A few inner demons show

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Zoey watch curiously as everyone scurried around the factory. Xephos was running around the factory, trying to organize a plan. Sjin was lounging on a chair across the room. Teep was over with Ravs playing the lever game.and they left the endermage who was next to her on the floor. Rythian's total focus seemed to be on an old book he was reading.

"Whatcha reading Ryth?" She asked cheerfully and the mage glanced up at her.

"Mythical creatures and legends." Rythian said looking up at Zoey. "I have a hunch that Martyn's a forest elf." He stated and Zoey jumped slightly.

"How do- I mean... What?! A forest elf?" It was easy to see she was panicked. The mushrooms had told her while ago about Martyn Littlewood's Elf heritage, but she new to keep it a secret.

"Wait, you knew?" He asked shocked, and a bit betrayed.

"Maybe.... kinda... okay yes." She responded. "But I was told to keep it a secret Ryth..." The technomage replied guiltily looking to the floor. Rythian sighed and moved the book from his lap to the floor. He stood up and grasped her hands.

"Zoey, we have to stop keeping secrets from each other." Rythian stated softly. Zoey looked up and nodded.

"You're right." She stated and they both share similar small smiles. Zoey seemed to have lost focus for a moment and quickly turned her head as if someone called her name. She let go of Rythian's hands and turned around only for her face to light up as she crouched down onto the marble floor. A small mushroom stood on the marble brick inform of her. Rythian stepped around her and stared dumbfounded at the small mushroom.
"Oh! Hey Terry." She said getting down to her knees.

"Hello Miss Zoey! I have a message from Prince Littlewood!" The small mushroom exclaimed.

"Oh my gravy! What's the message?" Zoey asked leaning in. Rythian had picked up his book, and stood behind her with his arms crossed over the book. He didn't, and probably won't never, understood Zoeys connection to the mushrooms. Rythian felt a growing feeling of awkwardness creep in as he stood silent.

"He is safe. He said that he is going back to the sapling kingdom and he wishes you all farewell." Zoeya grin dropped as she felt her heart sank.

"What?! He can't leave!" Zoey exclaimed in a slight panic.

"Zoey, what's going on?" Rythian asked concerned.

"Martyn's going back to his kingdom!" Zoey exclaimed.

"Kingdom?!" Rythian asked confused.

"He's a prince Rythian! Come on! Get with the program!" Zoey exclaimed.

"Attention Zoey, and Rythian." A voice rang out through the floor making the two jump and look around. "You're not very good a whispering; but I must say, you two are better than cable." A voice that was recognized as Lalna's came from a speaker on the wall next to a camera, followed by a small chuckle. Rythian face palmed and cursed himself for not noticing the camera.

Xephos flew out from a higher story and ran over to the two. "What?!" He exclaimed arms flailing and everything. "Your communicating with him?!"

"Well, kinda. He sent me a mushroom message." Zoey informed him.

"A what?" Xephos asked generally confused.

"He told Terry here, to tell me a message, and I got it." She clarified like it was obvious. Lewis looked at Rythian for a moment then back at Zoey. "How much did you hear?" She asked.

"From about when you two started yelling." He answered and once again, Rythian face palmed.

"Now, what kingdom is he going too? We'll go in after him and take him by force if necessary. Any complications and we can simply tell their king he is a fugitive."

"That doesn't sound like a good idea." Rythian commented.

"And why is that?" Xephos asked annoyed.

"It's his kingdom..." Zoey answered, there was dead silence for a few moments.

"Wait what?!" Zoey took in a deep breath before saying.

"Martyn LittleWood is a forest Elf, prince of the sapling and has his own sapling kingdom off in the woods somewhere, which is where he's from until he ran away from the kingdom and joined the Yogscast." Zoey said in one breath panting slightly afterwards. Xephos paused for a moment taking in this new information.

"Martyn LittleWood. The 18 year old kid, is a prince." Xephos stated.

"Yeah..." Zoey said.

"Then we gotta get him before he returns." Sjin said walking over.

"Sjin's right. When there's a kingdom there's an army. Let's more out! Now!" Xephos shouted, this voice echoing through the factory. "Who wants to go?" Xephos shouted. A few people came down. There was Honeydew, Lalna, Panda, Sips, Strippin, Benji, and Sjin who was already down on the first level.

"Zoey and I are going." Rythian stated.

"Fine. Now come on! Let's go! We're losing daylight!" Xephos exclaimed as the group exited the factory.


The forest Elf was walking through a small stream when something hit him, literally. Water splashed everywhere as the sapling prince fell backwards into the stream getting soaked. He looked up to see a familiar face.

"Oh look, a wild Ridgedog appeared." He said dryly wiping his wet blue hair from his face. The demigod was floating inches above the water. Martyn's eyes darted around the forest and once seeing that they were alone stood up.

"Martyn. Sorry about the unexpected bath." Ridge said not wearing his usual smirk and snapped his fingers. Martyn felt as his clothes became dry once more. Frost started to form in the surrounding area, as well as beginning to freeze over the creek.

"What are you doing here?" Martyn asked narrowing his eyes.

"I'm here to tell you you're making a mistake." He said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Martyn asked.

"This is exactly what Israphel wants. He wants you out of the picture by any means necessary." Ridgedog explained.

"Israphel?" Martyn asked confused.

"Yes Israphel... I have reasons to believe he's using black magic to use Toby as his pawn..."

"Told you." Martyn mumbled.

"Yes. Rythian was right. We should have more faith in each other." Ridge said and sighed.

"So what now?" Martyn asked.

"I may be able to convince the others of you innocence. Being a demigod has its privileges." The demigod flashed his trademark smile as he took out a pocket watch and pressed a button opening it. "I'll be right back." He said teleporting away.

"Sure." Martyn mumbled sitting down beside a tree. The voices of the trees returned. The forest elf tried to calm down, knowing anger in the winter was nothing new. InTheLittleFrost was not helping the situation. He did not want to confront his former friends like this. What is Ridge thinking? And that black magic bull. No way Israphel has that kind of power.

"You're right my king."

"He is against you!"

"Return home!"

"They never cared for you!"

"They were going to betray you from the start! Humans and Elves never live in peace with one another!"

The voice of the trees yelled in his head. Martyn held his hands over his eyes as if it would silence them, then a new voice spoke up.

"No. Go back and get revenge."

"Kill them..."

"Make them pay."

"Kill them all!"

"You are a prince and should be treated like such!"

"Those fools have betrayed you, make them regret it. You have the power, so use it!"

"Don't let those idiots heroes ever forget it!"

A bodiless voice snarled. This wasn't the trees. It was an all too familiar voice for Martyn. The young elf prince fought against the cruel thoughts of revenge as he tucked his knees into his chest and buried his face into his hands, silently pleading for the voices to seise.


The ten Yogs set out, each armed with weapons and armor. Toby had decided to join last minute, even with several others protests. The sun was setting but this was not something that could wait till dawn. Zoey sent Terry out to warn Martyn before they set out. The group followed the frost trail and soon became tired. 

"Xeeeeephhoooooos" Honeydew whined. 

"What?!" Xephos exclaimed annoyed as they walked. 

"I'm tired." Honeydew and and a few others nodded in agreement. 

"We don't have time to stop!" Xephos exclaimed stabbing a zombie like it was nothing.

"But when we actually get to Martyn we will all be too tired to fight!" Benji commented and Xephos have an annoyed sigh. 

"Fine! Do whatever the nether you want!" He said sitting down. 

"Finally." Honeydew said dropping to the ground. He leaned against a tree and relaxed. 

"We need a perimeter set up...." Lalna said rummaging through his bag. "I know they're in here somewhere..." He said to himself. "Ah ha!" He exclaimed pulling out several aqua colored torches.

"You brought Interdiction torches?" Sjin asked surprised and Zoey giggled.

"Yep. Here." He said giving Sjin half the stack. 

"You do one side and I'll do the other." Lalna said and Sjin nodded walking over and started to put down the torches. Soon a small base camp was set up and all its occupants fell to the land of slumber. 

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