Chapter 13: Viral

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"Marshall?" I whispered as I peered in to his cubical, he was asleep slumped over his desk, his soft breathing dragged out in to slight snores as I entered his work space. He had a cup of coffee out and his computer was going crazy, typing a few keys over and over again due to his head on his keyboard. I picked up the mug and sniffed it, strong amounts of glue were definitely stirred in to this. Crumpled pieces of paper were in his trash can and spilled out on to his floor, a few more on his desk as well. There was also a few un-crumpled sheets of paper, but they were scribbled all over. No, wait, he was writing words. I slipped the sheet out from under his hand, careful not to rip it or disturb him from his sleep. Random lines and phrases were scratched across the page in no particular order along with musical chords sketched out next to each line of words. I read the words he had written on the page, scanning each and every last mark he placed on the page. One line read "I can't get you out of my head, nor in to my bed", another one said "all I can do is think about you", "my heart beats fast, as I let you pass", "how can I get you to love me?". That last one was written the most, almost five times in a row and scrawled across the top. I realized these were song lyrics, and he was writing a song. The words were beautiful and somewhat controversial like all his lyrics were, but none the less enchanting like always. I set the paper down on his desk again and he stirred in his sleep, I should probably wake him up before Gumball does or one of the pranksters do.

"Hey, Marshall, you should wake up" I told him while poking his back a few times. No response.

"C'mon, if you don't wake up Gumball will probably fire you" he didn't even breath different. I walked my fingers up his back and on to the nape of his neck, making contact with his warm skin and scurrying up to his ear and tickling it. He nudged his head against my hand as if to say "buzz off" and I continued to run my fingers behind his pierced ear. He groaned quietly as I moved to his lobe and pinched it slightly, making him snap awake and nearly jump out of his seat.

"Gah!" His hand shot up to his ear as he looked to me.

"Fionna, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I thought I would check on you, I haven't seen you all day and work is nearly over" I informed him.

"Oops, hey how did you know my ears are sensitive?"

"I didn't" I answered. He yawned and stretched his arms and back, suggesting he really needed that nap.

"How long did you stay up, anyways?" I asked.

"I went to bed around 1" he replied still trying to shake off the sleep.

"The last time I stayed up till 1 was when I was in high school" I muttered.

"Really? High school?" He questioned.

"Yeah, and it was to study for a test"

"Did you pass?"

"Top of the class" I said proudly.

"Of course you were, hey could I get your phone number?" He asked.

"My number? Um, sure" I pulled out my business card which had my home phone and cell number printed on the bottom.

"Fancy" he smiled taking the card.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to have fun calling you at midnight" he teased.

"Please don't, I will refuse to answer" I said while laughing slightly.

"Then I'll just call until you pick up" he countered. I rolled my eyes once again and kinda just looked at him, enjoying the way his face looked and the way he looked back at me. After a moment or two I realized this was kinda strange to just look at someone, so I broke our eye contact and looked away while blushing slightly.

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