The Christmas Ball

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Sidebar: If you'd like to see Marlene's perspective on this chapter, visit my other story, Violet Hill.  

Lily spent the following weeks with her nose in every textbook she could find. Though she continued to keep an eye on Sirius and Marlene, their relationship faded to the back of her mind as her final exams approached. When she finally finished studying for her last exam in Defense Against the Dark Arts, she found herself actually sick of the library. Never once in her Hogwarts career had she been sick of the library. The smell of old books, the whispers of quills on parchment, even the dust, had always appealed to her. However, she'd spend so much time in the library that she actually found herself thankful that she'd be leaving it behind for a few weeks.

Another oddity that she'd noticed was her lack of excitement for the upcoming winter break. Sure, she'd have some time away from the library and her studies, but the holiday was dampened by her exams. She wouldn't hear back about her grades until she returned from break. Not only that, but she and James were going to have dinner with Petunia and her fiancé, Vernon Dursley. Lily had been excited for it until Petunia informed her that she wasn't going to be a bridesmaid in the wedding. Now, she only found herself dreading the break.

But Lily did what she could to set aside her worries as she, Marlene, and Doe readied for the Christmas Ball.

"Oh, hand me that lipstick, Lily, that's gorgeous," Marlene said as the girls put on their makeup. They'd gathered all the makeup they each owned to have the largest variety possible. They'd also been fighting over the single mirror in their dormitory for a while, Marlene occasionally hip-checking Doe out of the way, though the girl retaliated by stomping on her foot.

Lily picked up the bold red color she was referring to and handed it over. She gave one more swipe of mascara before placing her hands on her hips with a grin. "Done," she said, blowing Marlene a kiss. Fortunately, her makeup had come out looking great. She'd chosen pink as her theme, and while she'd gone a little mad with the blush, she'd eased up for the mascara, lip gloss, and soft pink eyeshadow.

"James is going to trip over his tongue when he sees you. You realize that, right?" Marlene said as she finished putting on her lipstick, completing her look.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Please, he's a grown man."

Marlene snorted.

"You look like you're mid-orgasm with all that blush. Any man would drop to his knees," Doe quipped as the group began to slip the dresses over their bodies. They were saving their hair for last.

"Oh, hush, I think it makes me look fresh-faced."

"Fresh as a hand down the pants," Marlene snickered.

Lily swatted at her. "You're one to talk, Mar," she shot back as the girls began to fix each other's hair. Marlene braided Doe's back before pinning it up into a regal bun. Lily sat down and let Marlene work her magic. The girl could do anything with a few pins. "Just give me a simple style. I don't care what, as long as it doesn't fall out while we're dancing."

"But that would add to the ecstatic look you have going," Marlene replied smugly.

"Oh, hush," Lily said.

Her friends just cracked up as Marlene put the last touch on her red hair. After Marlene's hair was finished, the girls dispersed to put on their shoes and jewelry. A few moments later, they collectively stood in front of the mirror.

"Oh, blimey. We look hot!" Lily gasped. Her makeup, pearled jewelry, white heels, and flashy dress came together to give her a look she never thought she'd had in her. She looked daring, with the slit up the side, the color-changing dress firmly grasping every part of her body, and the pearls gleaming amongst her wavy hair.

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