Ninja out the back

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Toby's POV:

It was about midday, the sun was overhead and most of the others were back inside. I honestly didn't expect for Strippin to have amnesia. But hey, what luck I have. It's a little weird having Israphel in my head sometimes... He's like an annoying telepath... I walk over and peer through the door to the sapling Prince's cell. He's in there staring at a wall, anger edged into his features. I get a weird feeling in my gut as I look back towards the factory. I walk over and walk into the factory. Ravs, Zoey, Teep, and Rythian stood talking next to some monstrosity of a wall filled with machines. I hadn't anticipated him returning... No matter, the plan will be done soon enough. Rythian looked over at me and glared daggers. I rolled my eyes lightly and walked over and flew off to another level.

Martyn's POV:

Toby. One name I never want to hear again. He betrayed me. And not like he had any times before. This wasn't funny. This wasn't us joking around. This was real. I frowned as I started to mumble to myself.

"He is dead to me. As far as I care they all are... I mean, why don't they just kill me already? Death beats hanging out in this room all day...No, they should all pay for defiling the sapling prince! How dare they! They should suffer my sapling blade! Each of them! One by one they will all-" Martyn slapped himself stopping his rant. "No Martyn." He told himself.

"That is Frost. You're better than this." He said and sighed. "I must keep my anger under control." He said taking a deep breath. "Dammit..." He muttered. Martyn felt weaker than usual and he knew the reason. If he was separated from his forest for too long it would make him sick. If the forest dies, he dies, if he dies, the forest dies as well, that's how it works. It's a elf thing... Well the situation's getting worse so, it's settled. I'm breaking out tonight.

Lalna's POV:

I paced around my science lab at honeydew Inc. books were scattered around the room. How is Martyn doing that level of magic?! Plus he used forest magic the first day this bloody chaos started! He had no magic on him when we confiscated his gear... There's no logical explanation! I walked over to a few books and scanned the pages. Nothing here would help! He slammed his hands onto the table in frustration.

"RYTHIAN!" He yelled. A few moments later purple particles appeared behind him.

"Yes?" A chilling calm voice said that made me jump. I turn to see lavender eyes meeting mine.

"Have you found anything?" I asked the Mage. The two of us had been working together, (yes. The two of us working without us killing each other.) him looking for a magical explanation, and me, well a bit of both.

"No. But something tells me this is old magic... I've been looking for a certain book but I do not seem to have it." Rythian stated and I groaned. Rythian's eyes drifted around the room until they landed on a book I had closed on the floor. "And I now just found it." He said walking over.

"What? What book?!" I exclaimed excited to possibly have a lead in this chaos.

"Mythical creatures and legends." He stated and my smile dropped.

"How would that help us?!" I exclaimed.

"Because. It may tell us what Martyn is." Rythian states-of-matter-of-factly.

"What he is..? He's human!..." I think it over for a moment. "He... He is human, right?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. No one knows a lot about the kid. I've read quite a bit about a magical creature with similar abilities." Rythian said opening the large book and looking at the table of content. He flipped to a few pages. "What's so weird about it? I mean Simons a dwarf after all. And I'm...of ender heritage." Rythian stated. He turned to a page. And I looked over his shoulder.

"A forest Elf?" I read from the page.

"That's what I think. It's only an assumption. They change with the seasons. More noticeably in the winter. They skin turns blue and they grow cold. Both physically and mentally." Rythian summaries a paragraph.

"Wow..." I said trying to take the book but Rythian quickly closed it and I pulled back my hand.

"I will read more about forest elves. Maybe I can find something helpful." Rythian said taking the book.

"It's my book." I replied trying to take it.

"Are you ten?" Rythian asked before leaving in a puff of purple particles.

Martyn's POV

The sun was setting and the only thing lighting up the night was the large sign of Honeydew. I waited until around 2:00 am, judging by the moons position in the sky. I got up and put my hand on the hinges of the door. A layer of ice engulfed them and I carefully pushed the door and it broke off from the wall. I caught it and carefully leaned it up against the wall. I walk outside and frost surrounds the area, so much for stealth... I take off running into the woods not looking back for a second.  

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