A Friend To The Rescue

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Ravs's Pov:

My job of mayor was not all rainbows and butterflies! It was hard work! I patrolled the streets of Caber town with my gun in hand. Suddenly I spotted purple particles from around a turn. "Shit." I mumbled. "Enderman." I said loading my gun and cautiously turning the corner with my gun aimed. "Gocha!" I shouted at nothing. Confused I looked around until I heard moaning. I stupidly looked down to see Rythian lying on the sand stone path. "Damn, mage down." I say pulling Rythian over and setting him up against the house. "Hello? Rythian?" I said shaking him. "You there?" I asked, but he was out cold.

Martyn's Pov:

I woke up to being pushed out of bed.
"What the Fu-" I started but stopped when I saw Sips there staring back at me.

"Get up." He ordered with a smirk. I frowned and got up. "Good. Now, Who are you working for?!" He yelled as Sjin shined a flashlight at me. I covered my eyes from the flash light and looked at Sips.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled.

"What was that?!" Sips said and suddenly punching me in the gut. I doubled over and he grabbed the collar of my green sapling shirt. "Who. Are. You. Working for?!" He demanded again. I locked eyes with him.

"No one." I said. He dropped me and crossed his arms.

"Who are you working for?! Tell us you traitor!" Sjin exclaimed still holding the flashlight.

"I'm not the traitor you bas-" I stopped myself mid sentence with a deep breath. I needed to stay calm, don't let them get to me.

"Just tell us who you're working for Notch damn it!" Sjin exclaimed.

"We haven't got all day!" Sips continued. "We have dirt to sell!"

"Glad to see you have your priorities straight." Martyn said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Why you little!" Sips said and quickly slugged me, I could only guess that I was now sporting a large red bruise across my upper cheek. The punch seemed to allow Sips to blow off some steam as he recomposed himself.

"Fine. Don't tell us. But we'll get the truth eventually." He said throwing me onto the bed for good measures.

Sjin and Sips walked out and I frowned. Was I alone in all of this?... At least I had Bill the mushroom to keep me company. Nice mushroom he is... I got up and walked up to the bars of my cell. It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. Dawn had broken a bit from the position of the sun. My hand caught my eye and I paled when noticing the new bluish tint to my skin.

"Oh no." I thought as I checked around my body, as expected the blueish tint was slowly spreading around my body, starting from my chest which looked an odd cross of my normal skin color, and a deep blue. I could only hope my curse would stay dormant for a little while longer.

Xephos's Pov:

"Rise and shine everyone." I announced in the boys level. Panda, Teep, and Benji woke right up but Honeydew, Lalna, and Nilesy were still fast asleep. Lalna stirred and threw a pillow next to him at me, hitting me in the head. "Lalna!" I shouted and the scientist groaned in protest. "Honeydew! Come on! Get up you lazy dwarf!" I said walking over to him.

"Diggy Diggy hole...Zzzz Diggy...Diggy... Hole..." Honeydew sang in his sleep.

"Ugh! Nilesy! Get up! Lalna, Honeydew, Nilesy, we have a full day!" I said and Nilesy lazily sat up. His black hair was disheveled and his tie was gone. He put on his glasses crookedly and looked up at me obviously still tired.

"Wha' time is it?!" He said with a thick Scottish accent than usual.

"It's a little past dawn! And you three have slept in!" I said and he just looks at me.

"Dawn? Slept in? Wait, DAWN?! Why would ya wake someone up a' dawn?!" He exclaimed and I could barely understand him at this point.

"Because we're in a crisis!" I exclaimed back. From all the shouting, Lalna and Honeydew were now up, clearly unhappy.

"Tha' doesn't mean ya have ta go around wakin' us up at the break o' dawn!" Nilesy exclaimed as his accent decided to go wild.

"What? I can't understand you. Calm down!" I exclaimed and he fixed his glasses and crossed his arms. I groaned frustrated and flew away up to the girl's level and they were all fast asleep. I rolled my eyes and shouted "Wake up!" I covered my ears as a few of them screamed as they woke up.

"Jiminy Cricket! Xephos! Don't do that!" Kim shouted holding her chest.

