Chapter Four: I Love You

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I woke up the next day to my phone buzzing. I looked, and saw I had 3 texts from Wendy. I hurriedly rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and immediately responded.
Wendy: Hey there
Wendy: Wanna hang out today?
Wendy: Oh you're asleep, aren't you. Sorry!
I quickly answered her.
Dipper: Hey, sorry, and yeah I was asleep. Also, I'd love to hang out! Maybe a picnic?
I only had to wait about a minute for her response. Man, do teenagers ever put their phones down? I blushed at that thought, thinking I sounded like Grunkle Stan.
Wendy: Sure! That sounds great! How about you get the food and I'll bring some drinks?
Dipper: Cool! How about 2:00?
Wendy: Okay, I'll meet you at the shack. See you then!
Dipper: Okay, bye!
I flopped back onto my bed, grinning madly. Finally, the girl of my dreams, likes me back! I was ecstatic. I got up, and and headed downstairs. I ate my usual breakfast of a bowl of cereal, then went upstairs and took a good length shower, to make sure I didn't smell in front of Wendy. I then put on at least 3 layers of deodorant, brushed my teeth, at a mint, and headed downstairs again to pack a good lunch for Wendy and I. I began to make a few corned beef sandwiches, before Grunkle Stan came in.
"Hey kid, whatcha doin'?" he asked, unaware of Wendy and my relationship.
"Hey Grunkle Stan! I need to tell you, I started going out with Wendy!" I told him
He just looked at me blankly before cracking up.
"Kid, face it. She's like, a bizillion years older than you. Plus about twice your size! I think you should focus your attentions on some girls your age."
"No!" I said, blushing, but determined not to stutter. "I'm not joking, we really are dating! You can ask her!"
"Alright, I'll do that when she comes for her shift tomorrow!" Stan said, chuckling as he left the room, carton of milk held in one hand. I finished making the sandwiches, packed some chips and chocolate and 2 apples, and closed the picnic basket. I then scanned a map of gravity falls for the perfect place for our picnic, and finally found it. There was a clearing by the bend in a river that ran off the lake, with a great view of the rest of the forest. I sat browsing through the journal, until I heard a knock at the door. I hopped off of the chair I was sitting on, slipped my journal into my vest pocket, and ran to get the door. I opened it to see Wendy, holding a case of 4 bottles of Pitt Cola, grinning when she saw me.
"Hey dork," she said. "Ready for our date?"
I blushed, murmuring "yeah, lemme grab the picnic basket," and ran into the kitchen. I then joined Wendy out the door, with the picnic basket hooked around the crook of my elbow.
"So where are we of to?" Wendy asked.
"I found this cool place, let's go!" I said.
We started down the road, and made our way to our destination in about a half an hour, and flopped down onto the grass with our food and each other. I passed Wendy a sandwich, and she passed me a soda. We sat like that for a few minutes, eating our food and enjoying the company we each provided. Eventually, it was Wendy that broke the silence.
"It's really pretty out here," she noted. I tried to look at the scenery, but all I could look at was Wendy, with her perfect red hair, and twinkling emerald green eyes. She snapped her fingers in front of my face after I had been staring at her for a minute.
"Oh. Uh, yeah, really pretty," I stammered. "Just like you," I said, then wondered why I did.
"You're so sweet," she said, kissing me on the cheek. I then moved over and sat curled in her lap, staring at the river with her. She rested her chin on my head, and I grinned. We sat like that for what must have been an hour, just holding hands, and drowsing off in the lazy summer afternoon. Eventually, she murmured a few words.
"I love you Dipper Pines," she said sleepily.
"I love you too Wendy" I said back.

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