Question #10

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As September drifted lazily into October, the air became increasingly chillier and rainier, the rain only pausing every few days before picking up again at a steady and heavy pace. And with the increasing rain came an increasing amount of homework with no sign of relenting. Most of which was review from previous years for the N.E.W.T.s.

Thus, Lily found herself concentrating intensely on the homework given Professor Amora during Defense Against the Dark Arts. They were taking two days for each year in review, and then spending last seven or so minutes of each class to work on homework. She was no doubt grateful for those few minutes of work time, seeing as she already have mountains of homework from her other classes. Especially transfiguration, since she simply could not get the hair color changing spell correct.

After finishing writing the answer to number six, she heaved a sigh, trying not to think of all the other homework she had, and the fact that she was going to have to make the trip down to the Herbology greenhouses in the freezing rain. She nearly groaned at the thought before clearing her mind in order to focus on the work in front of her.

She read number seven.

List five signs of lycanthropy.

Yes! She knew them all! She began scribbling furiously, and midway through the second sign she heard voices whispering behind her, followed by some hushed laughter from Sirius. "Hey, Moony. I heard your knowledge of werewolves is quite extensive, d'you think you could help me out with number seven?"

Lily ignored the conversation as best she could, though she ended up rereading what she'd written seven times, as Sirius had transferred his conversation into one about Marlene. "And she's got this thing with her hair, too. I'm telling you, she's an animal in b-"

She turned around with a tired frown. "Would you kindly talk about your sexual exploits at another time when you're not in earshot of someone trying to focus? I would be very grateful."

He raised an eyebrow at her, folding his arms and leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "So grateful that you would go out with Prongs if I stopped?" James grinned charmingly at her, and she stared at him, noting the way his uniform was slightly messed up, which she knew he probably did on purpose to enforce the new 'rugged' reputation he thought he had. He tie was loose, his shirt partially untucked, hair rumpled.

Her gaze flicked back to Sirius of whom she frowned at mildly. He, on the other hand, looked like he slept in his uniform and decided to just leave the Commons looking that way. His tie wasn't even tied, just hanging loosely around his neck, his shirt only half tucked in, making it seem somehow even sloppier, as if he was in the process of tucking it in but was too lazy to finish. Plus he had a large stain of pumpkin juice on his front.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I would. Now will you kindly sod off?" She said, her gaze flickering between the four boys, though her eye caught on Remus, who had a claw-like scar over his eyebrows, something of which she hadn't noticed before. He swiped his bangs when he saw her looking at it, and she supposed that was why she hadn't seen it previously.

James stared at her, his mouth open slightly, likely in disbelief of what she'd just said. She looked at him and raised a brow.

"Miss Evans! Would you care to tell me what you are finding so fascinating about your classmates that you are being distracted from your homework of which you normally work so diligently on?" Professor Amora asked in an icy tone and, still turned around, Lily pursed her lips, sighing through her nose before turning back around again, formulating a story quickly before voicing it calmly.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I only was hoping to ask Remus for help on the signs of Lycanthropy, when-" Lily stopped short as something clicked in her brain. "-when James provided me with the answer."

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