when souls connect (EDITED)

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Even though Sans was very very gentle with you,you still somehow managed to end up wheezing and sweating on the dace room floor. Sans was very concerned to the point where he stopped everything and made you take off your sweatshirt,only to turn bright blue. He quickly composed himself however and continued the lesson after making you drink nearly half a bottle of water.

"O-okay now try to put your leg up on the banister and move as far down as you can okay,it'll help a bit to know how flexible you are before we get on to the harder stuff yeah?" You simply nodded and to Sans' surprise you lifted your leg with almost no trouble,bracing it on the banister before leaning down all the way and touching your toes.

Sans stood still for a moment,his eyes shamefully raking across your form. He took in the way your leggings seemed to perfectly shape around your butt and the way he could almost see your- "Sans? Is this right?" You turned your head slightly,seeing Sans shaking himself out of a daze.

"D-damn,sorry tiny. Lets see about that form" he came yo behind you,trying his very best to focus on anything other than...he shook his head and placed his hands on your upper thigh,trying to get your knee just a little straighter.

You let out a little sound that sounded almost like a yelp mixed with a moan as he pushed down a bit harder,the stretch making you pant a bit due to the strain,which made him step back and wipe away at his skull,before slowly helping you remove your leg from the banister.

You stumbled a bit,leaning back into him for support.

He helped steady you with a light chuckle,before moving over to the wall and picking up your water bottle, handing it to you. He deliberately tried to avoid looking at your chest as you stretched out your back.

"You're really flexible in your hips,but we need to work on your thighs a bit. But we can do that next time. Right now we better get some food in you tiny" you giggled cutely at Sans and he huffed, trying to hide the deep blush that he felt creeping up.

After grabbing your sweatshirt an pulling it over your head,Sans seemed to relax a bit leaving you very confused as to why he was so flustered before.

Sans took you down the street to a small bar named Grilbys and ordered you a much too large large serving of fries from a man-or rather flame man that he seemed to be on pretty good terms with.

You looked up at Sans as he lauged along with the monster sitting next to him,and you felt that same magnetic pull at your chest. You could have sworn Sans felt it too because the moment you raised your hand to your chest he turned to look at you.

He stared at you silently for a second making you blush hotly and turn to your fries shoving the salty stick in your mouth to avoid being awkward. He smiled fondly at you before the monster next to him nudged him with his shoulder

"Whoo is big ol Sansy getting all soft for a mat-" Sans shoved his hand in the monsters face chuckling awkwardly and looking back at you,only to find you sound asleep,your face burried in your sleeve, a fry still clasped between your fingers. He cood softly and made a move to pick you up ready to take you home...only he had no idea where you lived.

"Awh shit he mumbled,moving you slightly so you leaned against him instead of on the hard table. You didn't react much,only mumbling something too quiet for him to hear and nuzzling into his side.

Sans felt a gentle pull at his soul his eyes turning to stars and your small fist grabbed a handful of his jacket. He had to tear his eyes away,looking up for a second only to see Grilby giving him a knowing look.

Sans only scoffed at him and made an attempt to hide his blush by lifting his phone to his face and dialing Undyne,waiting patiently for her to pick up as he wrapped an arm around to to make sure you didn't slip.

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now