Ridgedog gets a fright

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  Xephos's POV

Everyone was inside the factory chatting amongst them self. Lalna, Zoey, Teep and, Minty came in through the door. Lomadia and Ridgedog were up in the penthouse checking Toby for any injuries. Lalna had already been check out and was fine since he made himself a new life stone. We had decided to interrogate Martyn in a bit to figure out exactly who he is working for.

Ridgedog's POV

Lomadia and I stood up next to Toby who was sitting down on Honeydew's car bed. "You poor dear. Let's get you fixed up shall we?" Lomadia said holding Toby's arm as he winced. I stood there with my arms crossed. I don't believe Toby so much now that I'm with him. Being a demigod has its perks, and my instincts were telling me something's not right. That innocent little boy was hiding something, and I intended to find out. "Ridge." I heard someone say quietly. "Hello? Earth to Ridge." "Ridgedog!" Lomadia shouted snapping me back to reality.

"What." I said.

"Please will you hand me the bloody bandages!" She said slightly annoyed.

"Yeah yeah." I said handing them to her. She swiped them from my hand and began to wrap up Toby's arm were there we're a few scratches. I didn't get why Lomadia was babying him, but I decided against saying anything. I did not want to face her wrath at the moment.

"Thanks Lomadia." Toby said with a small smile. I frowned and stared at Toby coldly. She turned around to put away the bandages and Toby faced me. His innocent smile flashed a menacing grin with red eyes. A jolt went through my body as I took a few steps back, my eyes widened with realization and horror. Lom turned around and looked at me confused.

"What?" She asked and I turned back to Toby who was looking innocently at Lomadia.

"I-I He...Got to go..." I stuttered and quickly ran to the drop in the floor and jumped into it landing gracefully on the bottom. I quickly ran out of the factory in a panic saying a long stream of curse words.

Xephos's POV

"Any sign of Rythian." I asked Sjin who just walked back into the factory from patrol.

"No." He said putting away his shot gun. Ridgedog suddenly ran across the factory straight for the door, muttering curse words. I got a glimpse of his face and it was full of panic and worry.

"Ridge? Wait!" I yelled running after him. It took a lot to spook the demigod and whatever it was, it wasn't good. I ran out the door in pursuit to find he had vanished. Probably teleported himself. "Damn." I say under my breath.

Martyn's POV

I sighed as I sat on the bed. I was alone, abandoned by my friends, and depressed. Rythian never came back... I was worried for him of course! I was still worried for them all, even Toby. This wasn't him. He was being controlled, I don't know how but it can't truly be him. I heard someone shout from outside and quickly ran over to the bars. Ridgedog was running out of the factory with panic written all over his face. He glanced over at me with guilt before with a quick snap of his fingers vanished. Xephos appeared at the doorway to the factory and said something under his breath. What had gotten into Ridge? Another person gone, But Ridgedog is a powerful demigod, surely he can fix this, if he ever returns.

Lomadia's POV

I flew down with Toby from the penthouse."Do you know what that was about?" I asked and he shook his head. "Well, he better come back soon." I said as we reached the factory floor.

"Well... Ridgedog has left." Xephos said walking back inside. "Do we have any idea why?" He asked me and Toby.

"No. I turned around from him and Toby and suddenly he gasped and stuttered. Then ran away, talk about mental." I said and Toby nodded.

"Strange, Well we'll have to do this without the aid of the demigod." Xephos said turning back to Lalna and Sjin. I left Toby and walked over to Minty and Zoey.

"Hey guys." I said and they both looked over at Toby who was sitting down on the floor.

"Hey Lom..." Minty said.

"Lomadia, do you think Martyns guilty?" Zoey asked.

"I'm honestly unsure at the moment. He's always seemed so happy..." Zoey nodded then her eyes widened.

"Oh my gravy. How long has Martyn been in there?!" She asked in a slight panic.

"A day... Roughly." I said.

"Has anyone feed him?!" She said concerned.

"Oh god..." Minty said.

"Go grab some streaks." I said as Minty ran to a chest.

"I have chocolate milk! It's for my arm but Martyns health is more important...plus I don't really need it for my arm..." Zoey said pulling out a bottle of chocolate milk. Minty came over with four steaks.

"Great. The boys worry me sometimes... Do you think they would have even thought to give him any food?" I said in a worried tone. The three of us walked outside to Martyn cell and opened up the door cautiously. We were all armed and he was outnumbered, so I wasn't really worried.

"Martyn...? We brought you some food." Zoey said walking in. Martyn was laid out on his bed and immediately sat up when Zoey spoke, which made me jump.

"Zoey? Minty, Hannah? That you guy?" He asked confused.

"Yeah it's us." Minty said handing him the steaks and Zoey the chocolate milk.

"Wow... Thanks guys." He said with a small smile as he began to eat the steak.

"Welcome. It's the least that we could do." Zoey said with a forced smile.

"Really. Thank you." He said finishing the steaks and putting the chocolate milk under his bed, probably for later.

"Martyn. You can talk to plants right?" Zoey said with caught us all off guard, even Martyn himself.

"Y-Yes. But how-" Martyn said.

"I can talk to mushrooms silly. They told me." Martyn looked surprised, but me and Minty looked utterly confused.

"Really? Well that explains a lot..." He said. Zoey places a red mushroom on the ground and looked back to Martyn.

"This is Bill. He said he will send messages between us so we can talk." Zoey said with a smile.

"That's brilliant Zoey." Martyn said.

"I think there outside." Lalna's voice was heard from inside the factory.

"Quick, I wouldn't want you guys to get caught. Go, quickly!" Martyn said in a low whisper. We nodded and scurry out of the room shutting it behind us. We ran over to the message board and acted natural as Sjin walked over to us.

"Hey Sjin!" Minty greeted with a kiss on the cheek, which made Sjin blush.

"Hey Mints." Sjin said smiling. "It's almost dark, you should all head in."

"Alright Sjin." Minty said and we all walked back to the factory. Once we entered the factory we noticed it was cleared of all people.

"Where is everybody?" Zoey asked and Sjin walked in behind us.

"Upstairs. You girls will be in the penthouse. Night." Sjin said flying up to the boys level. We shrugged and flew up the the penthouse. Four sleeping bags were set up. Nano was already in hers. We all walked in and get in, surprisingly they were very comfortable.

"Night everyone!" I yelled. I got a few 'good nights' from the boys level and soon the factory was silent.

Rythian's POV:

I teleported to the one place I know I was safe. Caber town.


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