Second Chances

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Sidebar: If you'd like to see Marlene's perspective on this chapter, visit my other story, Violet Hill. 

Lily grinned happily beside Marlene as they sat in the Great Hall, eating their meal. Oh, the potions she'd make, and the things she'd learn. She couldn't help her excitement that had remained the same all seven years that she stepped foot in the castle. And she absolutely could not wait to see Gryffindor kick arse in the Quidditch matches to win the House Cup.

Amidst her awe, Lily realized that Marlene had begun flirting with Black again, who was sitting on Marlene's other side. Lily snickered to herself, and Marlene cast her a look, which Lily just returned with a grin. She noticed as Marlene grabbed Black's hand and held it under the table, as if Lily wasn't going to see something like that.

She was suddenly distracted, however, by a hand slipping into her own.

Lily looked down at her hand being held by none other than Potter, who she didn't realize had traded seats with Remus to sit by her. He gave her a wink, the mischievous twinkle that defines him in his eyes. She stared at him, searching for some explanation, too surprised at the bold move to really become angry with him.

He leaned in to her and whispered, "I figured since we copied them on the carriages, we could copy them in school too."

She didn't want to give him credit for being clever and tossed his hand from hers, putting her hands clearly on the table. "Not even in your dreams, Potter."

"Rejected," Black murmured.

"Again." Remus coughed.

"Oh, bugger off," Potter replied, though he didn't seem too upset by them.

Ignoring them, Lily looked over at Marlene with an exasperated look on her face, knowing that she'd only smirk like she knew something Lily didn't. And Lily was right. There it was.

"Last year you'd have slapped him for that." Marlene said quietly, though she grew oddly serious for a moment. "He's head-over-broom smitten with you, you know. And he's really not that bad."

"Yeah, well, why're you and Sirius still not 'together' when all you do is act like an old married couple anyway?" Lily snapped.

Marlene didn't bring it up again after that, and Lily knew she'd have been mad had anybody but Lily said such a thing.

Lily's eye was soon caught by the hand that rested on Marlene's thigh.

She looked at Potter, who'd also noticed. "Don't you dare copy that."

He just grinned at her. "Thought didn't even cross my mind."

She doubted that, but let it go nevertheless.

Lily took out her wand under the table and cast a silence spell over her and Marlene so they could have a proper conversation without the others at the table overhearing. "Alright, so he's wicked handsome, I'll give him that. Maybe I like his hair, and maybe, on occasion, he can be funny. But that doesn't excuse his behavior. He bullies everyone and he thinks so highly of himself, its a wonder he hasn't floated right up to the ceiling yet." She paused. "Oh, nevermind, I forgot, his big sodding head would keep him grounded."

Marlene snorted. "If you dislike him so much, why are you even sitting next to him?" She challenged, though Lily really disliked her point.

"Well, I've would've sat next to Doe, but she wasn't able to save us seats."

"Oh, please, Lily, that is the worst excuse I've ever heard. If you disliked him so much you would've just sat near Remus or thrown a fit like you would've last year. You also would've gone mad had he tried to hold your hand like earlier. And you never  would've sat on his bloody lap." She shot back.

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