Chapter Two: Sitting on a Barrel

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The next day, when I came downstairs, there was no Wendy crashed out on the sofa chair in the living room. Instead, there was Grunkle Stan, with a slight trickle of drool running from the corner of his mouth. And he wasn't wearing pants. And he hadn't taken a shower in a few days. Enough said.
I wandered into the kitchen for a quick bite to eat. I was halfway done with my cereal by the time Mabel came down and poured herself a bowl.
"Hey bro, wassup!" she asked.
"Hey Mabel, not much. Just thinking about Wendy, that's all," I replied.
"Dipper, you absolutely positively totally need to ask her out. I mean, you guys are perfect for each other! You both like bad movies, junk food, and exploring! The only thing stopping you two is you don't want to ask her out!"
"Oh, and you know, that she's like, 15, and I'm 12," I muttered, annoyed at the fact separating us, or at least it would in her eyes.
"She won't care about that!" Mabel exclaimed. "She'll just care about you! Come on, you know that's true!" she prodded me with her foot under the table a few times, and I finally laughed, prodding her back.
"You know what, your right! I'm gonna ask her out today!" I said confidently, just as I finished my bowl of cereal.
"YES!" Mabel said, jumping up out of her seat, punching the air. "High Five!"
I high fived her, and ran back up to our room in the attic to grab my notepad to assist Grunkle Stan scamming his customers, and mainly to get to sit next to Wendy for a few hours, or more! I came downstairs just as the bell rang and Wendy walked in.
"Hey buddy!" she said to me, and took her usual spot behind the cash register, waved to Mabel, and buried her face in a magazine. I took Mabel over, and told her that if things went south like yesterday, then she was to make a diversion so that I could get out of there.
I then went over and sat down at my usual barrel near the cash register just as the first customer walked in.
"Hello and welcome to the Mystery Shack," Wendy said in a bland voice. She accepted the person's money and I recorded it on my clipboard, and then turned to Wendy.
"Hey so Wendy, about that thing I was talking to you about yesterday..." I trailed off.
"Oh yeah, what was that?" she asked.
"Oh, ah, just, ahaha," I laughed nervously, tapping my 2 index finger together. I glanced at Mabel in panic. She groaned, and then, and I couldn't tell if this were on accident or on purpose, tripped and fell into the line of postcards. Wendy and I both ran to her, but I got there first. I helped her up, then ran out of the room before I could be further questioned by Wendy.

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