*clever chapter name*

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You woke up on you're couch with a splitting headache and an extreme hunger for chicken nuggets. Groaning,you sat up rubbing you're burning eyes.
"Glad to see you're awake princess"
Squinting your eyes,you looked over at the couch across from you,spotting a familiar green sweater. "Holy frick you're following me into reality now?" You stood up,still a little drowsy and walked over to you're kitchen. You're headache was bad,but you're hankering for nuggets was worse. "Well," Chara got up and followed you,leaning over you're kitchen counter. "It kinda looked like you needed my help with Sansy boy" you turned to Chara,confused.
"Sans? Sssans?" You paused for a second before you're eyes went wide and you dropped you're nuggets. "HOLY SHITBISCUIT HE PROBABLY HATES ME!" Chara snickered and put her hands on you're bare shoulders. "Relax princess! He doesn't hate you!" Chara's cold hamds sent shivers down you're spine! "Jeez why is it so cold in here?" You like looked down at yourself and gasped. "Woah! I don't have any clothes on!"

Chara smirked,they're eyes trailing up and down you're form. "Yea. Nice undies by the way!"

After you took a shower and got dressed in something nice,you felt alot better. "Hay Chara?"
"Yea princess?" They're reply came from the living room,so thats where you went. "Are you gonna be here all the tome now or..." You trailed of watching as they flipped trough various channels. "Well....im not really here...but i am.... Only you can see me. Im kinda like a ghost!" They munched on a piece of popcorn and turned back to the tv,leaving it on Adventure Time.

You where about to ask them another question but a loud knock on the door stopped you. "Who could that be?" You asked to no one in particular and went to the door. You heard Chara mutter "crap" under their breath as you swung the door open to reveal....Sans. You're eyes widened as he pulled you into a hug,resting his chin on you're head. (Just pretend Sans is taller than he is) "God kid I thought you were dead" "uuh...hi Sans" he pulled back,keeping his hands on you're shoulders and you noticed that,even tho you weren't naked anymore,San's hands where almost as cold as Chara's . You felt as though his eyes where looking onto your soul,until you realized he was actually looking past you at supposedly 'invisible' Chara.

You looked at Chara and then back at Sans,smiling sheepishly.  "Hello Comedian" Chara said smoothly,flashing Sans a perfect smile. "You miss me?"

A/n: wow... Its been a while... Sorry about that guys 😐🌸🌸

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang