On the run

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Xephos's POV:

We all stood in a circle around Martyn. I didn't dare let my guard down. He put away his sword and I calmly said to him. "Now, just come with us so we can have a nice chat." I watched as Martyn looked around the circle. There was no escape though. He was surrounded. After a few minutes for silence Martyn darted over too Nilesy knocking him and Rythian over. I immediately ran after him. I activated my flying ring and started to pick up speed.

Martyn's POV:

I ran for my life. The trees were yelling at me. Telling me I was stupid for ever trusting them. That they were never my friends. I held my head and yelled aloud "Shut up!" Xephos shot me a confused look. I climbed into a tree easily and jumped along the tree tops swinging from branch to branch. I could see Xephos and Lalna gaining on me. I focused and the forest grew denser. Trees sprouted from the ground. Xephos ran into a branch falling to the ground but Lalna continued to follow, not stopping for his fallen friend. I dropped out of the tree falling down gracefully. I got back up and continued running. Lalna fired his mining laser at me and it just missed my arm. He seem to have a hard time of flying and shooting. I was thankful for this. Lalna soon stopped and just focused on shooting me. Hearing the whine of the mining laser caused Martyn to dart to the side in a sloppy dodge. Almost immediately after a sharp, intense pain tore through his right forearm. A muffled scream tore through his lips as he came to a stop, leaning up against a tree, his left arm shot up to hold the source of the pain. Feeling the warm sticky blood seep through his hand caused Martyn to curse. Knowing he had to keep going, Martyn pushed himself off the tree and continued running, not stopping until he was sure he wasn't being followed. Out of breath, and feeling as if his head was spinning, Martyn looked down and took notice of the blood that was still freely falling down his arm and covered his sleeve and side. Stumbling through the woods, Martyn quickly came upon a lake. Not wasting any time he made his way over and submerged himself in the water. The cold water jolted him awake, and snapped him back into his senses. Slowly pulling off his shirt with his right arm I found a small lake and decide to camp for the night. I didn't have much of an inventory. I had my emerald sword, a pickaxe, three torches, a flint and steel, and some wires. I climbed up into the highest tree I could find and sat on one of the branches. I was well covered by all the leafs. My arm hurt and I was tired. I tried to sleep but the mobs below said override with all the racket they made. I cried lightly. I missed my bed, InTheLittleCorp, the old Toby, my old friends. I honestly don't know what's next... Do I live alone in the woods for the rest of my life? Leave them all with the traitor?

Lalna's POV:

I dropped to the ground and took out my mining laser. Martyn was in my sight. I lined up my shot and fired. It hit his arm but he kept running. "Dammit.." I growled. He ran out of my sight. I started to run back to where Xephos had fallen. He was conscious but his leg seemed broken. "You okay friend?" I asked Xephos.

"My leg hurts, besides that, fine I guess... Did you get him?" I shook my head and Xephos sighed. I helped him up and we flew back to Honeydew Inc.

Past Toby's POV:

I stood next to Honeydew Inc. my back against the wall with a smirk on my face. I've been like this since Martyn left for the meeting. I was so mad that he would pull such a cruel joke. In a flash there was red eyes and anger washed over me. Memory's of them picking on me, hurting me, even killing me played through my head. The man offered me a deal for revenge and I took it. Whenever someone came near I would act sad or scared, fooling them all. Everyone seemed to buy that Martyn was the traitor, but there were a few people still suspecting me. Lomadia knew something wasn't right, that Martyn was too nice. Zoey, I had to be cautious of, I didn't know why, I just knew I should be. And then there's Rythian. He's just a creepy dude with all his magic. I never liked him but he's no idiot.

Lalna's POV:

On our way back I saw a person below us. Without a warning I dropped out of the sky and landed. I put my hand on my mining laser thinking it was Martyn. But it wasn't. On the ground was a small redhead girl talking too a bunch of mushrooms. "....Zoey...?" I say cautiously walking up to her. She quickly turns around and grins up at me.

"Hello Lalna!" she chirped.

"Hey... What are you doing?" I asked her. Was she seriously talking to a mushroom? I knew she liked mushrooms, but not this much...

"Oh! I was-" she was cut off by Rythian who landed in from of her. He glared at me then turned back to her.

"Zoey. What did I tell you. You're not suppose to leave without me or Teep." Zoey pouted by then got up.

"Fine Mr. Grumpy." she said then turned skipping away. Rythian rolled his eyes and followed her. I stood there looking like an idiot for a minute until someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around to find it was Xephos.

"You coming?" he asked. I nodded and we both flew off again.

Rythian's POV:

I walked in back of Zoey as we entered the factory. Gods I hated it here. Inside the factory was loud, machines were constantly running, it was simply too much and frankly very annoying. "Can we please leave? Everyone here hates us."

"Hates you. Everyone hates you." Zoey teased with a giggle. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. We're leaving." I say and Sips and Sjin appear at the entrance.

"Whoa. Where do you think your going?" Sips said crossing his arms.

"Away. From here." I say getting slightly irritated.

"That's a funny joke. Lewis says no one leave." Sjin continued.

"I don't care. I'm outta here." I growled pushing Sips out of the way and Sjin went to help him. I calmly walked out through the gate but Zoey and Teep stopped.

"Ryth..." Zoey said.

"What?" I ask. I don't understand, why won't she leave.

"Martyns my friend. I want to stay." I frown.

"Fine." I say crossing my arms. "But I'm going home." I say turning off walking into the woods.

"Rythian! Wait!" Zoey called out. I didn't stop though. She stayed at the gate and soon turned around. I walked through the forest and found myself at BlackRock castle. I sat on the roof simply thinking.

Martyns POV:

The coast seemed clear so I jumped down from the tree. I made a makeshift sling for my arm. I walked through the woods and came upon a basalt brick castle. This was Rythian's castle. I slowly approached the castle looking around. I was hungry and needed shelter. They were all at the Jaffa factory so I might be able to camp here for a night. I walk up to the doors and cautiously knock. Stupid I know, but if Zoey was there I could talk to her. The door slowly opened and I took a few steps back. It was dark inside and all I see are purple eyes, Rythian's. I prayed to Notch that he wouldn't kill me.

Rythian's POV:

I heard a knock at the door. It was probably Lewis come to yell at me for leaving. I walked over to the door and opened it only to find the last person I would have expected. The sapling king himself, Martyn. He looked terrible. Bags under his eyes, his blond hair looked brown from all the dirt, his clothes were ripped and his arm was bleeding. He probably would have bleed to death if his head band wasn't tied to his arm. He dropped his sword as held his hand up weakly in an 'I surrender fashion'.

"Please don't kill me! I can explain." He croaked out. I decided to take pity on him. He was Zoey's friend anyway. I moved away from the door motioning for him to come in. He picked up his sword slowly and put it away, walking inside. He looked around as we walked to the kitchen.

"You hungry?" I asked him and he nodded. I gave him some steak and he ate it like he hadn't eaten in days. I help him over to the couch and start to heal him with my life stone.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked confused.

"Because you are Zoeys friend, and she cares about you." I simply say. Once his arm was healed he goes up to the bathroom and gets a shower to clean himself up. I sit myself down on the couch and a few minutes later he comes walking back down looking like his normal self. He explained himself and the thing was, I believed him... The sun started to set so I told him he could stay here for the night.

"Thank you." he said to me. I directed him to the guest bedroom, or as Zoey called it, my bedroom. I slept in the master bedroom as always, maybe Martyn wasn't the traitor. If he was I think I would have noticed by now.  

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