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Sidebar: If you'd like to see Marlene's perspective on this chapter, visit my other story, Violet Hill.   

Lily woke to someone poking her face. She'd been dreaming that she was swimming in the Black Lake away from Marlene's pet grindylow, and although she was glad to have been jolted from that, she was also very, very unhappy to have been awoken. Especially since her day had been a long one of trying to figure out what had happened with Marlene's murdered brother, Augustus.

The Marauders, Lily, Marlene, and Doe, had spent roughly two hours earlier that day trying to figure out what Augustus had been involved in. Marlene had told them all her theory that her brother had been involved with some sort of group that fought against You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters.

"I'll start jumping on the bed if you don't get up, Lily." James threatened, his wand in her face, the tip of it glowing and making things suddenly far too bright for her liking. He was kneeling beside her bed, and she reached out a hand, gripping the middle of his wand, eyes barely open, but definitely glaring.

"James Potter, if you poke me one more time, I will hex you out a window." She growled, voice still heavy with sleep. She then knocked his wand out of his hand to the floor. "And don't shine bright lights in my face in the dead of night when I've been sleeping."

She sat up slowly in her bed and folded her arms, hair entirely fussed, eyes reflecting her dissatisfaction, as she awaited an explanation for his interrupting of her sleep.

He picked up his wand. "You know, I never expected such immodesty from you," he said simply, eyes drifting downward to her nightclothes before they flickered back up to her eyes.

She was wearing a camisole and nothing on the bottom, though he could only see the top portion of her. It didn't bother her too much at that moment, she cared more about the fact that he'd woken her up and shined a bright light in her face. "I swear to Merlin, if you're here to seduce me, I'll-"

"Lily, if I was here to seduce you, we're already be in a compromising position. Not that I've entirely ruled it out just yet." He winked at her.

"Then why are you here? And make it quick, I'd like to go back to dreaming about hexing you."

"Oh, you were dreaming about me were you? By hexing do you mean se-"

"No, I don't mean sex. And if you ever want to have that with me, you'd better tell me what you're doing here at three in the morning, or so help me, I will not speak to you for a month." She was exaggerating, but she was also cranky and stubborn and wanted to sleep.

He heaved a dramatic sigh. "Firstly, it is only eleven. And secondly, it's Hallowe'en! Everyone's already down at the Forbidden Forest, all dressed up in their costumes, having a wonderful time. And, being the kind-hearted man that I am, I thought I'd invite you. We can test out the Hallowe'en mistletoes. So, get moving, we have some snogging to do, and we're missing the party. Besides, I'll be there, single and ready to mingle."

Lily just stared at him for a long moment, considering his proposition. Rubbing her eyes and supposing that even if she went back to bed she'd not fall asleep for another house, she tossed aside the covers and stood up. "Fine. I haven't a costume, though."

James raised a brow at her as he watched her leave the covers. He seemed surprised it hadn't taken much convincing to get her to go, though too preoccupied with checking her out to really think about it. His eyes roamed over her thinly covered breasts, and down to her lower half which was bare aside from her purple panties. "What you're wearing will do," he said absently.

"I hardly think this is appropriate for public viewing."

Lily wondered if he was popping another boner, but pushed the thought aside. Deciding to tease him a little, she stretched out her limbs, arching her arms over her head as she rolled onto her toes. She received the reaction she was looking for as he watched her and let out a small noise. Quickly after, he cleared his throat, eyes finally reaching hers again. "No, no, I think you're right. A parka would do. A big one. Poofy, too"

The Doe & The Stag {James Potter & Lily Evans}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin