A shocking betrayal

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Martyns POV:

Martyn raced through the forest, leaving Benji behind to tend to the unconscious Strippin. Any other time he would have worried about his other friend, but all the elf could think about was making sure Toby was safe. After what seemed to be a lifetime, Martyn finally arrived at InTheLittleCrop. Feeling the fast anxiety induced beating of his heart with every step as he grew closer to their tent. Opening up and peering inside let Martyn release a breath he didn't know he held in. Today laid on his bed just how he had left him. With a sigh of relief the forest elf walked up to the younger boy, out of breath. At the sound of the tent opening, Toby sat up and turned to him.
"Well you weren't gone for long. I take it things didn't go well...?" He asked, eyes scanning him confused.

"At the meeting.. we.. someone's betrayed us." His sentence was broken as he struggled to catch his breath, adrenaline pumping. Cerulean blues locked onto chocolate brown, trying to read the younger boys clueless expression. "In the book, it mentioned creeper buddies... Are.. Are you alright Tobes?" Martyn asked, several things prominent in his tone; hesitation, worry, desperation, and denial. A small smile creeped onto his face. He got up taking out his blue sapphire sword as his eyes flashed red.

"Now why would you say that?" I took a few steps back my eyes widen in horror as he took a few steps closer. I scrambled to draw my sword.

"Toby. We can talk about this." I tell him trying to reason with him, but he didn't listen. Toby grinned madly and swung his sword at me I ducked and held my sword in a defensive position. His sword clashed against mine. "Afraid to fight back are we?" He said with a smirk, He was right though. I didn't want to hurt my brother. He swung again and cut my arm slightly. I took a few steps back and tried to strategize quickly. I swing my sword and it cut his leg and he fell to one knee. I picked him up by the collar of his hoodie and held him against a tree. He simply smirked at me.

Benji's POV:

I had finally managed to carry Strippin back to Honeydew inc. There was some gasping. Panda and Nilesy came running over taking him from me. I stopped to catch my breath. God he was bloody heavy.

"Benji?! What happened?!" Sjin said. Everyone was surprised. Strippin was a well build guy. Probably the strongest out of the bunch.

"Martyn. He attacked him! Then ran off into the woods." Benji says, only being there or half of the fight. Xephos then said.

"It's... Martyn?" Everyone was surprised at this; even I was and I just saw it! Martyn was the nicest guy ever. He had no enemies, and hated no one. This didn't make sense, But no one hurts my brother.

"Let's get him then! Lock him up! Put him in a hole! Blow him up with TNT! Do something!" Honeydew exclaimed. Xephos sighed. He always liked Martyn. Didn't have a reason not too. Xephos took out his sword.

Xephos's POV:

"We should check out their base. Make sure Toby's okay. Sip, Sjin, lalna, Panda, Rythian and I will go to their base. While the others stay here where it's safe." We walked into the woods, well Rythian preferred to fly though. He didn't really seem to care about this but Zoey seemed sad. Martyn was her friend. She didn't want him hurt, so he decided to help. We had been walking for about five minutes.

"Wait." Rythian said. We all stopped and swords clashing were heard in the near distance. We all started sprinting towards the sound. Rythian was the faster since he was flying. I noticed and activated my flying ring and started flying at a faster pace. I was slightly behind Rythian. We both flew into the camp and saw Martyn holding up Toby but the collar of his grey hoodie. "Martyn!" Rythian yelled at the boy. He dropped Toby and turned around. Sips and Sjin had ran past us and they both tackled Martyn to the ground.

Martyns POV:
I turn around as someone calls out my name, dropping Toby. Suddenly Sips, and Sjin come running towards me tackling me. The both had me pinned. Toby who I could see better has complete fear on his face. He was back up against the tree. Xephos, lalna, and Panda came running over to him.

"M-Martyn... He, he attacked me!" Toby said. I struggle from Sips, and Sjin but they didn't intend on me getting out any time soon.

