connected from the past(EDITED)

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You stumbed towards Sans,a familiar pull guiding you towards the warmth that he seemed to carry with him. You were shivering,cold and anxious,tears blurring your vision.

"Sans theres someone-" he cut you off "i know.....lets get you out of here" you stumbled again,only mumbling half of his name before falling to the floor and into...


It was dark. And colder than before. You could make out a figure in front of you,but you could tell just from the energy coming from them that it wasnt Sans. Your soul seem to recoil and surge forward at the same time causing you to move closer to the unknown person

Once you were close enough you ould make out the familiar face of the kid you saw in your dream,only older now,seemingly older than you,and slightly more.... terrifying.

"(Y/n)" they started,putting a slow emphasis on every syllable of your name.

You shivered,but moved closer,somehow knowing that they wont hurt you.

They laughed softly,reaching out and placing a surprisingly warm hand on your cheek.

"I found you. After all this time. I found you" you placed your hand over theirs,a shiver raking through your body.

"Who are you?" Their smile fell a bit,but they shook their head. "My name is Chara. were once someone very special to me. You still are someone very special to me."

You nodded slowly,trying to place all the strange feelings this person was giving you.

"Our souls are connected. Just like they were back then." You shook your head,still holding onto their hand. "I don't understand"

Chara only laughed,softly,sadly. " I know...but you will. I just need to get rid of that pesky skeleton"


You woke up on your couch, panting heavily.

Sitting up suddenly you noticed a cold wet rag fall from your forehead, and onto your bare legs,making you jump a bit.

You sat in complete silence,save for the fan that was placed almost directly in front of you,trying to peice together what had happened.

Looking down at the only cover on your body,aside from your underwear, you saw that your feet were wrapped in bandages,a small amout of blood seeping through the fabric.

It was silent for a few more seconds,before the sound of a page turning caught your attention. Your head shot up towards the noise,and you saw none other than Chara sitting on the couch across from you,flipping through one of your old art magazines.

"Kinda figured that you'd be interested in art. God knows you couldn't dance" you shrieked and tried to scramble away,falling over backwards off the armrest of the couch,bumping your head on the little table that stood beside it.

"H-how did you get in here??? Where are my clothes??? Are you following me outside of my dreams now???" Chara only laughed placing the book down and jumping up onto the coffee table,looking down at your panicked form.

"Calm down little girl. I'm not the one who took your clothes off,I'm not a heathen. And I already told you,my soul is connected to yours,meaning YOU are giving ME the power i need to manifest!" They stood up dramatically,throwing their arms in the air

When you didn't react they rolled their eyes,jumping off the table. "Well its good to see your still as jumpy as ever" they stalked off into the direction of the open kitchen,but only getting so far as the counter before the front door burst open,revealing a very worried looking Sans.

"Fuck,damnit tiny are you okay?? I heard you screaming from down the hall and-" he stopped,his eyelights dimming until there was nothing but darkness filling his eye holes. His head turned slowly,menacingly towards the spot where Chara stood,calmy chewing on a pretzel stick they got of the jar on the counter.

"Hello comedian"

Sans looked over at you still sprawled out on the floor before looking at Chara again,who was now coyly waving at him.

He was about to open his mouth to say something,before a very loud voice followed by a bang interrupted him.

"(Y/n)!!!! Thank Asgore your awake!!!!!" Undyne bolted passed Sans and towards you,scooping you up in her arms,tears streaming down her face. "You little asshole don't you ever do that to me again!! I thought i lost my bestfrie-wait why are you on the floor?" You struggled for a bit to get out of Undyne's death grip before looking up at her.

"I uhh...was a bit startled when i woke up." She only nodded,plcing her hand on your forehead. "Well at least your fever is much better" she said pleased looking over at Sans "See i told you taking her clothes off would hel-who the hell are you?"

Chara pulled their attention away from Sans,looking over at your friend with a charming smile. "I'm...Charli, (Y/n)'s old friend from high school. I came over after she called me saying that she was sick"

Undyne looked at him skeptically,picking you up off the ground and putting you back on the couch." She called you? She doesn't have her phone." Chara or Charli rolled their eyes. "Well she used the landline obviously"

Undyne only frowned, nodding before turning to look at Sans. "Whats up with you?" Sans shook his head finally tearing his eyes away from Chara.

"Nothin just thought they looked familiar" you felt a gentle tug at your soul as Sans' eyes fell on you. Without thinking he rushed over and pulled you into a big bear hug,burying his skull in the crook of your neck.

"Damnit kid you scared the shit out of us. You can't just disappear without telling anyone!" You gripped his jacket,feeling the familiar warm safety that came along with him. You nuzzled into his chest,feeling like you were about to burst out into tears at any moment.

"'M' sorry guys. I was feeling really bad. I didn't mean to scare you." Sans only held you tighter and Undyne ruffled your hair. "Dont worry about it,just don't do it again" she turned to Chara with a look of interest

"So I'm guessing that YOU'RE the one who told the landlord that she was away? To see her parents?"

Chara was panicked,you felt the familiar burn of anxiety in your soul,only it wasnt your panic. You pulled away a bit from Sans and looked at Chara.

"I asked them too." Now all of the attention in the room was on you. "You shyly looked down at your fingers. "I called Char-Charli and asked them to come by right after Undyne dropped me off at home. They work as a nurse you see,so I asked them if they could come over and help me." You looked up at Chara again and smiled sweetly "I asked them to tell the landlord that i was away,so that none of you came over here to try and help me. I didn't want any of you to get sick too. I made Charli leave right before i went outside,because i was feeling really bad for asking so much of them."

Undyne looked at you with big tear filled eyes " hey come on now. You should know better than to keep something like this from us! Your fever was so high when we found you that we wanted almost took you to the emergency room." You looked down again

"I'm sorry guys." You felt Chara's anxiety melt away into something warm. "I promise it wont happen it again."
Undyne laughed wiping her eyes "It better not dork."

You felt Sans look at you weirdly,but you didn't dare meet his eyes.

"Now then." Undyne started. "Lets get you dressed and get some food in you"

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now