The Carriage Ride

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Sidebar: If you'd like to see Marlene's perspective on this chapter, visit my other story, Violet Hill.

As Lily exited the train, her eyes scoured the crowd of mingling students, in search of a certain dark brown mane of hair that belonged to Marlene. She was also keeping her eyes peeled for the sharp grey eyes of Dorcas  and the quiet voice of Mary.

Fortunately for Potter, his friends found him soon after leaving the train, and, while continuing her ongoing search for her friends, she struck up a conversation with Remus, as he was the only one of the Marauders that she was comfortable around.

"Did you read any good books over the holiday?" Lily asked.

"Oh, yes. I read a few on wandlore that were just fascinating. Which reminds me, there was one on Charms that I think you'd like. I'd lend you my copy, but I'm afraid I've already given it to someone. I can't recall the title, but I know it was written by Miranda Goshawk. I'm sure you could find it in the library, though."

"Oh, lovely. Thanks, Remus!" She smiled at him. "Speaking of, I found this novel, Tales and Fantasies, it has three short stories in it, just a thrilling read. Of course, my sister got a hold of it, and she reckons it's 'just the worst thing she's ever read', but, well, Petunia's that way about everything nowadays."

"Really? I thought you were rather fond of her?"

"I am, of course, she's the one who's not quite so fond of me, I'm afraid-"

A body suddenly slammed into Lily, nearly knocking her off of her feet. "Bugger- Mar!" Lily cringed as her friend hugged her tight, though she was soon laughing at her friend's intensity. Marlene had always come on strong when it came to affection, but Lily had grown to love it over time. Passion, Lily supposed, was just sort of her thing. It was just her way of life to do everything with a blaze of fire. Marlene was an explosion waiting for a chance to emit sparks.

Upon being let go, Lily grinned at her friend. "Merlin- I only saw you yesterday, but I swear you've already grown taller."

"Ah, you wish you were my height," Marlene laughed, her dark eyes glistening. She, as usual, was the picture of beauty. Even despite the recent death of her brother, Augustus.

Olive skin glowing, her long cascade of dark hair was tied back, a few strands hanging out around her face. She was lithe and long-legged, a good fifteen centimeters taller than Lily. Though she loved her best friend, she couldn't help but to be jealous of her at times. Marlene was so beautiful, Lily often felt plain in comparison.

"You're dead on, Mar, I do. But it seems that I'm doomed to a life of being nearly goblin-sized."

"At least you smell better than I do. You could sweat a river and not smell any different than usual."

"Doesn't that just mean that I'm always smelly?"

"Well, yeah. Glad my point was made."

Lily rolled her eyes at her friend's gentle teasing and looked about. While they'd been greeting one another, most of the carriages had left. So, she tugged her friend along toward one of the remaining ones. The Marauders were of the few who hadn't yet boarded any carriages, and followed the girls. Lily knew they'd probably hung around because of Sirius and Marlene's thing.

"Where's Doe and Mary?" Lily inquired of Marlene, not wanting to get on the carriage until she'd found the rest of her friends. She tried not to smirk at the way Black kept eyeing her friend from a few feet away.

"I think they've gone ahead. Mary wanted to have a word with someone, apparently, so she left early. Probably that person she's been seeing," Marlene snickered.

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