Chapter 25: Working Late

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"Hey Fionna, I need you to work late, is that okay with you?" Gumball asked peeking over my cubical wall.

"Sure, of course. I don't have anything planned after work, so today's perfect" I told him. He smiled.

"Great, cuz I really need you this time" he said before returning to his office. I continued working, typing away at my keyboard and over looking documents to assure 100% accuracy. Even though I was famous, I still worked at Candy Inc., it's the place I love to work at. An hour or so passed when my phone buzzed and I saw a text from Marshall saying "copier room". Curiously, I looked around to make sure no one was watching me and made my way to the small room at the other side of the office. I made sure not to draw attention to myself as I peaked in to the small room and entering it, closing the door behind me to see Marshall waiting.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I felt like you were working too hard, plus I got extremely bored" he said pressing a button on the copier and turning towards me, leaning against the machine.

"So you decided to distract me?" I smiled.

"Just a little, I wanted to make plans with you" he told me.

"What kinda plans?"

"Date plans" he answered.

"We already spend all our time together at photo shoots and interviews" I pointed out. "And we spend most of our nights together" I smiled coming closer to him and wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I know, but I want to spend our own time together with out flashing cameras and a microphone being shoved in our faces" he explained enclosing his arms around me.

"How about this: every Sunday night is our date night. No interviews, no photos, just us" I suggested.

"That sounds perfect, I really like spending time with you, y'know" he smiled leaning down closer.

"I know, and I love spending time with you" I informed him...wait, did I say love?

"Love?" I felt my face get hotter as he lifted my chin, tilting his head to fit with mine.

"Do you love me?" He asked. I was speechless at his question, of course I did; I chocked on my words, unable to mutter a single word as he pressed his lips to my own. This kiss was different, it wasn't trying to excite me and it wasn't trying to distract me. It reminded me of the time he kissed me after his show on our first date, the memory of his soft lips merged with the present feeling of his mouth moving with mine. I almost felt like he was trying to tell me something through his lips, when I realized why these kisses were different. He was expressing passion, and emotions other than desire, emotions I parted my lips against his, allowing breath to exit my lungs as I held my upper lip above his.

"Marshall, I-" my words were cut off by the door opening, and Lance coming in to make some copies.

"Excuse me" he said obliviously to Marshall as he stepped away from the copier.

"I'll see you later" Marshall told me before quickly kissing me goodbye.

"Okay" I sighed, feeling disappointed and let down that I couldn't tell him what I had finally built up the courage to say.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" Lance asked.

"No, not at all" I replied walking out of the tiny room. When I returned to my desk I just sat there, picking up my phone and hovering my fingers over the small keyboard. No, I shouldn't tell him over text, this had to be face to face. I let my phone slip out of my hands and sighed, wishing I could tell him; I had to. Right now, though, I had to get back to work; so I back to work I went. The longer I worked, the more time passed, and the more I could focus on what I was doing. Before I knew it the clock was telling me it's time to leave, but I remembered Gumball asked me to stay late.

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