she's just shy (edited)

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Three years ago,the barrier that separated humans and monsters was broken.

While still Hesitant at first to accept the foreign new people,some of the braver humans took the first steps in getting to know their new neighbors.

You were one of these humans,taking the first steps to befriend and welcome the new couple that moved in down the street.

That was how you met your now best friend Undyne and her adorable little girlfriend Alphys. It was also through them that you got to experience the ethereal beauty of their glowing souls as they did something so simple to humans with so much passion that it took up their entire being.


There was never a dull moment when a monster was dancing. It was always so transcendental that you couldn't help but watch in awe when a monster started moving.

You on the other hand,couldn't dance to save your life.

You briefly remember a short phase in your childhood where you wanted to take up ballet,but after a few classes your interest in the art faded away.

It didn't help at all that Undyne was so extremely extroverted. She loved taking any opportunity she could to go out dancing,and much to your dismay,she nearly always dragged you along.

"You need to socialize dork" she'd say,her beaming smile ever present. "It's not healthy to stay cooped up all day"

Easy for her to say-you thought,throwing on a baby blue sweater and a cute black tennis skirt. -she doesn't suffer from my very serious case of social awkwardness.

You barely had enough time to continue brooding while pulling on your shoes before Undyne was outside,blaring her car horn loudly and sending the neighbor's dogs into a frenzy.

The whole car ride there was filled with you desperately pleading to go back home amd her telling you that she read online that humans need a steady flow of socialization to stay mentally healthy. She was determined and you were at a loss.

After you both downed just enough shots to get a buzz going,Undyne left for the dance floor, leaving you alone to watch as sweaty bodies rubbed against each other in what they must have thought was some form of dancing,when it was just heavy petting in public. You sighed and told yourself to stop being so cynical,and that at least the DJ (Napstablook if you remembered correctly) was playing some good music.

You ordered a large glass of whatever fruity drink had the least alcohol (since you knew you were going to have to be sober enough to eventually find your friend) and moved towards the back of the club,where a long red couch sat waiting for you.

Sadly,you were unfortunate enough to be seated next to a couple furiously making out,but you tried to ignore it as your eyes trailed across the dace floor where you could see countless of glowing souls nearly outshining the lazer show and spotlights that flickered overhead.

You couldn't spot Undyne in the vast crowd of people,so you decided it was best to sit and wait till you saw her to creep out of your safe little corner. Taking the last sip of your drink,you contemplated standing up and getting another one when a smooth deep voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Aren't you bonely sitting here all by yourself. Startled,you looked up to see a hulking 6'2 mass of skeleton towering over you. You gaped for a moment,trying to find the words to reply in your state of shock. Undyne was tall,a good head and a half taller than you,but THIS monster was huge.

The skeleton's face was partially hidden under his hood,his patient smile telling you that he was used to this kind of reaction. You blushed and cleared your throat,trying to shake away your nerves. "N-no not really. I mean it is pretty comfortable over here." He chuckled,the sound making something warm flutter in your chest and a new wave of heat rise to your face.

"Now I know thats not true. No one ever sits down in this place so that seat of yours must be hard as a rock." You smiled lightly,pointing at the couple who had definitely moved on from just a makeout session. "They seem to think its comfortable enough." The skeleton's cheekbones turned a light shade of cyan and he grimaced. "Oh gross" you lauged despite you're awkward nervousness and his smile seemed to widen at the sound.

"The names Sans. Sans the skeleton if that part wasn't obvious" he chuckled as he stuck out his large hand. You reached up placing your much smaller hand in his. He looked shocked for a moment,another whisp of blue coating his cheekbones.
"I-I'm (Y/n)" you mentally scolded yourself for stuttering but Sans seemed very pleased,giving your tiny hand a small shake.

"Say (Y/n),Are you always this nervous?"

You blushed again,this time it was more of pure embarrassment than anything else. You tried to stutter out a response before a loud laugh interrupted you. "She's not nervous. Shes just shy" you saw Undyne coming up from behind Sans,her soul still faintly glowing from dancing.

Sans turned around,surprised but happy to see his friend emerge from the crowd of dacing people.

You hid your face in your hands,not even caring to ask how the two knew eachother as they exchanged greetings.

Sans cood softly at your flustered state and Undyne laughed again,sending the couple next to you moving farther away.

Undyne placed her damp hand on your head and smiled brightly. "She doesn't get out much." You looked up from your hands and leaned against Undyne's leg,blowing a peice of hair out of your face. "And it probably doesn't help that I brought her to a place where dancing is required and she has about as much grace as a doe on a frozen pond"

Sans' eye sockets widened slightly "wait,you dont know how to dance?" You nodded shyly,looking up at him. Undyne's name rang through the crowd and she ran after it, yelling about how this song was her jam,and ultimately leaving you alone once again with Sans.

He grinned and held out his hand to you "here,gimmi your phone" you obliged hurriedly and placed the small (in comparison to his hand at least) phone in his awaiting palm,only to cringeing in embarrassment at the pink bunny case that coverd it. He chuckled softly as he started typing away,giving your phone back to you.

"I own a small dance studio not too far from here. If you ever feel the need to learn,or you know" he scratched the back of his skull "if you wanna just hang out,gimmi a call"

A/n: bro I'm-bro I'm crying. I changed ALOT of things but this approach felt a little more natural 🤷🏼‍♀️ thanks so so so much for reading y'all! Feel free to leave a comment 🥺👉👈

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now