"He's lying!!" I yell out mad at them all. Xephos shook his head.

"Martyns always been a little insane.. Talking to trees and plants..." Toby said still scared. I can't believe he said that.

"Talking to trees? That's a new one...." Rythian said. "But that doesn't make them insane... Well. Zoey is a little crazy... But she's my kinda crazy..." Rythian smiles slightly under his mask and dazed off in thought. Xephos snapped his fingers and Rythian turned his attention back to me. "Well now, Mr. Sapling King. what to do with you." Rythian said calmly, staring down at me. I struggled until I became out of breath. Sips, and Sjin harshly had me pinned to the ground. My arms started to hurt.

"We could kill him?" Sips said as he smirked slightly.

"No. Traitor or not, he's still family." Xephos said glaring at Sips. I lift my head up slightly.

"Thank Notch..." I say quietly. Sips heard and pushed my head into the ground. I growled in pain. Toby would occasionally smirk at me when no one else was looking. "He. Attacked. Me!!" I yelled out. Toby turned away as if it was painful to even look at me. I continued to struggle.

"Shut up. Martyn. We know you attacked Strippin" Lalna said slowly walking over to me. I froze. I did attack Strippin, I can't defend myself if I'm guilty. "That's what I thought." Lalna said with a smirk. Xephos and Panda had gotten Toby up and healed him leg with Rythian's life stone. Rythian then walked over to me. He signaled for sips and Sjin too move but they both looked at each other. Sips still had me pinned and stood up and pulled me up with him. Sjin stood there and punched me right in the gut. I dropped too my knees gasping for air. Rythian mumbled some magic spell and suddenly I was trapped in a purple sphere. I caught my breath finally and begun to kick and punch at the sphere.

"I'M NOT THE TRAITOR!" I yelled at them but they all simply ignore me at this point. Sips and Sjin snickers. So much for them being nice guys.

"The force field will never break. It is no use trying to do that." Rythian said calmly. They all started to head back to Honeydew Inc. My sphere simply floated over Rythian. I didn't give up though I kick and I yelled. They walked through the gate and there was a collective amount of gasps. I didn't look very innocent considering I was freaking out.

"I AM HAVING A GIRAFFE!" I yell out in frustrated I took out my sword and began to slash at the sphere. Lewis facepalm.

"You idiots forgot to disarm him!" Sips and Sjin stopped snickering and shrugged. Everyone noticed Toby looking like the victim then looked up at me in disappointment.

"Martyn... Why..." I heard Nilesy say still shocked.

"I'm innocent!" I yell out and continue to hit the sphere with my sword. I wasn't convincing at all. I was out of breath and kept myself up with my sword. Rythian took this as an opportunity and dropped me out of the sphere. I dropped from not very high up. Everyone immediately stepped back. They all surrounded me. Zoey tried too run up to me but Rythian held her back. I picked myself up with my sword. "I am having a giraffe." I mumble looking around.

"Now Martyn." Xephos said taking out his sword. "You can come quietly and no more harm will come to you." I was not going to come quietly. I was innocent!

"You know. It's sad how my own friends, don't trust me." I looked around and Lalna, and Sjin were both armed with mining lasers, Rythian had his katar, The three were decked out in the top gear. Everyone else had basic swords and bows. I knew I couldn't successfully fight them all. I only had one choice. I looked around and noticed Minty, Nilesy, and Zoey were all guarding the gate. Nilesy was in the middle. I formed a small plan. I then looked over too Toby.

"You are no longer my brother." A tear ran down my cheek. Everyone was quiet. I put away my sword and everyone seemed to let their guard down slightly.

"Now, just come with us so we can have a nice chat." Xephos said calmly. I took my chance. I darted towards Nilesy. The Scottish man didn't know what hit him. I pushed him out of the way and he fell over onto Rythian who was trying to follow.

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