"You gave me a bloody heart attack!" Lomadia exclaimed now clearly annoyed. All of the girls got up without any further comments so I went back downstairs. Sip and Sjin were to do interrogation on Martyn so I walked over to them.

"Anything?" I asked.

"He wouldn't tell us, but don't worry. He'll fess up eventually." Sips said confidently.

"Great." I mumbled.

Rythian's Pov:

A bright light above me shinned onto my face as my eyes squinted open. I hissed and quickly covered my eyes, as I tried to sit up but immediately fell back down into the soft bed with a groan. A figure walked over to me and stared down at me.

"Rythian? Are you okay? Wait, stupid question..." The voice said. I focused my eyes on the person and he came to clearview, it was Ravs.

"Yeah..." I mumbled out quietly.

"You're at the hospital in Caber town. I found you on the streets badly injured... Not that you look any better now..." Ravs added. I weakly sat up after a few attempts. "That Ender blood of yours is hard to work with, but we figured it out."

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Blood tests and many of em..." He said looking at the doctors and nurses scurry about.

"Okay... We need to go to Honeydew Inc..." I said trying to stand but quickly fell a Ravs guided me back onto the bed.

"Honeydew Inc? Why would ya want to go there?" He asked.

"There's... trouble. Why weren't you told?" I asked confused. Ravs shrugged.

"Only you guys and Nilesy know I'm here. They probably forgot about little ol' me." He said.

"Right... Well long story short someone has betrayed us and we think it's Toby. Well... They think it's Martyn while Zoey and I try to prove his innocence... In a way..."

"Whoa, whoa, what? Martyn and Toby? But they're just kids." Ravs said taking a seat on a bed beside mine.

"Yeah. I have a theory. Toby betrayed us and to take any possible suspicion off himself he's framing Martyn and so far, he's winning." I said sitting up.

"Little Toby? No way. He's only 16!" Ravs said wide eyed in disbelief.

"I got his confession."

"... Well then tell the others!" Ravs exclaimed like it was an obvious answer, jumping up off the bed. "Come on! Let's go play hero."

"I don't think they would believe me at the moment..." I said mentally cursing myself.

"What did you do?"

"They think I'm crazy and want to kill them all..."

"Well do you?" He asked me.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed which made Ravs snicker.

"Okay okay... So what now?"

"After I heal I'm heading back." Ravs nodded.

Zoey's Pov:

I knocked on Martyns cell door as I walked in.

"Good Morning Martyn." I said as cheerfully as I could as I walked in with a bowl of mushroom soup.

"Mornin Zoey." He said sitting up from his bed. I walked over and handed him the soup and he took it with a small smile. "Thanks."

"Welcome..." I said a little awkwardly.

"So how are things going?" Martyn asked as he sipped his soup.

"Good... Haven't heard from Rythian in a bit." I said.

"What happened with Ridge?"

"No one knows... Hannah turned her back from Toby and him, moments later Ridgedog went running out of the building." I said recalling the event.

"Toby..." Martyn mumbled and I frowned.

"Martyn... I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"It's not your fault Zoey..." He said sadly. I hated seeing people depressed that is why I was always such a cheerful person.

"Aw come on Martyn. Turn that frown upside down." I said with a small smile.

"Why should I... All my friends are against me and think I've betrayed them, I'm locked in this room 24/7, and... I lost my brother... Toby..." Martyns sadness turned into anger. "I mean why should I care anymore?! Why should I care if you all hate me?! If they all want me dead?! They probably never trusted me! And know I'm finally getting it, I meant nothing to any of them! None of them even hesitated to lock me up! And as far as I'm concerned Toby is and never even was my brother!!" Martyn exclaimed loudly, his face was red and he was breathing heavily. I shocked by Martyns sudden outburst.. "Just... go.." Martyn whispered, holding his head in his hands. I felt as I was going to cry, I ran over to the door and shut it behind me before going back to the factory.

Unknown Pov:

"All is going according to plan." The figure said watching down at the factory. "All the pieces are falling into place. The King is slipping and soon all will be lost for the heroes." The figure laughed maniacally as red eyes faded into the darkness of the forest.

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