Henry & Petunia

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"I'm not getting rid of him!" Marlene exclaimed.

"Marlene, I was fine with Henry when he wasn't terrorizing the dormitory, but that's the second time he's gotten out and bitten me. I've had enough! You've been trying to tame him for months and it hasn't worked, he needs to go elsewhere." Doe said, her light grey eyes ablaze with anger. She'd just stormed into the Great Hall and headed directly for Marlene. Her arm was wrapped in cloth, covering the teeth marks that Marlene's pet grindylow had bestowed upon her skin. Her black hair flew behind her, her porcelain features wrathful.

Lily, upon seeing Doe's face, was not at all envious of Marlene. Though she could put up a fight, she was no match for Doe. She may have looked harmless, but when angry, she was a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention her history of violence, and her history of being good at it.

Lily continued to stuff her mouth full of eggs, acting as a neutral bystander, hoping Marlene had enough sense to concede.

"So what? You'll heal! Lily, tell her!" Marlene said, looking toward her redheaded friend for support.

Both girls looked at her, as did the Marauders, who'd been watching the scene unfold. Lily glanced between her two friends. "I'm not being dragged into this." Involving herself in an argument between Mar and Doe was not a wise idea.

The black-haired girl turned her gaze back to Marlene and narrowed her eyes, a dangerous sign. "Either get rid of him, or I'll do it for you."

Marlene, seeing the look in her friend's eye, smartened up and backed down with a scowl. "Fine! I'll take care of it. Just know that I'm not speaking to you for a week."

Dorcas raised a brow slowly. She continued to hold cold eye contact with Marlene for another moment before spinning on a heel and storming out of the dining hall.

Marlene flipped off Doe's back as she went.

"She's going to stick your toothbrush in the loo," Lily said. "Or worse."

"She wouldn't," Marlene sputtered.

"It's Doe."

Marlene stared at Lily for a second then scowled. "Bugger!" She got up and chased after Doe.

Sirius, who'd been watching everything from across the table, looked at Lily. "Meadowes wouldn't actually do that, right?"

"Remember fifth year in Care of Magical Creatures when you insulted the fire crabs? Remember how you got back to your dormitory and there was a fire crab in your trunk that had burnt all your things to a crisp?" If there was one thing Doe cared about, it was creatures, magical and otherwise. Every single one was sacred and precious in her eyes.

Sirius looked vaguely angry, though mostly impressed. "That was Meadowes?"

She just nodded.

When Lily first met Dorcas, they despised one another. Doe had been a petite, doe-eyed, dainty looking girl, whose personality was the polar opposite of the way she looked. She had a violent streak, was ineffably rude, and distinctly volatile. In their second year, they'd had enough of one another and dueled. Lily won, and they became friends soon after, though Lily still kept a distance. The two didn't become close until sixth year. Doe's parents forced her into therapy over the summer before her sixth year, where she learned to channel her anger and aptitude for violence into her wandwork. She came back much more controlled and a rather powerful witch. She'd concentrated her temperamental energy into learning complex spells, and mastering each she came across. Despite now being well-tempered, she continued to have a nasty streak and proclivity for vengeance.

The Doe & The Stag {James Potter & Lily Evans}Where stories live. Discover now