tugging at your soul (EDITED)

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The next morning you woke up feeling giddy,despite your slight hangover. It was Saturday morning,and you usually spent your weekends browsing the internet or finishing some of the work you had left since you mostly worked from home.

You spent a rather long hour laying in bed contemplating weather or not you were going to call Sans to take him up on his offer. You didn't want to seem too desperate,but you also didn't want to wait too long.

You sighed,reaching for your phone,about to call Undyne when you heard a loud crash in the kitchen followed by the fish lady herself letting out a string of curses.

You giggled softly,jumping out of bed to greet your beloved friend.

Apparently,Undyne was too drunk to get home,and decided to sleep over. She was currently raiding your perfectly neat kitchen in search of painkillers to nurse her headache and cereal to cure her apparent 'ravenous hunger'.

You sat down at the kitchen counted an laughed whenever her face would scrunch up at your weird food choices. You looked over at you when she finally spotted a box of captain crunch and smirked.

Whats got you so giddy this morning dork?" She set two bowls down on the counter and poured you both a reasonable amount of cereal.

"I-uh,i was thinking of texting Sans later and uhh" Undyne set down the milk and looked at you with a shit eating grin. "And?"

You blushed and looked away. "Well uh I thought maybe he could uhhh...teach me how to dance! So I uhh...so I can be prepared next time we go out! Me and you not uh me and Sans. I mean not that we would-i mean i would NO! i mean-" Undyne cut off your rambling with a loud laugh

"Oh man you've taken to him faster than i expected! Of course you should text him nerd!" She set your bowl down in front of you and ruffled your hair.

You smiled shyly as she went over to the sink to get a glass of water,grabbing your phone out of your pocket and scrolling through your contacts. You found Sans' number and hesitantly started typing

You: hi Sans!

💀Sans: hia (Y/n)

You: wha- how'd you know it was me?🤭

💀Sans: Lucky guess 😌. So i take it you wanna take me up on my offer?😉

You: 👉👈🥺maybeee

💀Sans: well thats good coz i really wanna see your cute face again

You: asdfgsgsgsgfddfs

💀Sans: uuh (Y/n)?

You: assffkskskdsskd

💀Sans : (Y/n) hun I don't speak bottom



You: I'll have Undyne drop me off at your studio around 13:00 is that okay? 🥴

💀Sans: studio? Awh damn thought you needed me for something else 😏

💀Sans: im kissing


💀Sans: oh my god

💀Sans :🤡

You: 💀💀💀💀💀

The rest of the morning was filled with rushed panic as you scrambled for something to wear. You needed something relatively comfortable since you were most likely going to have to dance,which you were already dreading.

10 minutes before 13:00 you finally settled (with some help from Undyne and Alphys who cane over to assist) on a pair of leggings that were far too tight around your butt,and a white sweatshirt with a spaghetti strap shirt underneath.

Undyne gave your butt the smack of approval as you exited the car and Alphys gave you a big double thumbs up. You waved to the two as they sped off leaving you standing in the parking lot,your heart pounding nervously.

You had half a mind to just chicken out and run away,but a familiar smooth voice interrupted you. "You're not thinking of running away are you?" You nearly jumped out of your skin,tears instantly springing to the surface as you let out a loud yelp.

You turned around to see Sans nearly doubling over laughing. You tried to laugh too,seeing as you genuinely found it as funny as he did,but you could only manage a whimper as the welled up tears spilled over.

Sans instantly stopped laughing at the noise,seeing your red and teary face as you softly gasped for breath,trying to calm your racing heart.

You had no idea why you reacted this way,it's not like it was even that big of a scare.

But regardless,Sans was in front of you in an instant coddling your small frame in his arms.

"Ohh no no no, I'm so so sorry angel-oh no please little one don't cry! I didn't mean to scare you! Oh god and i laughed too im so so sorry" he bent down so his face was level with yours and used his surprisingly warm hands to hold your face,wiping away your tears with his thumbs.

"N-no I'm sorry i overreacted I didn't mean too start c-crying Sans" he shushed you softly and pulled you into his arms.

You could tell Sans felt really bad,which in turn made you feel even worse. Sans made sure you completely stopped crying before pulling away.

"I uuh,think we should skip the dance lesson for today and just get you a drink."

"No! No its okay Sans I'm okay!" He lauged lightly pushing a bit of hair out of your eyes.

"You sure?" You nodded your head "uh huh"

Sans smiled warmly taking your hand. "Lets go then"

It took you some time to get over your initial embarrassment,but Sans was very carefull with you and assured you that you did absolutely nothing wrong every time so so much as looked down at your feet.

Once you entered the dance studio you were a bit awestruck at how clean and neat everything looked. None of the mirrored walls had so much as a smudge on them and every banister was gleaming in the light.

Sans took in your look with a sense of pride. "I made sure no one came around today so we can practice alone. Do you have any dance experience?"

You looked away from the many colored lights on the ceiling to see Sans grabbing a stereo remote.

"O-oh uhm, i did go to like 3 ballet classes when i was little...oh and my parents made me learn how to do the waltz too"

Sans'grin widened at this. "Thats perfect! He clicked a button and soon a soft song began to play which you recognized to be 'Merry go round of life' from Howl's moving castle.

You smiled shyly as Sans took your hand and gently placed it on his shoulder,or rather his chest seeing as you couldn't reach that far.

You kept your gaze fixed on your feet,desperately trying not to step on his feet. Sans laughed lightly and moved his hand from your waist to cup your cheek and make you look at him.

"Eyes on me okay? You gotta feel your movements not just think about them. Here,close your eyes" you did as you were told and soon you felt yourself moving perfectly in sync with Sans. You felt a deep purr reverberate through his ribs as you let out a small delighted yelp when he spun you effortlessly.

A warm glow was what made you open your eyes,and you were in shock to see his soul glowing warmly. You looked up to see him smiling down at you with a raised brow bone. You blushed darkly and averted your eyes making Sans laugh softly.

You felt something tug at your soul,pulling you,almost like a magnet towards Sans. You were about to comment on it before the song stopped and Sans dipped you,giving you a smug smirk.

"That" he started pulling you back up "was a very good start. Now we can move on to something a little more...modern" he said as he pressed another button on the remote

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