Student Security

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Lily and James made their way down the corridors. They paused at every turn and every miniscule noise, wands at the ready. However, they didn't encounter any further trouble as they reached the Gryffindor commons.

"I'll check on Hufflepuff, then Slytherin. You check here and then Ravenclaw," Lily said.

He gave her a nod. "We'll meet back here when we're through."

She gave him a once-over, very much hoping that she'd see him again, and moved to leave. She was pulled back by her arm.

He pulled her in for a soft, sweet kiss.

"Be safe," he said quietly. His hazel eyes were alight with concern.

"You as well," Lily said. She offered him a terse smile before striding down the corridor.

She kept her wand unlit, lest anyone find her before she finds them. Moving through the darkness proved to be considerably difficult with the dimly lit lights and the corridors that had none at all. She walked slowly, cautiously, trying to keep her dress from making too much noise as she went.

However, she soon realized as she neared the Hufflepuff dormitory that her dress wasn't the problem. She hadn't even realized that she was still wearing her heels. But, she kicked them off in no time, abandoning them in a stray corridor.

Lily then continued her walk, eventually reaching the entrance to Hufflepuff House. She took a glance over her shoulder, and, hearing and seeing nothing awry, she stepped up to the pile of large barrels. They were stacked in the shadows on the right side of the corridor.

She carefully examined the barrels, recalling which was the correct one. She counted to the second row and the second barrel from the bottom. With one last glance over her shoulder, she began tapping on the barrel to the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff".

The barrel then shifted and opened a passageway within itself, through which Lily entered. She walked through the passage, which had a grass floor and was earthy above. When she reached the dormitory, she had a brief look around at the place, never having entered it before.

It was a lovely room. The House colors decorated the low-ceilinged room and she found it a rather earthy place, just like the tunnel in had been. The tables were all a lovely, warm yellow color, and she noticed that the doors to the dormitories were all round.

Lily had to admit that she loved the coziness and sweetness of the place.

However, she moved on to her task and rounded up every sleepy and bleary-eyed Hufflepuff into the commons. The room was immensely crowded and Lily was forced to stand near the entrance to the House as the room filled.

"What're you doing here, aren't you a Gryffindor?" A boy with a round face piped up.

"She's the Head Girl, shh," said a girl with bright green eyes.

"Maybe she's come to tell us we can go to the Christmas Ball, after all!" Said an excited first year with dirty blonde hair.

Lily opened her mouth, but was cut off.

"That's ridiculous, Scamander, hush," piped up another Hufflepuff.

Lily stared at the Scamander boy and tried not to tremble. His face was still looking hopeful and little did he know that a family member of his, probably a sibling, had been recently murdered. Gilmore Scamander's body was down there in the Great Hall and he didn't even know it.

Clearing her throat, she began. Thankfully, her voice came out clear and strong. "There are Death Eaters in the school. They caused trouble at the Ball and Dumbledore is working right now to secure the castle."

Murmurs of terror and disbelief filled the room, but Lily went on. "No one is to leave the dormitories until the castle is secured."

Whispers filled the room as each student turned to another, panicked. Lily stood still, overseeing the noise as the bright and cozy dormitory became tense. Several students approached her with wide eyes, asking questions about what had happened. She answered as honestly as she could, without revealing that people had died and were injured. She didn't think it prudent to terrorize the fourth years and below with the information. Even if she was the Head Girl, if they all tried to run out, she'd have a hard time stopping them all.

"Noah's not here!" Someone said from the crowd. A redheaded girl approached her with pigtails. "Noah Fawley isn't here, Miss Evans."

Lily tried to suppress the sense of pride that stirred in her at being called Miss Evans. She offered a smile to the girl. "He's alright, I took him down personally to the Great Hall."

The girl looked incredibly relieved and rushed Lily, hugging her around the waist. Lily smiled, hugging the girl back as the Scamander boy approached her next.

He looked so similar to his brother. The same blue-green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"My brother was at the Ball. Did you see him?" He asked.

Lily swallowed and tried to keep the smile on her face as the redheaded girl released her and disappeared into the crowd of Hufflepuffs. "I haven't seen him. I know that he's in the Great Hall."

"He's okay?" The look of relief that flooded the child's face broke her heart.

"I do hope so," was all she could manage, her voice a little shaky.

However, this seemed to be enough for him and he went to hug a girl, who Lily was fairly sure was a Scamander as well. They looked so very similar.

The girl caught Lily's eye and it was clear that she understood Lily's answer. The girl's lip trembled and she blinked away tears as she hugged the littlest Scamander. The girl didn't say a word to him about what she suspected, just led the boy away from Lily.

The sound of someone entering the dormitory reached her ears. Instinctively, she whipped around and raised her wand, throwing out an arm protectively across the students behind her.

However, she needn't have worried, as a moment later, the Head of Hufflepuff House came into sight. Professor Merriweather was a thin man with a kind face, though it had a grim look upon it as he came in. Normally, he was just as merry a fellow as his name.

Lily lowered her wand. "My apologies."

"Oh, don't apologize, Evans. I'd rather you stick a wand in my face than run to the other side of the room." He placed a hand on her shoulder as the students stared at him. "The castle has been secured, you may head back to your dormitory. And thank you."

Lily gave him a nod and a smile as she exited the dormitory, sparing a glance at the Scamanders before she left.

However, she didn't go back to her dormitory. Instead, she went to the Great Hall, knowing that she may still be needed. She was just in time to see the remainder of the Ball goers leaving the Hall. She assisted Professor McGonagall with herding the students back to Houses and was unable to not notice the looks on their faces. Each and every one of them looked disturbed and distraught, some worse than others. Many of them had blood on their gowns and dress robes.

She followed the back of the group beside McGonagall in silence for a while before glancing at her. "How did the Death Eaters get in?"

"That question would be better directed toward Professor Dumbledore."

Lily just gave a nod and remained silent the rest of the way to Gryffindor House. All of the stairs had her breathing deeply by the time she reached the portrait. James was standing outside of it, looking just as worn down as the rest. However, Marlene, Doe, Peter, Remus, and Sirius stood at his side just next to the Fat Lady.

"We need to speak with Dumbledore. Tonight," Marlene whispered to her as they watched the other students pass into the portrait hole.

Lily noticed that her hand was intertwined with Sirius's. She gave her friend a quizzical look, though the dark-haired girl just gave a smile. Lily could guess what had happened well enough.

"Yes, we need to see Dumbledore," Lily said.

The Doe & The Stag {James Potter & Lily Evans}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin