she talking bout make whoever she is happy and shit. I'm not bout to in no relationship with nobody else and neither is she. We gone work this shit out no matter what because I love her ass and I know she love me, she ain't got to say it I can feel that shit.

Naw fuck this sitting around bullshit I'm bout to get my woman back injured or not.

I WAS supposed to update yesterday but I had to TURNUP!!!! ( It's ok I know I'm lame for that *Kanye shrug*)
But here ju' go bebes *Mexican accent*




Yasssss what did y'all do for hollows eves?👻🎃

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