Chapter 20: James Baxter

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When I walked in to work, I yawned and made my way to my cubical. My hair was still somewhat messy from last night, and I wore the clothes I had with me from our date. My eyes felt 100 pounds heavier as I plopped down on my chair, instantly landing my head on my desk, cushioned by my arms. I rested my eyes and nearly drooled all over my documents as I fell unconscious, only to be snapped awake by a loud sound and jumped out of my seat.

"Gah!" I looked up to see Gumball looking down at me.

"G-good morning" I stuttered.

"Fionna, it is not casual Friday" he informed me referring to the clothes I was wearing.

"It isn't? I must've lost track of the days, I apologize" I lied. He sighed.

"You look a mess, how much sleep did you get last night?" He asked.

"Um, I'm not sure..." when I thought back to last night I had to hold back a smile.

"Well, you should go to bed early tonight. I don't want you to be a zombie all day" he seemed worried about me as his eyes were stuck to the side of my neck.

"What's that?" He asked squinting slightly and leaning forward to see better.

"What's what?" I curiously lifted my hand to my neck and felt around my skin.

"You've got some kind of bruise or something there" once he said bruise I quickly covered my sore spot with my hair.

"It's nothing" I spoke too quickly, making him give me a skeptical look.

"It didn't look like nothing" he pointed out.

"Well it is" I assured him.

"Is it really a bruise?" He asked. I hesitated to speak, keeping my mouth closed as I made eye contact with him as if to say "no". After a moment or two if silence he got the message and sighed.

"Please don't fall asleep today, I need you" he told me.

"I'll do my best" I replied and he walked away. A sigh escaped my lips and I slumped over, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes in attempts to wake myself up. It only seemed to make me sleepier when my phone buzzed, I checked to see a text from Cake reading "how was your night???? ;)". A puff of laughter left my lungs and I responded to the playful message.

Me: interesting

Cake: gimme details

Me: maybe later, I'm at work right now

Cake: ugh, throw me a bone to chew on so I won't be bored while I wait for you to get off work

I looked around to make sure no one was looking over my shoulder and proceeded to text her.

Me: I think...I might love him

Cake: of course you do, everyone loves Marshall lee, he's famous

Me : no, I think I'm IN love with him

Cake: oh

Me: yeah, chew on that. I have work to do, ttyl

Cake: what! You can't tell me that and say bye! Tell me more!

Cake: hello!

Cake: you left didn't you?

Cake: ugh!

I giggled as I read the messages she sent me.

"What chya laughing at?" I quickly turned off my phone and threw it on to my desk, making Marshall laugh over my shoulder.

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