Chapter 27: Interruption

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When I woke up I almost forgot we moved in together, looking around the unfamiliar apartment while being held to Marshall's chest. I suddenly remembered it all, the boxes, the giggling, the playful touching; everything that happened replayed in my mind as I held his arms tighter around my waist. His soft breathing was present in my ear and I realized I was wearing his soft flannel. In all the time we've been together I don't recall ever wearing any of his clothing, it smelled like him and made me smile as he nuzzled his head against my neck. He starting kissing my skin once again, his soft lips pressing against the many love bites he left yesterday. I'm guessing this was his way of waking me up, I must admit it's not the worst way to wake up.

"Good morning" I mumbled turning my head slightly to greet him.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he spoke in to my ear.

"Excited or just trying to wake me up?" I asked referring to the kissing.

"You always excite me, I can't get enough of you" he replied returning to my neck.

"Well, let's get some breakfast before you get too excited" I smiled while pulling off the sheets and escaping his grasp. His red flannel was all that covered me, buttoned down just above my hips and the end barley covering my bum. He must've been too busy watching me as I found my underwear and pulled them up before heading to the kitchen in our large apartment. I started humming a song, something I heard at a café and it got stuck in my head, and opened the pantry to look for something to satisfy my hunger. As I pulled down the cereal box I started singing the few lyrics I remembered, simultaneously grabbing a bowl and opening the fridge. Once I pulled out the milk I had ran out of lyrics and continued humming again until I looped back to the words I knew and poured the cereal in the bowl.

"You never told me you sing" Marshall said as he enclosed me in his arms from behind.

"I don't" I replied with a giggle.

"Well it sounds like you do" he pointed out.

"A song got stuck in my head, I don't even know most of the lyrics" I informed him while prodding my cereal in to the milk with my spoon to dampen them.

"Maybe you should start singing me to sleep" he teased as I took a bite. I shook my head slowly as I chewed and swallowed.

"Nope" I replied taking another bite.

"Why not? Your voice is beautiful" he complemented causing a puff of laughter escape my mouth.

"I'm no professional, you're much better" I argued.

"Sweetheart, I'm in a band, of course I'm good. But your decent" he continued.

"Okay, have it your way" I teased, slightly laughing once again.

"You don't believe me, do you?"


He chuckled "stubborn as always, but that's why I love you"

"You love me for many reasons, not because I'm stubborn. Stubborn is a negative trait" I reminded him.

"No, I could write a book about why I love you. You're stubbornness means your headstrong and independent; you don't really need me, but you want me" he whispered delicately in to my ear sending shivers down my spin. I hesitated to speak and took another bite of my food, not sure how exactly to respond.

"And the reason we work out so well is because we both find each other irresistible" he continued in the same hushed tone. His lips got too close while speaking and quickly changed to kissing as he trailed to my collar bone. My eyes rolled back as they closed and my head tilted against his neck and shoulder as his hand drifted lower. His hand rested on my hip and his finger twirled with the strap of my underwear as he continued kissing my neck area. I leaned my head against his, my body reacting to his in a less than chaste way as my breathing picked up. His finger traced over the fabric, causing a low moan to escape me while his hand started wriggling in past the tight elastic around my hips and teased my skin. A knock interrupted us and I pulled his hand out quickly, taking beep breaths to calm my breathing and hopefully turn my flushed cheeks back to their original color.

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